Whatever, if you say that it has no place in the suggestion area, then it does not. I just wanted to put it somewhere where it would stay at the the top of the list long enough for someone to take it heart. I will not post suggestions that are not direct suggestion to the forum in the suggestion section again, Although I would have preferred for this to be moved to "anything else," "spamzone" it is. I just wanted to make posts easier to read.
Before he could even register what was going on Mr. Wheeler was pulling Saule out of the building. "Hey . . . hey! . . . I was standing there," Saule said lamely. Saule continued to be dragged for quite a while until he decided that enough was enough and that he would have to extricate himself from Wheeler's tight grip. This task proved more difficult than Saule had originally predicted, and in fact Saule had to pull himself out of his shirt in order to free himself, revealing the large scar on his chest.
This is not actually a suggestion for the forum but actually the people who use it. Firefox 2.0 has a spell check for forms. If you are not using Firefox I suggest you do it will make your posts much more legible, I know it has worked wonders for me and my normally bad spelling.
Saule frowned. The concierge was smarter then he looked, unless he was not what he looked like, it was possible that the concierge was really the woman from the supermarket, only she was a shape shifter god. It was also possible the concierge was a puppet to a mind controlling god. In any case there was not much he could gain from him, but that would not did not stop Saule from trying. "I imagine he would have used a pseudonym, he is very disliked by a local gang, and I doubt that he would risk giving his location to them. Why do not you just read who is on Miss Santos' guest list and I will tell you if I recognize one of his aliases?"
Saule smiled. He had already received most of the information he could have hoped for: a name. He had at no point mentioned who he was looking for, but the concierge had been kind enough to give him the name of the most important person in the building. The concierge was a short and balding man who looked easy enough to influence. "I am not actually here to see Miss Santos although am afraid it is inevitable that I will. You see, a good friend friend of mine, Badger Berkley, is staying with Miss Santos, and he asked me to pick him up for so he can get an early place in line for some book signing or something." Saule was not sure if this ploy would work, but at least it would force the concierge to ring Miss Santos, and telling Saule whether or not she was home.
Those fact may be true based on current trends, but odd are that trend like that will not continue. Read between the lines! If both China and India can do all our jobs for cheaper then the United States is headed for a market crash and if something as powerful as the US went under, it would cause a worldwide crash, bringing technological developments to a screening halt. Also, have any of you seen 2001: Space Odessy? They thought that computers like HAL would exist in 2001, and it is 2007 and my computer cannot even adjust to the new time change laws in the United States!
Saule had left the store with the intention of not following the hooded woman, but by some strange set of coincidences after walking in different directions their paths had converged near the tallest building in the intimidate area, and where Saule had planed to await the morning. Saule then saw her entering a nearby apartment building and decided to let curiosity get the better of him; he could not see the man in black, but that was perhaps because he had already entered the building. Nevertheless, Saule walked up to the building and pressed a call button and began reading the call buttons. 'If I can find out who this person is I can find out she is indeed an old god, and even if she has nothing to offer me, her location may make a good enough gift to Media that I can finally have somewhere nice to live.' Saule thought. OoC: Gharanth, what is your character's listing on the apartment call button?
The "meaning" of life is different for different people, but most feel it has to do with the following thing: Treating others kindly, getting closer to the divine, doing the thing that give you the most happiness, or binging another life into the world.
Hands Up - Black Eyed Peas
On topic: I like to give everyone the benefit of the of the doubt. Off topic: Storrini, why, thank you, I am proud of my verbosity, and my 2 favorite words (that I can think of right now) are: narcissism and juxtaposition.
Saule had looked back, a second earlier, and now he had to resist doing a double take. She had made eye contact with him and those had not been the empty eyes of anyone in Media's inner circle, those eyes had been very old, possibly those of a very mature and aware but more likely those of an old god. Saule was not sure tailing her would be a good idea, if she was an old god then the man beside her was most likely one too, and Saule could barely handle one right now.
I am totally sick of the narcissistic threads asking people if they are liked, so I am making a nice blanket statement for all.
Saule paid for his candy bar. He then followed the woman and the man out the door. It was outside that Saule became aware of just how incredibly intimidating the man next to the pale skinned young woman was. He was not particularly muscled or really tall (although he was most assuredly taller than Saule), but did look as though he would punch you in the face soon as look at you, of possible just punch you in the face without the whole "looking" thing). 'Bodyguard!' Thought Saule, 'must be a movie star (an eccentric one to buy food at the super market), but a movie star or someone equally famous none the less. That is probably why she wares that hood over her face. I should probably not bother her, she may be one in Media's pantheon or a human about to join it.' Saule gave one last woeful look at the orange juice heading away from him and turned away to go and find a good place to await sunrise.
No way! Should people in jail for serious crimes be allowed to be tortured by the interrogator? No, even if the person does have information that could be used to help people, you could never find out until the process has been done. The same with mind reading, you could not know if the person actually has anything of value in their head until looking in there. People thoughts are their most private and personal things and should not be used against them. Plus, I know that I sometime think thing that I do not mean, or only have certain thoughts because I do not want to have them. So, if someone admits to a crime in their head, how can we tell if their brain only said that because it was what the person did not want to think and did not mean.
Hey Zexion what do you mean by "justified?"
Yay! Welcome aboard! The trick to learning how to use the site is finding one part of the site you really like, make friends with someone there and that person will show you the rest of the site.
I say mind reading is okay only if the person agrees to it, like the polygraph test (lie detector). But I am still not sure if it should be used as admissible evidence, because juries may take it as completely fool proof and they should doubt each piece of evidence at least a little. And let us not forget the 5th amendment, that says that people do not have to testify against themselves.
From Neverwhere: "Marquis De Carabas: 'nice' in a bodyguard is about as important as the ability to regurgitate whole lobsters"
I have only heard 2 Rage Against the Machines songs and I feel very ambivalent. Can someone tell me if they are worth checking out?
Wounded - 3eb