Hehheh. Anyway. We only need one more person! >3
Yeeeeaaah! 8D
Yes, I do. HOLYSHIT, BEAST. =o
Crying! D: I got back from the dentist and it was poopy.
I just watched it, recorded from yesterday. I literally screamed "Holy balls!" at my television. I love that show, honestly.
*cling* ;A;
Bonjour~! ^^ Heh.
I do. I don't want a half-well done signature, and many people want money for their work. I'm not exactly sure what I want, but something with Crona from Soul Eater. I'm still brainstorming, I'm just looking for a potential taker.
Indeed! I'd like to collaborate with an artist. I'd be glad to repay you with money (mail order), and/or writing a custom piece of literature for you! <3 Yepyep! I'd like for this picture to be used and scaled, with these words: It's not that you don't know how to deal with people... It's that no one ever took the time to deal with you.
Interesting, though some grammatical mistakes deter from the read. I'd brush up on grammar or at least do some proofreading.
Oasis-Amanda Palmer. <3
I'm not afraid to save or damn the world. My name is {Scott Grey}, and I'm {19} years old. I am a {male}, who looks like this. {Shoulder length black hair, I'm a bit over six feet tall, dark brown eyes, I'm rather thin, and I'm always seen wearing a leather jacket.} I'm a {master)} in this world, and I control {light} I think that {*insert name of someone*} and I will get along really well. I admit, I like {conflict}, but I fraggin' hate {having absolutely nothing to do.} I act a little...{strange and absent-minded. I often make comments about whatever situation I find myself in regardless of whether or not someone is around to hear me out or not. I tend to follow my sense in logic and any who disagree with me will most likely be ignored. I've been told that I have an ego but I think it's warranted seeing as how I'm rarely proven wrong.} My childhood? Oh, it was like this! {My family wasn't the worst out there, my parents raised me and took care of me like how any mother and father should. I wasn't too well off but I wasn't at the bottom of the food chain either. If I could sum it all up in one word, I could say my life was dull. Nothing seemed to happen in it and even though my older brother would constantly pick fights with me, we still managed to survive and get on with our lives. My brother seemed to be my parents' favorite child. He was obedient, did everything they asked of him, and seemed to blend in very well with those around him. I on the other hand was a bit of a problem child. If someone made a comment I didn't like, I would lash out. Maybe a little too much at times I suppose. I was a bit too open about whatever my views were and I bothered a lot of people over the years. Although I could say I got in a lot of fights, they were never anything big. Just throw in a few punches, maybe a dodge here or there, and see who would back out first so I can't say I'm any expert when it comes to fighting. Now about the recent happenings...I'll leave that to myself. I've given out too much information about my past anyways.} I really love {the color white. Despite the fact that I wear so much black, I can't help the fact that white is my favorite color.} and I think my guardian angel's name is {Terra} Oh, yeah! Wait! {"For You" by Staind} Wish me luck. I'm not afraid to save or damn the world.My name is {Gwendolyn Pierce}, and I'm {Nineteen} years old. I am a {Female}, who looks like this. {A picture for you~<3} I'm a {Weapon} in this world, and I control {Illusion} I think that {Parker} and I will get along really well. I admit, I like {Frosting, time alone, the sky, the color purple, short conversations, and the warm}, but I fraggin' hate {loud noises, impatience, ignorance, children, and sand.} I act a little...{Stubborn sometimes, rude--but mainly under stress, and I can be a bit confusing when it comes to how I'm really feeling.} My childhood? Oh, it was like this! {Gwen grew up into a family consisting of two older, twin, sisters and an average mother and father. Her parents adored every fiber of their being, and honestly, it didn’t take puberty for Gwen to get sick of it. For the most part, her life was pretty much normal except for the expectations thrown in her direction. Though her parents may have shown more appreciation for the twins, Gwen was still expected to be the perfect daughter. Ironic. Even though she was polite and kind to them and always did as they asked, she was still seen as the problem child. Not only were her manners disregarded, but the fact that she had managed to get all A’s throughout high school was also disregarded. It was as though she was just another trophy, while the eldest sisters sucked the love out of her parents. Well, I shouldn’t say parents. It was more of her mother, actually. Her father distributed as much as his time as fairly as possible, and she had grown quite close to him. Unfortunately, he was around much less than anyone else. Needless to say, it wasn’t exactly hard for her to move out and separate herself from her family. She had already felt detached and alone anyways. Her general outlook on life was rather bleak, and she had developed a world of unheard and uncared for opinions. Not only that, but she carried and continues to carry a heavy load of secrets from her childhood the disconnected upbringing. But that’s a whole other story that we don’t have time for. <3 } I really love {Link for you~} and I think my guardian angel's name is {Jayn} Oh, yeah! Wait! {This should be fun.} Wish me luck. I'm not afraid to save or damn the world. My name is {Saya Rivers}, and I'm {Eighteen} years old. I am a {Female}, who looks like this. {Looks can be deceiving, no?