wonders where the ceiling is
is yeehaw...what?
^howdy < ish lonley V give me a hug??
...Phantom of the Opera...4 weeks now...nothing else
^get them outta a blender w/ Tostidos! <eats babys Veats chinchillas
^grapefruit <cherry Vblueberry
^kicks your a$$ < rules the world V will hug me *im sad*
^ I haunt your a$$ for enternity < ish awesome when it comes to random things V tingletinglekaloolimpah!...
I've got a lov-ly buncha co-co nuts!Doodlydoodlydooooo!!!!
...in the bathroom...
Your Mother Was A Hamster And Your Father Smelled Of Elderberries!!!!!!!!!
^steals cookies <knew he stole cookies V will give me a kiss on teh cheek? :kiss: pweeez?
when you scream at your friend's weiny dog every time it barks
you know your insane when your That Guy ^ *look up*