Oh, wait, I know the top three Japanese bands 1.) Sadie 2.) Gazette 3.) Abingdon Boys School Perfume comes in 4th, there songs are just so adorable ^^ I would have put Dolly in 3rd but Abingdon Boys School totally beats them.
Avatar; 6/10 Signature; 10/10, your sig is really pretty.
OOC; Not accepted, sorry. BIC; Rie blinked a few times (OOC; I think she has a blinking problem) when Ayame didn't even flinch at her surprise 'attack'. "Well, I was hoping to scare you..." Rie explained weakly. Soon enough, the sun was setting making the once bright village dark. When nighttime falls, it was normally time to go to bed but most new ninja never listen. "It's gettin` dark out." Rie noted as she began to walk back to the student dojo. No one better be in my spot She thought.
Top three bands equal; 1.) Korn 2.) Papa Roach 3.) Hollywood Undead then A7x comes in 4th =) possibly Hanson after them, just kidding ._.
OOC; *sighs* even they are ninjas BIC; Rie grinned as she watched the other ninja leave. She glanced at Ayame's sleeping bag, seeing it was kind of close to her new spot. So Rie gently took the tip of her foot and slid it a few inches away. Maybe, I should go a try out some stealth moves. Rie thought as a smirk formed on her face. Rie ran past the other ninjas that were walking in and into the outside. She scanned around for Ayame and found her sitting by a tree. Rie then quietly tiptoed behind the tree and glanced at Ayame who was sitting there. "Boo!" Rie suddenly said as she appeared in front of Ayame fastly.
I never really heard of her until the news made a big deal about her 'I kissed a girl' song. No offense, but I don't like her much... pretty much not like her at all. I mean from what little I heard of that Hot N` Cold song, it was alright but I don't like the singer.
OOC; No, all characters in this RP has to be a ninja.
You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring.
OOC; I made a new character, please look at my first post below my Rie character to see her because she's the owner of Kamiki village. Also Kekeira, your character can have only one skill. BIC; "My skill?" Rie repeated after Ayame asked, "I'm going to be the best stealth ninja ever!~" She announced as she suddenly stood up and raised her right fist high in the air with her left on her hip. She then blinked a few times just as she noticed her out burst. "Hehe, I'm still working on the quiet part of the stealth." She explained as she rubbed the back of her head. -- "So did the new students are safely?" Kaori asked the ninja that brought the young ninjas to the village. "Of course, no problems so far." He answered. "Well, that's good. Those threats we recevied from the Matsumoto Clan are something we should not take lightly." Kaori warned as she continued to read over the letter from that clan she this morning, "We are lacking expert ninjas and all this place has is a bunch of kids." She said as she gritted her teeth.
Avatar; 9/10 Signature; 10/10
OOC; Everyone is accepted... BIC; Rie quickly blinked as she glanced back and saw another ninja girl sitting on a bed, near where she was placing her self at. She wanted a spot near a window, like she always had at home. "Hey, Ayame." She grinned widely as she rolled up her sleeves, "My name's Rie, if you don't know." Then she continued to perfectly set up her dark green colored sleeping bag up against the wall with the window.
Gimme More by Machinae Supremacy
OOC; Alright, everyone's accepted and all that stuff. I'm going to go ahead and start it~ BIC; After a long ride of silence, the ninjas finally entered the Kamiki Village. They were requested to stay silent during the ride, in fear of the recent attacks to the village. Of course none had told any of the new students of the attacks. As they arrived, the students were able to see the village for the first time. It was rather small but peaceful. The village wasn't big, it only consisted of three regular sized dojos. One for the teachers, one for the students, and one only used for training. A small pond was in the center of the village, nearly covered in lily pads. The village was surrounded by trees though off near the back of the village led to a stream, where dinner was usually caught. Now the students must take their stuff, get comfortable in their dojo where they all must stay, and possibly get to know each other. Then the next day, they shall start their lessons... The students were already aware of there skills, so the master had no need to test them and see what skill that suits then. All students will stay a year at this village, unless told otherwise. - The one ninja who led the students to the village directed them towards the dojo they shall be staying at. "Tomorrow, your lessons shall begin." The ninja said that rode along with them during the ride, "Today, you may look around the village and your dojo you all will be staying in. Though you all must report at the dojo when the sun sets!" After he completed his sentence a cloud a smoke suddenly formed around the ninja and he disappeared, leaving the students to their own doings. Rie curiously scanned the village with interest. She looked back at the new strangers she had never met before. She had a long time to get use to them. Instead of making a conversation with one of them, she headed to the dojo to find the perfect spot were she would sleep and make sure no one would steal it.
