Oh hey, Aragorns. Glad to see you back from vacation, hope it went well, but the RP needs Joker around to function properly.
Oh, you actually recognized him from that. He's brilliant in it, although I've only seen part of it. Jeremy Irons, he voiced Scar, being the main reason I know about him.
Obligatory musical number.
h9w deare you we can usw our noses.
So they can get a cold cut.
Yes. His creepy grin is quite comehiddleston.
Jayn. Your voice is soo adorable. And you sing this song grandly.
No prob. Eventually we do need to mobilize the Organization though, they're one of the main antagonist groups in the RP that hasn't had the spot...
I'm not sure if that would fly well, Saix is currently under Lelouch's Geass and taking orders from him. So Xemnas wouldn't be able to give him an...
Zero nodded at what Autumn-Four had said. "Very well, then we'll proceed forward with my own plans, please standby around the ship. Additional forces will be mobilizing momentarily." "Is this it then, are we going to engage this Reaper force?" "It's going to look that way at the very least." Zero turned from the others and headed toward the door, his cape whipping around behind him. "Loki, remain on the bridge with GLaDOS and prepare all the weapon systems. Command the Meta Knights to board their ships and man their posts." "As you wish, Captain." Loki nodded as GLaDOS brought the targeting systems up, "Primary cannon is being charged." "Kimblee, you'll enjoy your post on the deck, make your way outside and prepare to cause carnage." "Alright, it's about time." He tipped his hat an smiled. "Saix, you and Kallen will accompany me to the landing bay. Our Knightmares should be ready." "Yes, master Zero." "Pride, you and the rest of the Homunculi are to protect this ship from any intrusion. Nobody is to board my ship, nor are any prisoners to escape." "Consider the ship on lockdown, Mister Zero." Zero nodded as Saix, Kallen, Kimblee, and himself exited the bridge. The three pilots heading for the landing bay as Kimblee made his way on top of the ship. Down in the landing bay Saix was preparing Zero's Knightmare, the Shinkiro. Zero sat at the controls to the door hatch, it still remained closed as to shield the Knightmares from harm or sight. "So are we going to head out there with the others?" "Not yet, as I'm sure you've realized we have no hope in defeating a fleet of Reapers this scale." "Well, the thought crossed my mind, but knowing you there is some underlying plan." "Correct, it all relies on the Knightmare pilot spying for Britannia. I'm wagering that they still think Meta Knight is in control of this ship and is about to engage the Reapers. If Schneizel is still in command he won't second guess using the opportunity to launch his own war against the Reapers. Once he shows himself we'll use the confusion and Britannia's waning forces to hunt him down." "It's a gamble alright, he might just laugh at the pitiful attempt to combat these monsters." "Any other time he would, but he's got a score to settle with them for destroying Britannia's homeland. Dearest mother will be onboard with the attack as well I imagine, supposing she made it to this world." "That's the others thing, how are you certain that Schneizel is still alive? He may not have even made it to this world." "There isn't a doubt in my mind that he's still alive, he won't die until I allow it." "Ugah-" Vader gasped, Schneizel and Euphie's conversation was halted as he patched through images of what he was seeing. "Prince Schneizel..t-the Halberd is mobilizing an attack force, it looks like they're about to engage the Reapers!" "What the blazes is Meta Knight thinking? He stands no chance of beating a force that powerful... Vader, were you spotted by the Halberd?" "I uh.. I'm not sure, it's possible. That's not the only thing though, he appears to have begun communicating with another mecha." "Is he starting an alliance then, perhaps expecting Britannia to assist in the destruction of these behemoths?" Schniezel narrowed his brows, "Brother?.. What do you think we should do?" Euphie asked in confusion. "This is our chance to enact revenge upon those filthy creatures, they caught us off guard when the invaded Earth. Now our mobilized forces will wage war with them, they will not take another planet. Vader, wait for the fleet to arrive." "Yes, your majesty." Schneizel cut the commutation and brought Armstrong up on the screen, "General, it's time to attack those monstrosities who destroyed our home. Mobilize the army, begin heading for the Savanna as soon as possible." "Yes. I'll fight until my last breath against those demons." Olivier stepped away from the screen and addressed her army, "Alright everyone, today we bring hell to the ones who destroyed our land, killed our people and sent us to this godforsaken land. Ready your weapons, board your ships and tanks. Tonight, these creatures will burn." The men of Briggs and the loyal Britannias lifted their fists and weapons and screamed. Not long ater that the tanks began rolling through the snow and toward the Savanna. ~/Fort Briggs - Research Department: "Lloyd, come in." ... "LLOYD!" Lloyd came rushing into the control room of the Research Department and crashed into a chair, "Uhh..Yes, Prime Minster, how can I be of service?" "Mobilize everyone, our pilots are on their way down to your department as we speak. We're about to wage war with the Reaper legion." "Oh we're about to wage war with a Reaper legion, it isn't even half past 2. You're certain I couldn't take a nap-" Llyod was bashed over the head by Cécile, "What he means to say is yes, sir." "Get to it then. I hope Ciel has gotten enough training done." A large crash was heard. "Oh he's a natural, almost as good as me!" "You don't fly Knightmares." "I think I just heard him finish another exercise, I'll have to be going. Frame the mobilize and such." Lloyd cut the link and poked his head back into the other room. Ciel had crashed his Knightmare into an obligatory tower of boxes. Sebastian was desperately trying to open the hatch in his Knightmare, Grell had somehow leapt into it with him when he was beginning an exercise. "Well they seem to be doing fine, I think we can excuse oursel-" Lloyd was pushed back into the room to his dismay, "...err...Okay boys and girls! We've got a mission!" [COLOR="#ID00F5"]"A mission?"