} I'm a {Weapon} in this world, and I control {Darkness} I think that {Sam} and I will get along really well. I admit, I like {Rain drops, deep forests, intricate long books, old stationary, solitude, lemon drops, carmel chocolate, white roses, candle light, Victorian style anything, pianos, violins}, but I fraggin' hate {Blinding bright lights, being immersed in rushing waters (think rivers), someone interrupting my daydreaming, pickles, needles, nights without stars, anger brewing in the air} I act a little...{Strange to others. Even though my element is darkness, I have a light heart. I love to laugh and smile, and have fun with my friends. It may seem to you that I'm not capable of that, but yet I am. You see, I have a mask I wear for strangers. I don't want anyone to know me unless I let them see who I am. That means I have placed my full trust in them. If you see me right up front I'm not the smiling, laughing girl I told you I am. I appear to be solemn and dull; a girl who might perchance to smile may crack and shatter in a million pieces. By the way, this is not how I talk all the time. Only those who I opened my heart to know me well.} My childhood? Oh, it was like this! {I grew up in a family of perfectionists. Everything I did had to be absolutely perfect; how I spoke, how I dressed, how I walked, everything. I was the only surviving child of the sickness after all. It was up to me to make my way in the world. My father was the worst critic of the parents I was born to. If one thing was out of line with me, everything was. Punishment was always in order. My mother was a tad bit kinder, although she refused to speak against my father and what he believed what was to be done in his house. Nonetheless, through those grueling moments of the first thirteen years of my life, I was trained to be a pianist and a violinist, I found out about my strange abilities, and I received the proper education, (though I don't like to brag about that). Oh yes, those strange abilities sparked when my father was giving me a “lecture†on what kind of daughter he expected me to be. I was condemned one of the devil’s children, and I really believed that awful world of fire and brimstone surrounded me when my father attempted to rid me from this pure world. In the end, I broke out of that cage and I've spread my own wings. My own wings; yes...I discovered my connection with the dead that day, those spirits from the other world. My wings... they were broken at first, but they healed over time. Now, this is me. I'm free. I'm living on my own now. No more restrictions or harsh criticism is holding me back. After meeting Sam through a series of events (which I think he doesn't want me to talk about), we became the best of friends. I have a quaint apartment, I make my living as an assistant at a book store and I'm hired to perform private piano and violin concerts for the wealthy. As the rest of my life goes, that's just for me to know about.} I really love {Palladio} and I think my guardian angel's name is {Maka} Oh, yeah! Wait! {Welcome to the masquerade.} Wish me luck. I'm not afraid to save or damn the world.My name is {Samuel L. Corinx}, and I'm {18} years old. I am a {male}, who looks like this. { http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/...s/guys/m_4b18ba614ee74215a8e4ae9c45d23496.jpg I normally wear a set of casual clothes like a t-shirt and jeans, though my imposing stature tops off at 6'7", a result of my family's massive height genes.} I'm a {master} in this world, and I control {sound} I admit, I like {dogs, goats, mythology, Amanda Palmer, contemporary things, organic drinks, and pizza}, but I fraggin' hate {spiders, hail, people touching me too much, tight places, and drowning.} I act a little...{strange. That’s for sure; I’m not exactly the best with other people. I’m selective with who I trust and who I display a mask of casualty and indifference to. To most, I am laid-back, sublimely confident and assertive, and likable. This, however, belies my true self; I have a few problems with self-confidence and a very unfeeling soul, although my best friend would argue against the fact. I’m extremely loyal, however, and you can count on me to always speak my mind.} My childhood? Oh, it was like this! {I always wondered if it had, over the years, become easier for them not to care. Actually, that statement is false; they cared, they cared about me. I know my parents cared about me. This, however, did not meant that they cared about what I pursued in the future. I had felt stifled by my family, although I’d always conformed. Conformed to religion(I still kept it, albeit not as strictly as my family), conformed to standards, got nearly straight A’s…but the moment that a career option appeared for their son that garnered less than thirty thousand a year, they suddenly got very oppressive. Funny, almost. Almost, of course. Saya’s an awesome pianist and violinist, did you know that? I did. She also is pretty tough on the streets, but sometimes she is a little vulnerable. Anyway. I got a dorm at the local university, though I spend a lot of time at the bookstore. The lack of connection with my loving parents doesn’t really bother me as much as it should, and I’ve gone through a few girlfriends that have complained about my apathy. This still doesn’t faze me; as long as I have Saya, I can survive anything. } I really love {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i62UF7uROGU } and I think my guardian angel's name is {Of Pride And Other Things} Oh, yeah! Wait! {I hope there are instruments in that world. Saya and I could jam!} Wish me luck.
