*smiles maliciously* You stupid little boy *curajas Best magic healing spell* now feel revenge *shoots your head*
what did you have to go buy? anways ALL CORRECT! choose your prize!* *if approved by Keaton
*flys back down to the ground* Let me finish the job *raises gun* any last words?
yeah speaking of which KEATONS QUESTION TIME! Get your own rewards* Questions: Why have you been gone so long? Do i love you?...
*hops up in sky and before you have time to react molts gun into an ultimate gun* DIE YOU MUTATED SON OF A B!TCH!
nothing really just being myself
bring it on boy! *fires from second gun* EAT BULLETS!
i dont think so buddy *pulls out gun* dodge led sucker! *shoots rapidly*
oh then sorry really am. *bangs head on wall* broke...*bang* rules*bang* again *bang* especially* bang* in front *bang* of super mod *breaks wall*...
very confidential.
im waiting or NoN to get on. i sent her a PM and i wanna see her response
its no problem ^^ so how are you?
im sorry, but im saving up for a rune kiteshield, or rune platebody, and each costs 70k
and btw if this works, can you please give me some rep? i never get any although im trying to quit breaking the rules.
i put a suggestion for you in your thread "theres this girl", i hope it helps.
well if she wont leave, talk your roomates into not liking her, confront her, and if that doesnt work, go to your teacher/headmaster/ etc etc. and sstop her from coming in. or if you ca get a good testimony, you can get a restraining order (this is the extreme)
they put a monwy cap now. you cant give more than 10000 coins of wealth
50 minutes to be exact
are you serious? that was like, and hour
kill hill giants and sell the bones they sell like 1k per bones. 28k each time i go. or actually they sell for 500 coins, so its lke 14 k