The last anime series I finished watching was probably Ghost Hunt. I must say the ending to that series was terrible and it explained NOTHING. I heard the manga was better, but I'm too lazy to read. I'm trying to find something else to watch but I might re-watch .hack//roots and probably Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro. =3
Ehh, my boy name would have been Jocab ._. So, I'm thankful for being a girl.
I've cried during a few movies and television shows that I can't remember, but I remember crying during Bones Spoiler it was the episode called "The Finger In The Nest" and that was when they had the illegal dog fighting. The part that made me cried was when Bones got attached to the dog and they had to put the dog asleep because that was the dog who was ordered to kill the victim and she had the whole funeral for the dog. So sad ...
My parents don't really seem to care what I do on the internet. So, of course, they don't know about this account, it's not like it's bad or anything.
Avatar; 4/10 Small, and I prefer pictures over words. Signature; 7/10, not bad =)
Right now I am reading Warriors; Book 3, Forest of Secrets. =O I love the Warriors series =)
Nice job on the second chapter, though I couldn't help trying to figure out who Riku reminded me of, lol. The some of the spelling needs to be fixed and some grammar checks but it is still good. Also the ending seemed a bit rushed in my mind. Great beer run XD
The title may change later. This is a story I've been writing not too long ago but had the idea in my hand for a while. If you see any mistakes or something wrong with my wording, please don't hesitate to tell me. Twisted Land Chapter One: Classic Cannibal Pale moonlight bathed the lone streets, providing a dim light source. Night had fallen a few hours ago and lights ceased to glow bright. Most people got ready for a their final rest of the day, thinking of what tomorrow might bring them. The cracking of bones echoed through the darkness. Snapping under the pressure of razor teeth. The once powerful screams turned to hopeless cries and then the sound completely died. A smile plastered on his face as he gazed at his masterpiece. Still full of hunger, he left a bit for someone to stumbled upon it. Maroon liquid was painted on the grunge walls in a splattered pattern, some was fresh and was dripping down to the floor creating a small puddle. Other spots on the wall was brownish red and stained from other victims. The metallic smile shone through the night, sparkling because of the full moon. All emotions were mixed together, in a twisted sense. As he grew bored, he raced away like an animal from his last meal of the day and off to his home. Leaving the poor, unexpected woman to bathe in her own blood. -- Tears streamed down the by passers faces as the yellow tape blocked their entrance to the woman's deathbed. Some knew they the lady, others felt empathy for her. Police stalked around, examining the brutality of the scene. It was him again. The third time this week and he has been up to this for the past month. No one was sure about this killer, who was obsessed with the human body, epsically the meat on their bones. He was just a classic cannibal. "Detective, the people are beginning to worry." A woman assistant explained, her clip board close to her chest in fear, "We have no leads and no one is safe." The man who she was speaking to was in his late thirties and in a tan western suit. His hands shoved into his pockets in a nonchalant manner and a frown on his squared face as he scanned the murder scene. Nightfall was still present and this horrible crime was only committed a few hours ago. "Karen, I know." He spoke with a deep, hoarse voice with a hint of sadness. The assistant with the name of Karen only held her clip board closer and bit her rosy, red lip before she dare to look up at her superior. "This is the same man who took your wife and son, is he not?" Karen slowly said, hoping that little fact would help him want to catch this madman even more. "Yes, he is." The detective answered with no change in emotion. She then felt a sudden hateful flame ignited within her body. "Theodore!" She suddenly snapped, throwing the clip board down to the street in anger. That action caused all of the police, by passers, and other detectives to stare at the unfolding scene in curiosity. Theodore only glanced back at her, with dark circles underlining his eyes. The pit of his stomach was battling with rage and sorrow, and rage was winning. At that exact moment he wanted to take that Karen girl down, hurt her. His beautiful wife and beloved son were one of the earlier victims of this strange cannibal. His life had been a wreck since then, he had to put on this hateful outlook on life to keep him from breaking. "Not here, Karen." Theodore whispered in a growling like manner. He sense the nervousness of Karen as she gulped and stepped back and pick up the clip board that she ruthlessly threw down to the ground in anger. "Detective Williams." A man's thick voice called out from behind the younger male detective. His eyes set back to extreme focus as he turn to face his boss. A heavyset man with thinning hair gave had a large, smug smirk across his chubby face, "Can I trust you two to work together, or too much tension." Theodore winced at the way tension was said, like Karen and him had some beyond work relationship. His teeth were now clenched together to keep his jaw from hitting the floor. Just because he works with a female, doesn't mean he must have sex with her. "Detective Maxwell, I assure you nothing is between us. She's just pointing out that I'm