I either like the second one or the fourth one.
If I had to choose between the two it would be Hilary than Miley. Though I don't really listen to either of their songs, I only hear about them on TMZ. But back a while ago I guess I kind of liked Hilary, or was that Lindasy Lohan? All those pop singer look the same to me ._.
I've may not have played the game that much but I know I hate Kairi. I mean she's just that kind of character you hate, like Aerith. I can't really back-up why I hate her but there is always going to be a character in everything that you wished they would just go away.
Hollywood Whore by Papa Roach
I never heard of them until one of my friends shown me their song 'Redlight District' and that's the only song I really listen to from them.
My favorite has to be verison 2, it just caught my eye more than the first one for some reason. Nice job on both, keep up the good work.
I'd go for any kind of hair color, mostly brown though. =)
Teach Me How To Sing Like You!~
Manga is alright but I rather watch Anime. Yeah, I've read a few mangas here and there but I always get really into animes. The only manga that I've really read and bought was Tokyo Mew Mew *looks at collection on bookself*. Besides anime is easier to find.
I have to say the coolest anime villain has to be... Legato Bluesummers because he's cool like that.
"Wait a minute," Ashnay suddenly said to Corentine, "God sent you down here to complete a mission but he won't tell you what that mission is?" She asked with curiousty.