"Well...it turns out this black substance is a fragment from a dark organism similar to Heartless,except they latch onto a host and take control of them, giving the host incredible power, but at the price of one's freedom and the fact that their bod deteriorates over time adds to the whole thing. Anyways, they're called Creepers and they're very dangerous."
Sankai wasn't used to the kindness being shown to him by Crysalis. He felt something inside, but he wasnt sure what it was. The offer was very tempting. Wonderland was a thousand times better than the world he grew up in and he had a friend now. With that one guy freeing Wonderland from the rule of the mean queen, he could really get used to it...but what about his search? He was confused. "Um...well...that is to say..." His mind was so twisted up, but suddenly, the words came to him. "Crysalis...I'd love to stay here. This world is so beautiful, especially compared to my home. I learned alot of new things, plus I met my first friend here...but first, I have to go out to other worlds and find my truth. Once I do that, I'll come back to this place that I'll call home." A tear rolled down his cheek that he tried to hide. Suddenly the earth shook. RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE!!! "Huh? What the?!This world has earthquakes, too?!"
"Well...I guess you could say that the world itself was my home. I didnt have a shelter for myself or anything to really call my own, except for Truth-Seeker. I slept on the canyon rocks in an eternal night. The only lights I had to see anything were the stars in the sky." Sankai looked around the nicely decorated tree shelter or house as she called it. "Life was simple, but unfulfilling back then...I had no purpose. I had no truth to call my own. I essentially ended up leaving to find that truth. My purpose. Once I know the truth, I can become necessary...useful."
"Urk!" It was strange to Sankai. People living in trees...so trees have other uses too? And all these animals were so clingy. What'd she call them...pets. I wonder what that means... "These animals...do they only live here in Wonderland?" he asked as he hesitantly brushed the hair on the back of Tigereyes. Sankai was so excited to be able to see so many things all in one day. He smiled as he thought, I'm so glad I decided to leave that place behind.
"Um...ok!" Sankai followed as Crysalis led the way. ---------- Unbeknownst to them, a figure appeared in the shadows. "So...those two...," the shadow mumbled to itself and darted away. "Ahem, continuing survailance." The figure moved swiftly and undetected as he watched the area. All over Wonderland, he did reconoscence. Soon, he picked a nice secluded hidden spot and began watching the queen from there. ---------- Sankai curiously asked," So, where exactly do you live?" Since the world seemed to be different in a number of ways from his he wondered what they lived in. Sankai remembers every night that he slept outside on the cold, hard rocks.
OOC: O.O Shaista turned from Sankai. "You saw it, didnt you? BloodLust..." "Yeah, but what does that mean?" "You're finally starting to awaken. What a shame that I have to go. I wont be able to see it or maybe I will. For now, I have some rather pressing matters to attend to. See you again." Shaista waved as he vanished into thin air. "What did he mean?" Sankai asked himself, then turning to Crysalis he gave a kinda confused look. ----------------------------- Meanwhile.... Council5 Member 1: My Lord, what is your wish? Shaista: Have the preparations been made in Agraba? Council5 Member 1: Yes, sir. Shaista: Good then. Everything is falling into place. For now I want you to go to Wonderland and have a look around. Make sure noone sees you and if they do, you know what to do. Council5 Member 1: Yes sir. Shaista: But...dont lay a finger on these....not yet. Shaista pointed at an orb under his cloak which revealed the forms of several individuals. Shaista: Now go! The council member vanished from Shaista's throne. Shaista: Now the real fun begins
"Is that so?" Sankai began, "Tell me...what do you plan to do once you've 'liberated' this place?" "Well, I'm a pretty busy guy, so I'll turn over power to a delegate who will watch over the people." "You seem so sure of yourself." "Have to be. Comes with the territory. I hope that you'll assist me in creating a new tommarrow for Wonderland." Sankai wasn't quite sure about the guy, but he seemed to be very genuine about his cause. Still, something stood out about him. That weapon he held seemed to be familiar. What does it mean? "I apologize for attacking you earlier. It was for your sake." "Huh?"