[/COLOR] Ciel began trying to put the boxes back. "Yes, bloody war is about to break out and you all are needed on the front lines." "More like the lines behind me, you can clean up my trash for me." Spoiler: Enter "Why if isn't Mr. Dracula himself, your Knightmare has been polished and ready to go. It's quite a hassle with all the messes you get into." "Forgive me, It happens when you're ending so many lives at once." The man smiled, Llyod began trying to back away from him, pushing Cécile away. "Right, to all of you newbies, this ray of sunshine is Luciano Bradley, a Knight of the round and commanly known as the Vampire of Britannia." Sebastian ejected from his Knightmare, Grell smashed onto the floor in front of Luciano, a moment later being squished by Sebastian's foot landing on his head. "Your love hurts soo much Bassy..." "It's a pleasure sir." He turned to Lloyd, "Ahem, pardon me, but I don't think the young master is ready for advanced combat." "That's a tough predicament, seeing as he doesn't have any options." Llyod pondered for a moment, "Oh I've got a plan." He motioned for the girl in headphones to listen to him, "Hey, miss drown out the world. Do you think you could let crash and burn accompany you in your Knightmare, he's rather frail." [COLOR="#ID00F5"]"Wha-frail?!-..."[/COLOR] Ciel hung his head in shame.
You were the exemption, and blast you for blowing my cover. I've lead everyone else on long enough with the fake pictures of that man, your meddling has reveled that I'm actually an animatronic Scar. AND YOU GET A BOOT, AND YOU GET A BOOT. /kicksmefromRP lolwat
A soft tone played in the background as the villains appeared in their new domain. Spoiler: Hollow [video=youtube;j-arwFb19Bo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-arwFb19Bo[/video] Maleficent stood in the Grand Hall, it had been a few hours since the villains had been transported to this new castle. They were now in a place known as Hollow Bastion, like so many other worlds it had also become a part of Disgaea. It's location in the world was unknown to everyone other than Maleficent currently. The portal to the realm where Kingdom Hearts remained had been placed at the back of the Hall, lifted up on a raised platform. Maleficent had used her magic to lock the portal so the darkness didn't overtake the castle beyond her control. "This castle will do just fine. Once the secrets to the X-blade are in my grasp, not only will I posses the door to darkness, but the heart of all worlds will be mine to control." She cackled softly as Scar entered the chamber. "What have you to report, Scar." "Mistress, the others have settled into their quarters and are awaiting further instructions." "Good, I'll make the plan clear in due time." "Which is code for you don't have all the plan yet." "Spoken like a true villain. It's the matter of this X-blade, I'm still not sure how we are supposed to even go about summoning the weapon. The clues could be lying around this very establishment though. Ansem had a research facility in the lowest chambers, you and Hades will be charged with deciphering any information from down there." "Oh goodie, I'll fetch him post-haste." "Good, I must keep an eye on the happening of the rest of the world. Lest our enemies get the upper hand." Maleficent summoned Ursula to open her cauldron in the center of the room as Scar left for Hades chamber. Zero motioned for GLaDOS to mute the link for a moment, Loki lifted his hand to his chin, "Another ally could always be of use, especially with the numerous amount of enemies we're up against." "I don't know, I could always just blow that ship up." "That's your response to everything, Kimblee." Kallen said with a stern look. "What can I say, explosions are a weakness of mine." "Weakness or not, I don't want you blowing anyone up without my consent. As for our new applicant, I don't see a downside in allowing them to assist us. In the event something goes wrong I can always use my Geass on them, or Kimblee can blow them up." "Y-Eahhuuhh." GLaDOS opened the channel back up after Zero's que, "Resuming communications". "After careful consideration, I've decided to accept your offer of alliance. What moves are you and your comrades currently planning?"
So long as it isn't Barney. Plus there is a slight difference between having them from childhood and buying it recently because of needs. Back to the point, yeah, the whole formal thing is unneeded, I'm pretty well aquatinted with the lot of you. All I can do is kick you outa the RP. :lolface: but I'd need a valid reason to do that.
I-I'm sorry.. I know it must be common knowledge that they go about their days FIREN THEIR LAZORZ. Old enoug-shot- You could just read my profile, but I'm 18. An 18 year old with a giant stuffed Scar, but 18 nonetheless.
Reapers are big. ::L: Why do so many of you refer to me as Sir or Mr... I mean it's polite, but I'm younger than some of you and like 1-3 years older than the rest. Seems kinda unnecessary. Of course if I was my real size your cow here would die of fright.
I haven't played any of them either, although I seem to know allot about the games thanks to this RP and reading up on so many things.
I was checking if anyone had Dead Master, but then I saw Heartless had her.