Welcome to the forums! I hope you like it here.
Welcome back Fate.
Nice sigs,i like how you made one for each member.
Hello everyone :) I am the newest member.
Ok,fair enough.
Can i join?
Yes,you do go to hell if you commit suicide,because its not your choice when you die so its a sin to kill yourself and since you just died you go to hell.Some of you Say "Well if God is so merciful why does he send poeople to hell at all?".Because hes not Barney,Barney is a completely happy guy you wouldn't do anything to hurt someone,God,on the other hand,Is not.Now your thinking "oh so hes a mean person who wants to make everyone suffer" No,he gives us justice.We messed up,we commited sins,we go to hell.Its not Gods fault were so bad,he gave us free will.Now your thinking "well why doesn't he just make everyone good and take away free will?" well i think we would all agree free will is a heck of a lot better than God controlling us making us be good all the time. In short,we go to hell when we commit suicide because we sinned and its not up to us when we die. Just because something becomes "popular"so that a lot of people do it,that doesn't make it not a sin,or else there would be no sins.And i hope your not talking about the Catholic church because they definently know suicide is wrong.
I really don't see how this is important to the plot and/or gameplay. I see no link to what hand he holds his keyblade with and the storyline.
I need an Avatar so: Size: Any Text:Rock on Pic: any good pic of Roxas Color: any Tell me if you need more info to go by,and only take this if you can do it within 4 days.Thank you :)
Im listening to my bro playing American Idol singing Unwritten,if that counts lol.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you like the rep i gave you :)
Welcome to the forums! If you didn't see my name somehow and wondering you gave you rep,it was me :)
I PMed you saying that i cancelled but i just want to say it publicly so yeah.
See ya later :)
Dylan.i Don't know
I thought it was already confirmed that Jesse WAS doing Ven's voice?
Welcome to the forums! Im glad you joined.