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  1. Vexen_Is_God
    “In Obscuro”

    There is fever, a sickness within truth so we cover it with dirt and lies
    If the pain is no longer visible the fleshly heart will not get pricked
    As long as you have illusions billowing from you, straightforwardly
    There is nothing left to question. Our countenance has been marred
    Only by plagues of patterns we deem as emotions.


    See the indistinct shadow?
    That is the heart’s only solution to emptiness
    Fill your head with fancies I’ll fill mine with facts
    You’ll look over your shoulder
    But I’m not turning back

    Try to count on one hand the number of times idle words slip from our mouths.
    Try to count on two and you’ll fill up too quickly, the toes aren’t even enough
    As long as you are oblivious to your own self you will never have to look at the past with shame
    Try not to make light of such imperative concerns


    Take the specters called lies
    Take the specters called lies
    Take the specters called lies
    This is your face
    Written with those words
    Illusion master just cover it up

    How can you know me


    See the indistinct shadow?
    That is the heart’s only solution to emptiness
    Fill your head with fancies I’ll fill mine with facts
    You’ll look over your shoulder
    But I’m not turning back


    - For Zexion

    This song will be found on Makyosta's album, 'XIII', dedicated to the Organization XIII. Click on a song below to go to the lyricks.

    I. Lamentation Infinite - Embraces of the Void (Xemnas)
    II. (working on)
    III. (working on)
    IV. (working on)
    V. (working on)
    VI. In Obscuro (Zexion)
    VII. (workng on)
    VIII. (working on)
    IX. (working on)
    X. (working on)
    XI. Gentian (Marluxia)
    XII. (working on)
    XIII. (working on)
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Vexen_Is_God

    Can’t I say I love her?
    When we were both on our backs in the time of rain
    Feet soaked by the hushing drops

    Can’t we save the future?
    I don’t want to go on believing in lies
    I want to gather those distant aspirations
    And run home with you

    Not because I love
    But because I have been loved

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this freezing place
    In the wind, the petals will blow
    Dancing to an unprecedented melody

    Can’t I break one promise?
    She will tempt me with the kiss of fools
    Bodies pulsing in untamed corruption

    Can’t we forget this mistake?
    I only want what is real for myself
    I also want to take everything
    Even if it doesn’t belong to me

    Not because I want
    But because I need to be wanted

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this timeless chasm
    In the wild, a flower is dying
    Weeping because it’s heartbeat went unheard

    Open my glued-together palms
    To spread them around this freezing place
    In the past, I was also somebody
    Even now I want to be somebody

    In the wind, the petals will blow
    Dancing to an unprecedented melody


    - For Marluxia

    This song will be found on Makyosta's album, 'XIII', dedicated to the Organization XIII. Click on a song below to go to the lyricks.

    I. Lamentation Infinite - Embraces of the Void (Xemnas)
    II. (working on)
    III. (working on)
    IV. (working on)
    V. (working on)
    VI. In Obscuro (Zexion)
    VII. (workng on)
    VIII. (working on)
    IX. (working on)
    X. (working on)
    XI. Gentian (Marluxia)
    XII. (working on)
    XIII. (working on)
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 10, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Vexen_Is_God

    I APed and when I came back this was on my computer. Don't know who did it but it looks cool so what the heck. I'll post it.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Vexen_Is_God

    Took about 30 seconds. Still cute though.

    Vexen so wasn't expecting that kiss.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Vexen_Is_God
    Okay so chibi is my favourite type of art, though I'm not good at it. So to practice I am doing chibified organization members quick sketches.

    This is Marluxia Chibified.

    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Vexen_Is_God
    Silly Jibril. Stop sucking in our characters into your cloak of doom.


    Yes, that is Jibril/Raphael from Star Ocean. He sucks your characters into his cloak in the battl. Haha.

    I will more than likely be lining and colouring this doodle to make it look cool.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Vexen_Is_God
    This is the beginning of my friend's Christmas Gift. I'm making a "anime screenshot" of Cyril from Star Ocean.

    I have the lines done roughly, and will be cleaning them up soon.


    I may add more to the scene if I have the time.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Vexen_Is_God

    For a friend on DA. I use it as my ID there, too.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Vexen_Is_God
    I'm in experimenting mode...this one was to experiment with making/shading hair via burn and dodge tool without the use of a second colour.


    I'm actually very happy with the result of it. It makes the hair look full of detail.

    Haha. Don't mind the rest of the poor sketch. I was only focusing on hair this time, so I know the rest isn't so great.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 8, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Vexen_Is_God
    Doodling around testing out a lineart technique.