Avatar; 5/10 Signature; 9/10
I took this picture at like 5:00 am... it was on a school day though ._. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z160/RieRen/SANY3851.jpg My bedroom always make my camera have bad quality for some reason. http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z160/RieRen/SANY3840.jpg That's not me but she's my little Joy~ http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z160/RieRen/SANY3124.jpg
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2383016#post2383016 there you go.
This isn't Naruto just so you know. .Story. Far out into the forest, where no one dares to tread, there is a peaceful village that trains ninjas from various clans. The young students are sent there to learn the way of the ninja. Not all clans know of this village and it is opened to only some. Expert ninjas teach the young students to master their skills and become an expert ninja themselves. Each year the village takes in a new group of students. Most of the story takes in the village of Kamiki, the ninja training village. The new students arrive like any other year. All the students first get to know each other and then the next day they begin their lessons. Though this year is going to be different. The ninjas were able to keep their training village a secret from potential enemies. Though somehow their secret was revealed and now they must protect their village from being destroyed. With the lack of ninjas, the students must help their masters to protect the village! .Rules. -Follow the Rules and Guidelines by O R A N G E in the Role-Playing Arena -This is a Role Play, so keep it clean -Cursing is allow but please you *'s -No God-Moding nor PowerPlaying -You may have up to two characters, but no more unless I say you can -Keep spam to a minimum -Try to be active -Say if you leave -If you read the rules so far, post 'Pineapple Pie' in your first post. -No killing off anyone's OC -Read what everyone has to say -Choose only one skill -Be nice -Have Fun! .Skills. Ninjas have four skills they will learn from. The skill they choose will reflect on their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Healing/Support; Not the strongest in the battle field, but they are the ones usually you turn to if you are injured. Most of the time they say in the shadows until needed. Fighting; These ninjas are the ones that attack their enemies head on. They don't quietly wait in the shadows to make their move, they rather go up to someone and fight! Stealth; Unlike the fighters, stealth ninja stay hidden and rather not be seen. They usually sneak up behind an enemies and end their life silently and move on to the next target. Magical/Summoning; These ninjas use the abilities of earth, wind, water, and fire. They also can control animals to fight alongside with them. They either fight head on or lurk in the shadows, which ever works for them. .Character Profile. Username; Name; First and Last name please. Age; youngest 15, oldest 18 (Note: Unless you want to be a teacher you have to be older) Gender; pretty obvious Weapon-Of-Choice; Anything you can think of, but be sorta ninja like. Appearance; picture or described, doesn't matter but I prefer pictures... Make sure it's as close to a ninja you can get. Personality; at least five words or more. Clan; the clan you come from and it doesn't have to be your last name. Bio; make it short, not your complete life story. Animal Companion (optional); you may have an animal, only if you choose your skill as magical/summoning! Skill; example; healing/support, fighting, stealth, or 'magical'/summoning only choose from these. Flaws; flaws in your skills or personality. Anything Else?; anything else you need to let us know? .Characters. Name; Rie Kishima Age; 15 Gender; Female Weapon-Of-Choice; Large Shuriken Appearance; Personality; Talkative, outgoing, slightly annoying, active, hyper, often gets in trouble, and determined. Clan; Kishima Clan Bio; Rie is often misunderstood by her parents and by her clan. She usually speaks her mind and that causes her to get in trouble with others. She use to live with her parents but was sent off to the special ninja training village after being dubbed 'unteachable' by the teachers at her home clan. Since that what caused her to be sent off here, she tries her best at learning the skills her master gives her so she can show those teachers back at home how wrong they were! Skill; Stealth Flaws; Rie is usually slow when learning new techniques and often messes up easily. She is also very stubborn and selfish. Anything Else?; Rie is very light on her feet and tries to be extremely stealthy, though usually her talkativeness ruins her stealth. She oftens likes to sneak up on people and try and frighten them. Username; RieRen Name; Kaori Nakashima Age; 32 Gender; Female Weapon-Of-Choice; Two Swords Appearance; http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo275/DarkAngelOfChaos1995/Cool Anime/Ninja.jpg Personality; Strict, clueless, strong, lacks