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  1. Of Pride And Other Things
    Right now I do.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Of Pride And Other Things
    .22 rifle~
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Of Pride And Other Things

    Sam Corinx​

    "I'm a magician now? No one told me. Ah, it's all good. I'm magical, anyway~." He said with a little laugh, raising an eyebrow as he heard some kind of commotion outside the window. Some kind of car squealing. Sam didn't pay any attention to it; it was probably some idiot driving badly. What else was new? Sam let out a small, musical hum as he heard the classical music in the background, letting out a good-natured grin as he leaned back in the sofa. It really was a good day. He couldn't complain even if he wanted to. Here he was with his great friend, and then something even better started. A light rain began to drizzle down over the city, clouds overtaking the sun and giving everything a grayish blue wash. The heat of the sun immediately began to seep out of the asphalt and out of the air itself, it seemed. It was like God had turned on the air conditioner up there or something. Sam let out a small chuckle at the thought, shrugging and watching as Says took the stuff and made it into a joke. "An obese cat? A penguin? While those are all fun to watch, I'd rather you not be a giant, waddling thing. I just got the as a gift~ But I would get amusement out of you waddling. I'm not going to lie." Sam chuckled happily as she tried not to giggle, tempted to reach over and jab his finger into her ribs to get those giggles to come out. "Kidding. Right. Your favorite things in the world, eh? Oreos? Eh, I guess simple minds are pleased by simple things." He teased right back, smiling.

    "Herbal tea? Agh, that sounds like a hippie drink. Not that I mind hippies or anything. They're cool. And yes. Didn't you say I was a magician? That means I can read minds. I predicted that you'd offer me poisoned herbal tea and I brought this hot chocolate to save my own life. That's right." He murmured happily, continuing to eat his sandwich. He lounged back in the chair that she offered him, flopping onto it with a tired groan. He laid on it sideways, his legs draping over the armrest farthest from the couch and nearly touching the ground. He curled up a little in the cushiony material, closing his eyes for just a moment and letting out an elongated sigh. "Hm...Life." He murmured quietly, trying to think about what to say. "I'm...I'm actually doing pretty well, y'know. I'm kinda surprised. It almost feels like things shouldn't be going this well, I shouldn't be happy, but I am. I have a new motto, you know. Get good, get better. I repeat that to myself every day to remind myself of it. I'm using it with my art. I think I'm going to start a webcomic. Maybe just one that has jokes every week, no real recurring plotline. I was inspired by an artist online. The artist of three webcomics, attending college. I thought, 'Hey, Sam. If he can do all of that and actually draw with such quality, you can do your art, which is a quarter of the quality as his, and be able to keep up with one comic, yeah?'" He paused to think for a moment and get some more air. Today was one of those days where he just felt like...talking. He felt like talking to her. No one else would even listen, and here she was, not interrupting him as he ranted on about himself.
    "Yeah. So. I've also been doing a lot of writing, trying to get better at that. When I get done I think I may publish it. It's not as good as yours, though. I've been trying to practice more piano, but I'm pretty busy...but I've still been practicing, and that's what counts, right? Get good, get better! Hehheh...Yeah. Been holding up, I guess. Still going to college for education, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pursue high school education. That's about it. I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to ramble on like an idiot. I probably bored you to death." He murmured apologetically, burying his face into a soft pillow. "So, Saya! Tell me about you!" He retaliated with a happy grin, wanting to hear about what had been going on with her. Sometimes she gave him a sentence response, but he could normally coax more out of her. No one's life could be summarized a single sentence; he always tried to get the real story, the real issues from the girl. He didn't want to be the friend that seemed like he didn't care, because he did.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Of Pride And Other Things
    Thank you so much! First comment! <3
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: Archives
  5. Of Pride And Other Things

    Sam Corinx​

    You’re my guitar hero; you’re my guitar hero…” A young male quietly murmured to himself as he walked down the sidewalk of the town, a black headphone resting in one of his ears and quietly playing Amanda Palmer. The boy had always been possessed with a certain affinity to music, evident through that headphone that was nearly always spewing the musical talents of Emilie Autumn, Amanda Palmer, or some related artist. Sam felt a smile spread across his face as he spied the tall ceiling of a bookstore in the distance, feeling what only could be described as relief flood through his body. What was waiting in that bookstore made living his life of crappy apartment buildings, mediocre paintings and piano pieces and dreadfully annoying education remotely tolerable. Not that the boy was considering suicide, or anything. That was silly.