    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 8, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Vexen_Is_God


    Song lyricks written for a character my friend played in my popular Silent Hill forum RPG I had a few years back.


    Yearbook, torn through the pages
    A walk through the ages tells me something older
    Coldest shoulder
    A peek to the past brings something about
    For reason to shout as the blood flows freer
    Dripping fear

    My life, my life! (We walk through tearing the pages!)
    Still the dust that settles over my broken bones
    My life, my way! (The past brings something more about!)
    Break the rusted chain that binds me in eternal condemnation
    Is there ever a day… (No reason to shout.)
    Around the burning bushes that cry out my name?
    Raining flame! A word for shame!
    My way, my fame! (Falling back on you!)

    Venting my thought towards payment
    Crossing bitter pavement brings me somewhat closer
    Mimic poser
    A blow to the chest, two cents for reward
    Lucky players card in hand I take my chances
    Fire dances
    Across the picture to an open window, a scene
    Dirty pair of blue jeans and a fight that's stirring
    Altogether reoccurring in the mind of a madman, blues
    You choose but you never really win
    And rolling the dice more than twice is nothing but
    A sin

    My way, my fame! (Blood flows freer!)
    Stilled the dust that settles over my broken bones
    My fame, my fame! (Body's dripping fear…)
    Broke the rusted chain that defied my redemption
    And there's always that day…
    Around the crying bushes that once burned with flame.
    Raining my name! Screaming in pain!
    My pain, my gain! (Rolling the dice nothing but a sin)
    My life, my way! (You try, you chose, but you never really win)
    My way, my name! ( In the mind of a madman!)
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Vexen_Is_God
    Since it's my birthday...I hope it is alright for me to make a request to anyone/everyone who wants to make something for me.

    I just need more Vexen. Fanart, signatures, avatars, anything. I'm trying to fill my computer up as much as possible with him...then I'm going to make a image slideshow for youtube (I will credit you) with musick I make.

    So if anyone wants to donate some for my request, THANKS. I appreciate it much.

    If requested, I will do an art trade in return. Just saying.

    Thanks so much.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 3, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  13. Vexen_Is_God

    Request from Nephets.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Vexen_Is_God

    Showing off some arts and singing a song. Some arts you may have seen, some you haven't.


    I love comments/ratings on my videos. Haha. Feel free to comment and critique, or make requests.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Vexen_Is_God
    For DubaiMario.


    Thanks for the awesome signature picture!
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Dec 1, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Vexen_Is_God
    I'll dump the photos I tke of myself in here. I do different facial arts, so I suppoe it can be considered artwork. I use myself as a canvas...I also sometimes go plain.
    There are also photos where the cmera messed up to create some very nice/strange looking effects on my face.

    My favourite image ever of myself, no effects included...I'm serious. My eyes are really set in so that sometimes they appear as lrge black pools.

    One of my favourite face artworks.

    Camera Mess-ups, no effects placed on (I swear):




    At Rest


    More to come.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Nov 29, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Vexen_Is_God

    Sai for Sai. Haha.

    I plan to put it into photoshop and line/colour it soon.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Nov 29, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Vexen_Is_God
    Okay so I'll take some requests as well. I'll only do avatars and small fanart/requestart for right now, until I free up some time for myself. hen I will do sigs.

    -Welcome to My Shop-

    *To Request An Avatar*

    - Size: The size of the avatar you need. I'll do a default of 100x100 if not specified.

    - Theme/Image: The overall theme you need, or perhaps an image you'd like incorporated. I also do custom fanart images in which I will draw the image needed if you give me some specifics.

    - Colours: The colours you wish me to use.

    - Text: What text do you wish to see? It needs to be a small amount of text, or able to fit cleanly into the avatar.

    - Border: If you need a border, tell me the specifics of colours, width, etc. The more detailed the better.

    - Animation: I will do small animations with text or with images. Tell me the scene/character and where I can rip the animation from for image aimation OR the images you wish me to link together in an animation. If you just give me a small detail I'll just animate whichever scene I want if it is a full animation request. I don't do custom art animations...for now. I will later on.


    *To Request Art*

    - Tell me what you want the art of providing referencs if it needs to be a fanart of a certain character. I do fanart, OC requests, animals, etc. Environments/backgrounds are tough for me so if they are requested as part of a scene...don't expect perfection, but I will take it on.

    - Poses/Themes/Actions details are needed to represent exactl what mood the piece should give off. If you do not specify, I'll come up with something.

    - I do black/white and colour pieces. I also will do simple doodle/sketches.

    - If you need text, please tell me what text should be present and how it should be presented.

    - I don't do animations of art...for now.