Don't Be Afraid {Open + Accepting!} {Non-KH Related. c:} Take a chance, take a breath... never be afraid. Honestly, you would have thought we would know better. Countless magazine articles, warnings from scientists, experts, everything imaginable; we still didn't listen. We've destroyed our Earth, and the battered remains are not happy. Floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes-all ravage our world. Isolated encampments, surrounded by sky-high concrete levies are a temporary fortress until scientists can discover exactly how to recover. They never will, of course. Humanity, like an unruly brat, is always sorry after it misbehaved. During a particularly horrible storm in Lousiana, where the characters live, a levy displays a hairline fracture, unseen by all. That fracture slowly grows, unbeknownst to the populace, and triggers an alarm only after the crack has grown to devastating proportions. Ten teenagers are swept up in the oncoming flood. Those that survived the flood were airlifted away to a different encampment, though among the bloated bodies in the water, the teenagers were never found, and presumed dead. Wrong. In a sense, of course. Who exactly knows where they are? Greeted by a rotting skull impaled upon a crude spear, perhaps the teenagers are in a twisted Wonderland, or a hell, surrounded by creatures that both entice and disgust, boggle the mind. Perhaps they're in a dream; either way, they're in trouble. The adolescents come to in a dark valley, black rock surrounding them on all sides but one. Confused, befuddled, and rather damp, the teenagers are shoved into a mission to save the world that they came from, turn back time. Five of the teenagers, ordained to become the weapons of the other five, each wield an element. The weapons were humans in the human world; they have adopted a weapon form in this world. They can shift between human and weapon form at any time. Clumsy and awkward, the pairs must learn to work together, harmonise as fire and ice in order to overcome the terror that stands in their way. They most certainly can't stay where they are. The group feels already the pangs of hunger, thirst not far behind. You feel pain in this world, it's only logical that you can die in it, too. Perhaps that's the only piece of logic in the place, besides gravity. Wait, that's messed up in some places, too. Whoops. Good luck, you're going to need it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each weapon must have a master; each master must have a weapon. Together they stand, divided they fall. The scythe, the musket, the axe, the broadsword and the rapier; each destructive, each abstractly beautiful. The elements must, likewise, be in coordination for surviving. Fire, water, air, earth. The four elements, the basics of what all else comes from; light and dark, sound and illusion, life and chaos; these ethreal elements govern the universe in perfect synchrosity with the elements; as such, they must be in harmony to allow the survival of our little characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am getting ahead of myself, however. There are rules to this Wonderland, and you must abide by them. 1) No Godmodding. 2) No two of the same element. There are ten for a reason; any two may be paired. (Fire and light, for an example) 3) I'd like romance, but it's not mandatory. Don't force yourself on someone. 4) PG-16 with romance, PG-18 with other things. I like detail~ 5) Message me if you want the profile skeleton. 6) If you are not paired with anyone, tell me your preferred element and weapon of your partner, if applicable. 7) At least two paragraphs per post. Sometimes, it gets droll and dialogue, and then it's okay. But try and at least do eight sentances. 8) No insta-skill! You all are going to be sword-swinging idiots when you begin; improvements will happen over a period of time. 9) Collaborate with your partner to find interesting and unique skills. 10) You may have a rudimentary understanding of your element, but you cannot use it for battle until a certain point in the story. Once again, this ties to rule eight. 11) Have fun! <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People without a partner: Scott Grey: Seeking, preferably, a broadsword, with the element of dark. People partnered already: Sam (sound) + Saya ( Dark scythe) Parker (fire) + Gwen (illusion rapier) Master slots taken: 3/5 Weapon slots taken: 2/5 Weapons taken: Rapier, scythe Elements taken: Sound, fire, illusion, light, dark ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Profiles: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?105336-Don-t-be-afraid.-OOC-Profiles&p=3274474#post3274474 WE ARE STARTING, though we cannot have the flood happen till we have six or more people~.
Honestly, I have no problem with gay people. I don't. But I do have a problem when they're snogging in the hallway at school, in the middle of the sidewalk, or in some random public place. I hate it when anyone does that, actaully; but my point is that homosexuals get their panties in a twist when I say it to them, accusing me of being homophobic. In my opinion, they're normal people. Treat them as such. Normal people don't get pride parades. It's when they openly flaunt and push themselves on you that it gets annoying, just like some Christians and straight people with their beliefs.
I was deeply dissapointed with Assassin's Creed. I don't exactly know why, but after playing it, I felt gypped out of my money. LAIR, as well, really pissed me off. I'd been looking forwards to that game for weeks, and when it came out... Horrible gameplay, annoying controls. What didn't dissapoint me, however, was Final Fantasy Thirteen. It easily had the best plotline out of them all, albeit the most tragic, in my opinion. The controls were fantastic, the plotline was great, though it could have had a little more replay value.
I'd always wanted to try and cosplay, but nothing anime-related ever comes to New Mexico. x3
My girlfriend introduced me to the comic. C: I simply adore it!
History. D<
<3 Lol. Icon~!
Whut? I did? D: Okay. And yaaay. <3