*teleports in front of you and grins maliciously* muhahahaha. *snaps fingers and creates a army of a million spiders* fear me, Tifa Lockhart....
whats up my yu-gi-oh lovin friend? hey do you have a Ultimate Hero Electrum Card?
if you would so kindly check out me and Axels convo, you can see me go saiyan. it happens alot.
is having a conversation with me.
you suuuure you wanna do that? *gives a picture of the image in my sig* do you WANT me to go super saiyan on you?
*is upside down* ahhh memories. please dont ask, cus ill fall down if you explain physics that humans can'* be upside down, or ii will have to...
hey, how are you doing?
so whatcha doing?
Is very right and subscribed to this thread?
Accio75: -is wondering what i should do-
lol well hope you dont see anymore
did you see any more spiders yet? or huge ones anyways?
im good, just being bored
is very wrong
hey whats up?
hey whats up
hey there, whats up?
wow! thats funny.
what are they sayin in your profile pic?
thinks CSI is better than NCSI (i think thats it...im 11 remember?)