Agreed. Awesome job. This is beyond words... Now that I have my PS2 working, I have to try this.
Heya XIILarxene! I hope you enjoy KH-Vids.Net.
I.HAVE.A.HUGE.PROBLEM. Today diaster striked my PS2. (Not really, it's more the KHII Disc) The mastercode has worked perfectly, (Thank you,...
Those are awesome codes. I hope I get my AR working soon... ;(
No Problem nasirrich!
Thanks guy's for the support. You guys rock!
Since it's moslty disney in KH, I would say Square all the way! Ther created the keyblade..... and they created every single new character. (Such as Riku) Diseny said that they wanted Donald to be the main character in this game, though Nomura created Sora. So it's Square that owns the rights to him.
I think he is using the Movie Mode code or Sight-Seeing mode code. It reminds me of those Tournament battles that KHV did once. It's awesome. I would love to play as Marluxia.
Why are Neku and Shiki here? Maybe there doing some sort of Square enix double mix with Disney. Sounds pretty cool. I wonder if it's Eri-Shiki. That would be pretty cool if that was real. Nice one!
Please! Can someone help me? That is just plain awesome, might I just say. I.HAVE.A.HUGE.PROBLEM. Today diaster striked my PS2. (Not really, it's more the KHII Disc) The mastercode has worked perfectly, (Thank you, Sephiroth&Cloud) and the "Play as DW Roxas" has to. There just one small problem. The disc won't work. Well, I don't know why the disc won't work, but suddenly I swapped disc, feeling really excited. I felt terrified if the disc didn't work, but this disc seems to be cursed. This disc din't work last time I had a AR swap, and I'm worried if it will happen to my better disc. Is there anyway that I can stop this? I'm worried that if I use my other disc it won't work. This is the same problem as before, but this time, the game load opition, New game, and soft reset dosen't work. I fear that the game might crash if this happens again. (It's happened 3 times in a week.) Maybe it's the AR? Is that cursed to? Or maybe I should use a different disc? What will happen to that one too? Many of these questions can be answered if this has happened to you. If anyone can fix this, I don't know what to reward you, maybe it could be a friend invite or something? Me being new to this place means I don't understand half the things you can do here. Thank you for reading. And I am sorry if this is SPAM, I've read the rules, and I really don't know if this is....
There is also a hint towards Xion in a keyblade, name "Two Across" with Xion and Roxas becoming Sora, as they are nobidies becoming whole. Even though she was created in the middle of KHII, it's a possiblity that the Two Across keyblade can have a hint towards Xion. Though I only think that this hint can be proven in KHII:FM+. :( It can't be proven in Days, well, beacuse Xion is in it.
It's no problem! ^^
Thanks for telling me. It's a big help. ^^
The amount of Blizzard and fire spells I used...... just annoying. Probally the only boss along with AS (Ask me if you don't know what it means) that are annoying.
No problem. I sadly don't know cheats for the upgrade of HP, but I'm sure you will find them.
Thanks! I completely agree to. ^^
Thanks. ^^
I think there is.... I've watched a video on improving enemy stats, but I think the highest Axel can go is 7-9 HP Bars. Don't know about the other Org. Members though, it could depend on the battle level. If it dosen't work, why not try the Battle LVL. Deadly code? Hope this helps. ^^
Heya 00Roxas00, awesome page. Sweet codes, I really like them. You and Evil (I suck with nicknames....) got me into coding and KHII again....
Other than Donald and goofy, it's the ability to not skip cutscenes (In KH) and the no Once More ability. It's a good thing you had areo though. ^^ In KHII, it's probaly Donald and goofy AGAIN. And the lack of Yes-Or-No boss battles. (Like good ol' Sehpie!)