    People around him each had their own song to sing, and they would if they could. The man with a trail of cigarette smoke emanated acrid and dry rock; a woman, crying for some reason reminded Sam of a serenade to some lost love. Sam’s 6’5” frame walked indifferently beside both, offering neither a word of salutation nor one of condolence. The ballads of other people’s broken lives and loves weren’t his problem. Passing by, the lanky male raised one of his muscular arms to brush a lock of reddish black hair out of his black eyes. The things had a strange sense of hidden emotion within them, enough to make one want to befriend the man just for the sole purpose of figuring out the secrets that they held. Not that being Sam Corinx’s friend was an easy task; at the moment, a single individual fit the bill.

    The tall male solemnly crossed the hot asphalt road, looking lazily from side to side that his death wasn’t speeding at 67 miles per hour straight at him. The city could be beautiful, perhaps, Sam thought. It was rebuilding itself, albeit slowly, and everything seemed rather calm. Nice, though heavy, black clouds had begun to surround and cover the sunny city. The rain would be a nice reprieve from the masses of sunshine that they’d been barraged with. Rainstorms were common in these parts, though little did everyone know that the levies that kept them safe would soon be breaking. Still, though; that wasn’t even in the minds of the townsfolk as they went about their business. Sam pulled open the door to the bookstore once he had reached it, closing it behind him and adjusting his thin, gray, v-necked t-shirt as he walked in, a rare smile cracking his face to reveal white teeth. Only a few were shown before it turned into a lip smile, the male shedding a light jacket and draping it over the back of a chair lazily, nudging the thing underneath the table with one of his sharp hips. His figure was wiry and lanky, though evidence of hard muscle was everywhere, albeit hidden by his nearly always baggy clothing.

    Saya!” He called, his very bass voice echoing gently through the amazing acoustics of the bookstore. He had, on more than one occasion, heard different people sing within the store, and the curved and arched ceilings always made for interesting and beautiful sounds and echoes. “If have brought something to make your day at least eighty times better. Probably at least a hundred, though that’s probably overestimating my abilities.” He murmured, walking to the seated female. As she was about to get up, as he knew that he would, he gently pushed her back to the couch with a small shake of his head. Sam reached into the brown paper bag that he was holding, fishing about for a moment before he carefully brought out a large cup, placing it down onto the table, the thing’s circular bottom making a small sound as it touched a wooden coaster. Pulling out the stopper, chocolate-scented steam floated gently from the hole. “Hot chocolate!” He announced with happiness, looking to see her reaction. “But that’s not all!” He said dramatically, reaching into the bag with a flourish, slowly pulling out a plastic, zip-lock bag filled with Oreos. “Yes, this is real. You are not in heaven; I brought you hot chocolate and Oreos.” He said, laughing. “Nice, right? And if you don’t want to make yourself diabetic with all the sugar that’s on the table right now, I have three turkey sandwiches in the bag, too.” He added, nudging the three bags towards the seated female before lying back on the sofa, his arms going behind his head and a real smile spreading across his features.

    Been a slow day, I guess? Well, I hope these make it bearable. Too bad people don’t read anymore. It’s kinda depressing. Screw Facebook, got any good recommendations for books to read?” He asked earnestly, reaching into the bag and pulling out a plastic-wrapped turkey sandwich. He unwrapped it slowly, waiting for her response as he slowly peeled off the plastic, occasionally throwing a ripped piece into the trash can next to him. He thought for a moment how strange he was acting; if anyone knew him outside of the bookstore, outside of Saya’s influence, a few words to describe him would probably have been ‘reserved’, ‘quiet’, ‘introverted.’ All were true, to a certain extent, though the friendly female had always had a certain knack for pulling him out of his shell.

