welcome,back don't ever leave again MHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope it's KH cant wait what nomura will pronounce
hello,willis welcome to KHV read the rules and have fun
well,nice name you got there by the way welcome to KHV read the rules and have fun
welcome to KHV (roxas is sora) cant i call you this instead? but,welcome KHV read the rules and have fun
i found out kingdom hearts 2 when i father brought from singapore first,i was thought a boring game but when i play and fight bosses i kinda love that game so when i love that game i become fan and search for a cheat i found out days,re:coded, com, birth by sleep,and kingdom hearts 1 so,i play re:com,re:coded,birth by sleep,kingdom hearts 2
1.incredible inc. 2.finding nemo 3.toy story 4.bug life
a chainsaw keyblade? interesting wonder what the keyblade would like
i be your friend
hello,you sure know a lot about games welcome to KHV read the rules make a friend and have fun
hello welcome to KHV read the rules and have fun
lol that video is hilarious thanks for sharing~
those question are hilarious still,cant wait for the game to come out thanks for the news Krowley&sabby
oh,you having a holiday ? lucky you
welcome back andrew hope you have so much fun in here again :)
hello,Menos Grande welcome to KHV read the rules and have fun
hello,Judge Sunrose it's good to have some new member :) welcome to KHV and read the forum don't forget to have fun
hi, how are you? long time no chat what you doing?
your welcome :)
i don't get it did i just misspelling? O.o