Welcfome to the forums! Make sure you have fun!
Welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here,be sure to follow the rules and have fun!
Acctually i heard that too.
Welcome back,i hope you stay for awhile.
fair enough,ill be waiting.
When you think what it would be like if you had a machine that mad it so you can go in the game*
Hello,so what do we do here,just chat?
Poor rosey,Take a happiness cupcake :)
Ill join this :)
Welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here.
Lol thats funny.
Simple and Clean definently.
Acctually you can,its just that sometimes you have to just ignore it.And i admit i was a bit mean to him too.
ok Ill stop,but i still think it was not very nice of him to go bashing the game,and the people who play it by saying there all fat.
I win.yayz
What do you mean it "Failed"
Im trying to give everyone who welcomed me on this thread rep but there is the 24 hour cap so it might take awhile.A little rep in return would be nice :)
Why should it be locked?