*apparates out of the house*
lol that shows awsome. you see the episode where stewy and brian go to boot camp? OW OH MY GOD YOU SHOT MY FOOT! now its my turn stewy: oh...
mmmmmmmhmmmm anyways, what are you doing?
mhmmm. btw you were god modding too
there we go. face my army!!!!!! :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface: :lolface:...
:lolface: dang it, i messed up
:awesome: lol what are you doing?
wow.....that was a bit fial, but this guy just met you right? id ignore him and just see if you see him around. if you do, start talking and find out more about him THIS TIME WRITE IT DOWN
kk anyways what are you doing
yeah sure *shakes once then pulls back* P.S. you didnt see my demonic mode. i was just playing back then.
alright can you send them to me? as one prize? another prize...a kiss?
*rifles through our convo* oh yeah, that was for shooting me.
1.Hey accio^^ nothing much right now just had supper^^ whats up with you? hey nights whats up? 2.a beautiful red color 3.Inuyasha P.S. im...
i dunno *holds out hand* need some help? *helps you up and puts back hand before you grab it*
not much, you? what about NoN question time?
Hey! you there? =(
is almost always on
hey whats up? im back
*thinks about it* alright fine *shakes hand, then flips over. leans down* THAT was revenge