uhhh Nver mind hold on while i fend off Tifa..she ripped off my eye....my names a summoning charm though..... ^^
You remember my NAME?! *pulls wand out* ACCIO EYE! *eye flys back into socket and stows away wand before kicking you into the lava*
Accio75:*Watches NoN strike down Aya with her arm* Aya:*gives a scream, and then falls down dead*
*cracks neck and its back in origanal position. Picks up by neck and you turn purple*
*SIN Fire Laser at Ifrit and ifrit disinagrates*
final form and coyote starkk collect pylons. hey whered by battle person go?
needs to realize this has been going on for the past hour
thanks for that. ive been wondering about final form and his "pylons"...i thought they were styrofoam packaging pellets.
*summons Bahumut SIN to counter*
needs to help me fight Tifa L. SHE WON'T DIE!!!
I can FLY, remember? *stops falling and flys up and gives you one strong kick that sends you lying into the mountain*
Hmmm.......*thinks* 2 questions, the aawnsers are my prizes. whats a pylon? Do you love all that vampire stuff? im not asking you to change at...
*finds the real you and holds your mouth open and levitates a spider above it* want to feal pain, fear, and DEATH?
Is not RP-fighting with Lockhart
hmmmm... kiss?
*snaps fingers and spiders grab you. apparates to you.* awnser me or i will have them down your throat. What is a Pylon?
asks before you get hit by a snowstorm hey whats a pylon?
13 Dairy Queen Yes?
*replaces with wand, stows wand away* I should have killed you. *Attacks, grabs by throat, and apparates to Mt.Everest. Holds up ball of dark...
I beg your pardon? white spot?