"!!!!!!!!" The normally composed Shaista was even caught off guard. "Well...that was quite unexpected. How amuzing...and who might you be?" Sankai put away Truth Seeker. "So sorry, I should introduce myself now, since I was asked so nicely. I am E.E Lord Shaista, ruler of The End." "The End?!" "Yes." "But that's my world. No one lives there but me." "That you know of. Before you were and after, there have been countless generations living on that planet, under the rule of the E.E Dynasty, which I am next in line to rule. But on a more related note, I'm to be the liberator of Wonderland." Sankai was shocked. This guy is the same as me, but he seems to know the world alot better than me. "I know of the cruelty these people suffer under their current queen. Rest assured that I shall remedy the situation." "Are you serious?" Sankai replied," I mean, that you're from The End?" "True as day!" Sankai's whole reality shattered. The world as he knew it was a lie. How could he have never met a single person in the all the years he'd wandered The End? He was sure that only he and the black creatures lived there. All his years of loneliness and wandering...were they for nothing? Was this the truth he so eagerly searched for?
Shaista walks smuggly towards Sankai. "I'll give you a hint." Shaista dashed at Sankai at lightning speed. Sankai was barely able to defend with Truth-seeker. Shaista's BloodLust knocked him back abit and the clash triggered something in his mind. A scene of a similar clash between Truth-Seeker and BloodLust. "Gasp!" "Yes, gasp. Do you remember, now?" Sankai responded, shaking his head, "No, I dont know who you are, but that weapon in your hand...I know it....Tell me who you are!"
"The garden...." was all he could say as fire began to spread, but when the fire was suddenly warded off, he let out a sigh. Then, he just started laughing at the comment Crysalis made before the fire started. "...ok, (deep breath). I totally forgot about my search. Crysalis, do you know where to find truth?" "Such an ambiguous question. You've got to be more specific about these things." Startled, Sankai turned around and saw a young man standing opposite him. "Wha...who are you?"
"What was that about? Is she really that strict over everyone here?" Sankai asked as she slipped out of the bushes and dusted himself off. He looked off in the direction the Queen left in. "What an evil witch...witch....say, she doesn't have any powers or anything does she? If she does, it doesnt show." he laughed. Suddenly, he remembered something."Oh noes..."
OCC: Oh, ok. Darn I was right the first time I read it. I'll edit the post. "Honestly, I'm not sure, but I've encountered similar things like that twice now..." "I'm sorry. Because of my carelessness, you almost got hurt." he said, lowering his head in shame. Silence followed for a moment. "You forgive me, right?" he lifted his head up with a small smile.
"But wait....I thought I was...ah well." He looked around. "Hey, how long was I gone?" He looked at the group. "Well, nevermind. Anyways, I foundout what that black substance was. Anyone care to know?"
OCC: ZOMG! Did it really rip off your foot? As the cow plant carried Crysalis away, Sankai looked down at the foot left behind, then towards the black liquid following her and the plant. "How could I have let this happen? Why?" Anger began to overcome Sankai as he picked up the foot and chased after the black goo. The chase continued on as the goo pregessed further. Finally catching up w/it, he quickly immobilized the liquid as he shifted the field to a desert setting, allowing the intense rays from the sun to evaporate it. After the field changed back to normal, he quickly looked around to try and spot Crysalis to return her foot.
With Truth-Seeker in hand, he awaited the arrival of whatever was to come. The target became harder and harder to pin down as it got closer until finally a crude and twisted form appeared from out of the bush before Crysalis and the plants, but in a flash, the creature was entangled in the whip-sword's grasp. It coiled around the trapper as it squirmed to escape. At first, Sankai had a look of accomplishment on his face, that is until he took a good look at the captured enemy. "Crap! Look out Crysalis!" he said as the Trapper oozed with a thick black fluid that made its way towards Crysalis and the cow plant.