    Not that they were romantically involved or anything, far from it. Sam reminisced back to his memory, a classical violin song floating through his brain before he looked at the ceiling, thinking for a moment. Yes, perhaps the town wasn’t too bad. Perhaps the rain flooded up to people’s ankles, perhaps hail pounded on jackets and jeans and Sam’s boots, perhaps ice sometimes caused car accidents and people to fall and break their bones. Yet, through all of this, the gently tanned teenager liked the town that he lived in. He was fortunate; others had been carried away in the massive floods or destroyed by global warming; the creators of this place had avoided that. He loved the part of town he was in, specifically the bookstore, and even more specifically, the person that that he was with. He was content in sitting here in the bookstore with Saya, chatting about idiots and books and anime and forums and everything imaginable and unimaginable, and contentment is rare to find.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 16, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Of Pride And Other Things

    C'est la vie.


    I used to love sunsets, you know. I used to admire the way the sun, firey and poud, slowly sunk beneath the humble horizon, lighting the landscape ablaze in a last, spectacular convergence of glory. The red color that spread across the horizon as if by a painter's brush used to make my heart pound in wonder and admiration. I think it reminded me of Mom's hair. My hair. The ghosts of the past seemed to well up from the wooden porch beneath me, and for a moment I could feel her hand on my shoulder, her comforting arm around my shoulder. I pushed the memories back into the recesses of my mind before they could cause too much damage, letting out a shaky breath as the cherry across the horizon turned instead to a splatter of blood.

    Perhaps it was what happened to Jake and me that ruined sunsets. I watched as the gnarled, contorted hands of the brush clawed at the sun's virgin hide, dragging it down into the bowels of the black earth. In a last attempt to burn off the restraints, the sun engulfed the ground, the weeds, the pine trees in a burst of flame. I thought for a moment I was going to burn up in the holy blaze, wings expanding behind me in some kind of plea to the divine. It was then that the sun finally died below the horizon, its absense a black hole that destroyed all color from the world. Closing my eyes, I lowered my head a little bit, feeling a few loose strands of my scarlet brush my cheek.


    Author's Note: I wish I knew how to indent on this website. D:
    Thread by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 13, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Of Pride And Other Things
  8. Of Pride And Other Things
    I heard that song on the television a while back, while my Sister was watching the Top Twenty List.
    It's actually a catchy song, not the typical, sex-driven songs that are normally up.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Music
  9. Of Pride And Other Things
    Oh, oh, I know! RoxaxNeval referenced me as a 'her'.

    Floating Head Syndrome? D: Ohnoes, that doesn't sound good at all!

    Well, whatever size would work for Kh-Vids. Preferably something solidly rectangular.
    I'd be happy if you found a new image, though I'm really picky about the ones that I do use.
    Could you send me the images that you find, that way I could approve?
    What I /don't/ want... hm.... well, I don't want Crona portrayed as feminine(more than he is). That's why I picked the picture that I did. Nothing of Crona as a kid, please, and if Ragnarok(his sword) was in the picture, that'd be cool.

    Compensation is great, I'd be willing to do whatever I could.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 13, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  10. Of Pride And Other Things
    Ah. Sounds good, I'll take that into consideration.
    And I'm a male, not a female. l [
    Chevalier, I'm not trying to be snooty. You may take it however you like. Thank you graciously for making the signature. I'm sure whatever you make will be above and beyond what I ever wanted, I assure you.
    C: I'm new to KH Vids, and this new concept of...well, basically, this is charity. Working so hard for something intangible in return. I'm so used to shelling out ten or more dollars for art.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 11, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Of Pride And Other Things
    Profile Post

    The character beast.

    The character beast.
    Profile Post by Of Pride And Other Things for Jayn, Nov 11, 2010
  12. Of Pride And Other Things
    Profile Post

    Yes. Delicious Oreos.

    Yes. Delicious Oreos.
    Profile Post by Of Pride And Other Things for Maka Albarn, Nov 10, 2010
  13. Of Pride And Other Things
  14. Of Pride And Other Things
  15. Of Pride And Other Things
    I didn't know that.
    I just randomly chose the avatar for no reason. l3
    Yeah, I knew that.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  16. Of Pride And Other Things
    Profile Post

    Hahaha~! ^^

    Hahaha~! ^^
    Profile Post by Of Pride And Other Things for Maka Albarn, Nov 10, 2010
  17. Of Pride And Other Things
  18. Of Pride And Other Things
    I think there's a small lack of action going on in the story. Although dialogue is good, I think it's too early in the story for such a speaking block.
    Post by: Of Pride And Other Things, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Archives
  19. Of Pride And Other Things
  20. Of Pride And Other Things