* you try and sneak up on me and my fist automatically flys up and hits you in the face like in those comedies.*
hey do some more NoN question time. im tired of making questions *hangs upside down like usual*
*picks up and gets ready to finish the job,but then realizes NoNs is on. drops to ground and you fall down 3 stories into the earth*
Not much, just RP-fighting with Tifa. Where did you have to go?
*Beatrush? Runs at you at speeds faster than time has you knocked out within a millisecond.*
*those who fight starts playing. Rushes up teleporting and jabs fist into your gut, then expands electric tasers. you scream and fly back hurt*
*grabs arm before you hit me, then spins you around and throws you at a wall.grins maliciously and show underneath shirt has Loz's arm weapon*
*curaja breaks mirror with sword*
Let's kick it up a notch! *starts throwing buster swords whille shooting lasers from both hands*
No concience, it won't work *fires second laser*
...Not really, i think it died long ago, because i did too many bad things at one time and overwhelmed it. *fires laser at you* HAHAHA! ^o^
....yup, pretty much. (its an RP tifa. jeez, get a grip)
tells the truth
I don't like it when people cry, and feel sorry for themselves. I feel people like that need to get a hold on themself
*sudden buster sword flys down and strikes a millimeter above your head. turns out i threw it then stopped it killing you*
*is upset and flys off*
*pats on back* hey there. im sorry just havin fun. *flys up andspins buster sword. all spiders die*
*says inaudible japanese. Spiders call off* *leans very close* and what will you do?
yeah.. i got that one from mc donalds.....wierd... my friend has all the god cards, the 2 eye cards pegasus has and a toon world. *toon thousand...
*stops and thinks about that* hmmmm........ i just like my sword.