thanks, u toooOOO
awwwwwwwwwwwww, u to!! thats so cool :) its all colorfullLLL :3
right? did u hear about the guy who was lighting a firework, and his eye coaught on fire? and fell out of its socket, and into his hand?? it was...
whhhhhhhhhhhhhATTTS UP?
HI'S!!!!!! (btw, to the person below me, ur cat is epic)
hmmmmmmmmmm or ienzo :3 "mother?" lol apple......thats so weird, when i was younger, i swore that was gonna be my kids name.....that, or clementine
lol. i kicked my cat out..........:'( oh well :D
IKNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its kinda fun though :D
same................doin somethin for work............and................thats it
sOOOoooo whats up?
sooooo, whats up everybody?
eh. i was bored.
heyyyyyyyyyyy havent talked in forever and a day XP btw, luv the new avater. :3
haha, know how THAT feels.....yeah. but nothing to fear, the po-po got it under control.....
haha, thats soooo cool!!!! and pretty funny, too :D
hey :D .........just remember, im here for support :)
OMG!!! U DID? what happened??? are u o.k???? wanna tlk about it? no? o.k. hope u feel better :) im here for support, and a shoulder to cry on :)
awww!!! what happened? is everything o.k? hope u feel better!!! oh, nothin. bunch of flashmobs here. but not much :/
oh, u've MADE a languge????thats so cool!!! got any phrases i could hear?