not so fit for this case." Theodore stated in monotone, trying the hardest he ever had before to keep his breaking cool. Maxwell only gave a roll of the eyes before he spoke once again. "You are a family member of one of the victims in this case, Theodore." Maxwell mentioned with a slight cough which cause a smirk of agreement on Karen's face, "Can we trust you not to do this only for revenge?" "You can trust me with your life." --- It was at least almost two hours after midnight until Theodore walked into the dark, lone household. All the lights were shut off and it was impossible to see. He felt the smooth walls carefully with his right hand searching for the light switch. His forehead was throbbing painfully like a someone took a metal, blunt object and bashed his head a couple of times. Suddenly he felt the switch and quickly turned the lights on as he touched it. The hallway light brighten up the entire area. The intense bright light nearly caused his head to explode as he gritted his teeth in more pain, like he was going to break jaw in the process. The tiny kitchen area was still dim but the hallway leading to the bathroom and laundry room area was shining like daylight. Theodore stumbled into the kitchen and clicked on a few more lights, making the light shine even more. He opened up the cabinet that was placed directly above the stove. He felt around in search for something very specific. Then he found it. In his rough hands was a small bottle of pain killers, just what he needed. He began to twist the lip but it seemed to be stuck. Damn child safety lock. Theodore cursed mentally but after a painful five minutes he eventually figured it out to unscrew it. "Dad?" A soft voice called from the darkness. The sudden noise caused him to nearly jump a mile high and he dropped the bottle on the floor, he only gritted his teeth to hold back his temper. It was a teenage girl, around the age of fifteen. Her black hair long and most of it laying on her shoulders and stopping around her chest. She wore only a simple pale pink tank top and some shorts for pajamas since it was summer time and there wasn't a need for long clothes. "What are you doing up this late, Ashnay?" Theodore sighed sharply as he tried to calm himself down. All this hate was building up in him and he didn't want to take it out on his only daughter. "I just heard some noises downstairs." Ashnay nearly whispered with guilty tone, like her interrupting her father was an awful crime. "Well you should go back to sleep." Theodore said quickly as he motioned his hand towards the upstairs of their house. She only gave a half-hearted nodded as she sluggishly walked back to her room upstairs. Theodore let out another sigh of relief, there was always a strange feeling of embarrassment he had around her. He then glared at the mess her created on the floor, small piles scattered every way. Some were lost under the stove and there was no hope in fishing them out from under there. He grabbed a few from the floor and placed them back into the bottle, the rest he kicked under the stove. Grabbing a cup from the cabinet, Theodore headed towards the sink and filled it to the rim with water. He placed two pills in his mouth he then literally chugged down the water. He coughed roughly once he finished, too much water entering his lungs at once. Theodore's eyes suddenly felt heavy as memories of Nancy and Vaan played in his head like a movie. All of those memories had something missing, Ashnay. She was often in the corner or not there at all. Nancy was the beautiful and loving wife, Vaan was the beloved football player son, and then there was Ashnay. A simplistic wreck. She had her teenage problems that she could talk to her mom about but Nancy didn't have the heart to listen, so Ashnay turned to her friends which ended up in making numerous bad decisions. His breathing became slow, he was in much need for some crying. He hadn't cried since their funeral about a year ago.
I absolutely love it, Rissy! =D I kind of see how you said Namine reminds you of me, lol. It's awesome, I like how you describe things in such great detail. Though some of the paragraphs are really long but there's nothing wrong with that. Can't wait for chapter two!~
Finally, lol. XD Now you can join samm and I's RPs =D
Ice Romancer by Sadie
I'm embarrassed to say I watched was Powerpuff Girls Z ._. It's pretty much the japanese verison of powerpuff girls. I don't know but I really got into and watched a lot of episodes and stuff. The Rowdy Ruff Boys were awsome xD
Avatar; 9/10 adorable ^^ Signature; 8/10
Hey, you need to look at myspace. I forward you the message from ya know. He is talking about you now ._. I got pissed and didn't feel like being...
"O-Of course I have the right room!" Rena said in a panicked tone as she held the piece of paper in her hand, "It took most of my money to even get this room." Rena let out a sigh.
Avatar; 7/10 Signature; 10/10
yeah, he message me back. He was all like 'eff u & u r a brat', I could barely understand anything.
lol, omg, you should totally forward it to me! haha, he probably blocked me too but I don't really care. He's probably so scared to leave his...
I swear, I'm going to kill him >=(
OOC; Alrighty, wait does that mean you guys stole that room. Sheesh. BIC; Rena grinned happily as she opened the door to her new home for the night. Though once she opened the door, she wished she didn't. Two people were occupying the room. "W-What!?" Rena suddenly said as she looked confusingly at the two, "This has to be my room I paid for..." She said as she looked around and then at the room number posted on the door.