"Whew...ahhhh.....gross," he chuckled as he began to clean off the warm drool convering his hand. He paused for a moment. "Something's approaching." Sankai turned and readied his weapon. He tried to pick up on the potential threat, but its movements were irratic, appearing to be coming from one direction, but then being felt in another direction. What was it? A group? But Sankai only felt one presence.
"What an unusual plant." Sankai mused. "So, you take care of all the vegitation around here by yourself?" He spun around. Having lived in a world with little to no vegitation, it was interesting enough just to see grass. Such a soft fragile thing as a blade of grass contrasted greatly with the boulders and stones from the dark canyons he left behind. He wasn't even able to hear his sword when he....drug it..through the grassy area he emerged in. Sankai looked down. "I'm sorry, Crysalis. I didn't realize it until just now. You take such good care of these plants, but when I first came to Wonderland, I was dragging my sword in the ground, scarring the land. Now that I understand the value of its existance and that there are people like you who wish to take care of them, I feel kind of ashamed at my ignorance." He reached out to pet the cow plant, but as soon as it wa in range, his hand was clamped in the mouth of the large plant. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!!! DONT EAT ME, MR COW PLANT!!!!!!"
The beast continued his wave of destruction and Shai began to jab away at its back. All over he crawled, searching for a weak point, until the bird-beast flipped upside down, almost losing Shai. He held on tight as the creature went rightside up. He crawled up to its head. Clearly, it was invincible. He'd hit it with somestrong hits but nothing. All that was left was The Rain Dance. He decided to try inside but he didnt want to enter through the mouth though. That could be a death sentence. He decided the best spot to try was the ear. As he made his way there, he slipped off the side, just barely grabbing the flying beast's earlobe. It was trying to shake him off but Shai wouldnt have it. Reaching for his umbrella blade, he invoked Reflect once more in combination with the Burst Strike and fired it into its ear. "KAAAAAAAAURRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!" "YOSH! IKZO!!!" Burst after burst volleyed into the monster's ear. As he climbed back up onto the beast, it began to fall. "Time for Heaven's Rain Dance." Making the name up on the spot, he aimed his Bloody Valentine to the sky and began his magestic movements, cutting at the dense clouds overhead, until finally he cut extended Bloody Valentine towards the sky and switched to piercing strike mode, then back to rain-maker mode, creating a rift between the clouds of the sky and negatively charging them. At that moment, a rumbling could be heard from heaven and random streams of lightning showered down on the beast and anything in its vecenity. Shai raised his umbrella sword over his head as a direct strike pierced the body of the bird. He stepped over the side of the falling titan and covered himself from the downpour of blood from the beast now above him. "... and that's why they call me the Rain Man" As his feet touched the ground, he was wisped away. "To the one who stops the unstoppable, I give one request of myself. Ask anything..." "OK...." Back in the land of the living, The orb inside Jordie's backpack began to rumble. Soon it shot out of her pack and vanished as Shai's form appeared before the group. "Huh? I'm back?" Shai said almost bewildered at the speed of the transmission.
OOC: Welcome, Kitsune! "..." Sankai stopped right there. He thought to himself, "Its terrible that these people would allow themselvesto be ruled over by like this out of necessity. I guess if there were someone else to take her place, they'd probably jump at the chance to oust the fat lady." But in the end, he couldnt do anything to help these people. Sure, he could easily overthrow the Queen, but then what? Then they'd be worse off. Why are things like this allowed to happen? Sankai just had to do something. It was too sad to see Crysalis living like this, though they only just met. Noone should have to live like this....ever.... "Crysalis, if I were able to offer you a way to get rid of the Queen and still have a government to keep Wonderland stable....what would you say to that?"
"How sad. Couldn't the people of Wonderland rule themselves, though? I mean, it just...um....hmmm......okay, I forgot what I was gonna say, but anyways are you satisfied with your life in this condition, though? Honestly."