a sense of humor, and never backs down from a challenge. Clan; Kamiki Clan Bio; Kaori is known as the principle of the Kamiki training village. Her grandfather was the one who created the village and then it was past down to her father. Though Kaori's father was recently killed by an unknown clan so Kaori is the new leader of the village. Instead of never seeing the students, like her grandfather and dad did, Kaori decided it would be best to actually teach them herself. Skill; Fighting Flaws; Kaori is more a back in the day kind of person and often doesn't get children these days. Anything else?; She absolutely loves sweets. Username; roxasissomebody/Ris Name; Ayame 'Iris' Coy Age; 16 Gender; Female Weapon-Of-Choice; Throwing Knives, and Small Swords Appearance; Clickk Clan; Coy Clan Bio; Ayame has lived with her family/clan since she was a small child, her family not into the Ninja Life. Her father was a Ninja, dying in a mission from the Head of the Clan. Her mother couldn't support Ayame's siblings, and asked the Clan for watch, and safety. They agreed, as long as Ayame, prooved to be a prodigy in the family tree, would train for Ninja. Her mother agreed only to make sure she would be safe. Ayame began living in the village a year ago, knowing that this year will be easier then the last. Animal Companion; None. Skill; example; Stealth Flaws; Her backside, and Temper for her shortness. Anything Else?; She misses her family, and sometimes makes things a big deal. Name; Ryo Kazuma Age; 17 Gender; Male Weapon-Of-Choice; Katana and Kunai. Appearance; Personality; Kind and generous, but sometimes sneaky. Clan; Hotaro Clan. Bio; He was taken in by the Hotaro clan after his parents died when he was young. The clan thought it would be best if he learned how to be a ninja. Animal Companion (optional); N/A Skill; stealth Flaws; He has been told that he is too kind. Anything Else?; Pinapple Pie. Username; Spunk Ransom Name; Akari Hoshino Age; 16 Gender; Female Weapon-Of-Choice; Kunai, throwing stars, a sword she carries at all times, but only uses in tight situations. Appearance; http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff184/nasim11/ninjagrl.jpg Personality; A very kind girl most of the time. She will do anything she can to help out a friend. Although, she is a little bit shy. Clan; Hoshino Bio; Grew up in a clan that has had ninja emerge before, she and her sister have always been best friends and they came to the village together. Animal Companion (optional); http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff308/VOODOO_JOKER/wolf.jpg (The wolf's name is Hoshino, it's the clan's guardian. Skill; magical/summoning Flaws; She sometimes has a hard time summoning the Wolf, she can normally do it better when her sister is around. She lacks confidence sometimes. Anything Else?; Nope. (: Username; Spunk Ransom Name; Hikari Hoshino Age; 17 Gender; Female Weapon-Of-Choice; Kunai and throwing stars. Appearance; http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y197/Angel_DeMorte/847906325_l.jpg Personality; Very outspoken. She can be brutal, but kind. Clan; Hoshino Bio; Same as Akari. Animal Companion (optional); N/A Skill; healing/support Flaws; Sometimes says things that she doesn't mean. Anything Else?; To ignore the head band on the image, sorry, it was the only decent pic I could find. Name; Oyama Shinrokuro Age; 15 Gender; male Weapon-Of-Choice; a special form of gauntlet. Its 2 metal looking gauntlets, which are able to store kunai within them, which are generated through methods of summoning (the kunai meaning). These gauntlets can extend the kunai out as claws, meaning that if one were to be punched, they would be punctured by up to 12 kunai at once. They are also able to fire these kunai out at extreme high speeds, making them much harder to dodge then normal ones. Also, due to the immense weight of the weapons, it makes any punch taken from them much much stronger then any normal punch, which would even be able to dent metal (hope the weapon is ok. I can change it if you want) Appearance; Personality; He has a very cold nature towards all, and will destroy anyone whom is in his way, whether they be friend or foe. He tends to keep his eyes on one target, and one target alone, mostly considering everyone else to be mere eyesoars. Cold, emotionless, the perfect assasin. He lets nothing get in his way, no matter who or what, and is always calm. Clan; Shinrokuro Bio; He was born into a family of assasins. ALways been one to challange others, always wanting to try and test his own skills. To many, though he is still young of age, he is refered to as teh Shinroku carnivor. Skill; summoning (though he barely uses it) Flaws; Does not listen to reason, and will never admit defeat. Anything Else?; pinapple pie
lol, you got a point I keep on delaying it. I guess I'll post it now ^^
hey, should I start my rp or wait `til tomorrow or something?
yay! my birthday's tomorrow. I'll probably call you