true, I was kinda mad when they replaced the main could you do that?!
thanks. and eh, I guess you could say that........
remeber when beiber got a hair cut, and everyone spazed? HE CUT HIS HAIR TRIMED. BIG.WHOOP.
wat? Im not exACTLY a genious u know.....maybe a evil geniuos, but other than that....nothin
so, whats up?
lol, yeah. hey, do u watch the office too?
omg, really? only fav person is april.
no, what happened?
haha, the fancy dinner? it was so funny...........
haha, it s k, i do it all the time to.
well, i took a quiz to see what my teen daughter would look like, and it was SO weird....were're almost exactly alike!!!
haha, thanks, you too!! I just took the weirdest quiz on was so....accurate, its scary!
nice, and same. on fb too.
I AM A DANCING TACO!!! hey there.
did u see the episode in parks and rec, when ron "pulled" put his tooth, and the black lady was like, wtf?! I WAS DIEING!!!!!LMAOOOOO
welcome. man, lea looks JUST like axel!!!! (well, makes sense, theyre the same person)
nice?? all, thanx!! but I gotta had my creeper face on.....someone was kinda chasing me, and i was in a rush
haha, I luv that show!!
dont know, but i gotta check.......or get it fixed.
haha, your whats up?