    - The more detail you provide, the more accurate the image will be. However, I love being able to express myself without much limitations so if you're not picky about things, leave it to me!


    ** Some requests may take some time. I will post periodic progress if you request a bigger piece.

    ** For larger fanart requests concerning multiple characters and colours/scenes, I'd like to do an art trade in return.

    ** If you don't like it...please be specific on what needs to be altered/changed.

    ** You may use anything I create here in any way you wish.

    ** I only take up to 3 separte requests at a time. This way I don't have along line of angry folks who are the 50th person in to request.


    Current Requests:


    Finished Requests:





    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Nov 29, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  19. Vexen_Is_God
    This is a view of somewhat of what I have so far of my Vexen/Zexion/Larxene picture. It's a work in progress.


    Haha. I love Vexen. So I was drawing on him first.

    EDIT: Overview sketch of the entire piece.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Nov 29, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Vexen_Is_God
    I play the Sms 2 at times, mostly to relieve stress. Its my favourite PC game. So I've decided to make a KH-related family and just chornicle their life here as it plays out during the game...because I'm bored. I'll tell it through images, video (possibly), and explinations of such. So for those of you who love Sims, enjoy. For those who don't, maybe you'll read it like a KH fanfic or something. For those who don't know much about Sims, perhaps you'll be encouraged to play it....


    Step 1: Making the family

    I should have got some video and image footage of each character I created, but I was uber lazy and only got the family snapshot, which can be seen above.

    Now...I only made Larxene, Zexion, Marluxia, and of course...Vexen.

    Larxene: Surprisingly 99% of SIMS 2 presets look strangely similar to the actual characters from KH that I wanted to create, so I didn't have to tinker much. Larxene was one of the easy ones. I downloaded the hair and KH eyes from modthesims2 and stuck it on. I think I made her have a pleasure aspiration...not sure. She seems the kind of woman who'd want to have fun. Her personality was outgoing, a bit on the rude/grouchy side, and energetic.

    Zexion: Yet again I had to do almost thing to the face. Stuck on the hair and eyes and BAM, a perfect Zexion. I made him very shy...and a knowlege sim. Knowlege sims are my favourite kind which is why 100% of families I make have a knowlege sim somewhere in there.

    Marluxia: Same story. Not much with the face. Stuck on the hair and eyes (oh, and as I forgot to mention...the clothing). He has superbly tan skin compared to the other Nobody adult family members, so you can point out his offspring right away. He is a 'family sim' so more than likely I'll be working on getting him married and bearing more cute children.

    Vexen: My favourite. I had to mess with the face a TON, seeing as Vexen has very distinct and often uncommon features. I think I got it close despite not referencing to an image during the creation. Put on his gorgeous emerald eyes and the coat an wha-la. Perfection! He's a knowlege sim...duh? Heh. I made him a bit grouchy, and very in no playful points at all here. I like uber smart men who talk science. So I basically customed him to what I'd normally make my sims act like.

    Okay so you're looking at that image and going..."Are those children!?"

    The answer is yes! Your eyes are not decieving you.

    There are four offspring in the image. However, I cannot remember their names so I'll have to provide those later...I'm forgetful.

    Basically I took Larxene and screwed around with each adult male to give each of them children.

    The supremely emo looking teenager to the far far far left is Larxene's emo-son by Zexion. He resembles more of his father than his mother. I forgot exactly what aspiration I dished out to him, but I believe its either family or knowlege.

    A cute, tanned little girl is in Larxene's arms. She belongs to Marluxia.

    The two twins with blonde hair there in front of Vexen are his kids. A little boy and a little girl. The boy wears glasses, because I LOVE glasses. When he grows older he will be like his father...a very scientifical genius and knowlege sim.

    **One pet peeve of mine is the lack of flexibility with the family tree system. What I intended was to make Larxene single (roommates with the other adults) and have their children paired to their respected blood fathers. However, you cannot do that. If a child is connected to one sim and you place the child onto another parent only one father could be selected for all kids while tying Larxene to each of her offspring. I hope this is remedied in the upcoming Sims 3... so what i did was make the children all connect to Larxene and they won't recognize any of the men as their fathers whatsoever, despite the blood relation. Larxene remains single, so she is viewed as a roommate and is 'up for grabs' by any of the adult males. We'll see who she is most attracted to in-game (hopefully Vexen).**

    Well, there's an introduction to the family. Next time I'll give a tour of their house I will custom build...and tell you the mising information and exact stats of each member that I didn't cover here....

    Ha. Enjoy watching the Nobody family live. It really is fun. I assure you.
    Thread by: Vexen_Is_God, Nov 26, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Archives