Okay, I'm here to talk about the theorys that I have, including BBS, and 358/2 days. Okay, so from what I understand Xehanort has always been a name stealer, no joke. Well let's start out from what we know, when Xehanort turned into a heartless, he did his reaserch, in the name of his master, Ansem. Also Ansem said that Xehanort, or whatever his REAL name is, could only rember the name, Xehanort. Well, this comes back to my theory, Master Xehanort, okay, that makes me think that 'Xehanort' took his name when Ansem found him, well not 'took' exactly, but could only rember that name. So most likely, he steals his master's name, I know it sounds stupid, but whatever, just a theory. Oh yeah, that makes me think that 'Xehanort' is the apprentince of 'Master Xehanort'. Note, these are just BASIC ideas, my other theorys go way further into BBS. Okay, 358/2 days. Well, supposly it has number fourteen, which is a girl. Girl abouslty cannot be Namine, already annouced it's not her, also why would it be her anyway? I mean, she hates the organazation, so why would she join? They keeped her locked up in castle oblivion, so now she hates them for that. I also think that number fourteen is going to be the second to last boss. And that Riku will be the last. I don't know that much about that game, but yeah, that's all I have... Oh yeah, coded, all I have is... da da duh!!! Jiminy cricket uses a FLY pen to write, that's why it's in data form :P lol that was just a joke! Not a real theory, but when Mickey said, "I have to tell you the truth, Sora." OR whatevevr the over-grown mouse said, I really don't care, but I think that he'll either say something about Riku, or something about Terra, or Ven, not sure, I really don't care for this game any way.
This is a link to an awesome website, it has kingdom hearts stuff, along with final fantasy, naruto, bleach, full metal alchemist ect. It has all the way from pillow and plushes, to Cloud's sword! Here is the link Lol, no link for you Oh yeah, it both Final Mix games, including games like Crisis core, and they have mostley all the Final Fantasy games ( I think), so yeah an awesome website. Post in here if you like this website o_o guess what? I think it's like in Hawaii or something.... :bounce: :roll: :lol:
I was thinking, I'm not sure if people know this but Xehanort, when you take out the X spells, another, or no hearts. Another no heart, sounds like a nobody, I mean he has a X in his name too. Master Xehanort, I'm not sure, but let's think from the first klingdom hearts game, Ansem takes over Riku's body, then he splits from Riku, makes me think of when Master Xehanort split to make the guy that looks like he's wearing a way cooler version of Riku's heartless suit thing. They both split. But let's think of Roxas, these are the details, Sora saved Kairi by giving her his heart, then bringing Sora into a heartless, and making Roxas. I wonder why Sora could make a human nobody, and not a human heartless, but everybody in the Organization XIII have a X in their names, not to sound obvious thoguh. Aqua, is a girl, who has some what feelings (For what I can tell) for Ven. Ven is a boy, looks like Roxas, but isn't. Terra, the oldest, is Ven's freind, like Riku is to Sora. Maybe there was four freinds, but the other one turned to darkness, like Riku, and got a cool new out fit. I don't think we are expected to know alot about Xehanort, but he has a major role in all of kingdom hearts. Nomura has already stated that he has an image of what the last scene of kingdom hearts will be, I read that in an interveiw, probally on kh3.net, not sure though. Oh yeah, I just now read that kingdom hearts: coded will be realeased world wide, here is the link for the web site, http://www.khimpulse.net/ that's all I have right now, know it's not alot, but I think it has some useful information.
I had a dream and this is how it happened. I saw a girl dead on the ground, it was Aqua, in the place where the fight in kh2 fm+ secret movie took place at, I saw Sora, Mickey, and Riku, Riku was standing up, like he killed Aqua( but he didn't) Sora was crying and on his knees infront of Aqua, Mickey looked disgusted. I saw Terra run towards Aqua, and he started to hit the ground and yell. Then my dream turned black, I saw Ven and Roxas, they were fighting, then I saw Roxas had Oblivion, and Ven stole, or took Roxas's oath keeper, then my dream changed, and I saw Sora, Riku, Mickey (riding with Riku), and Terra riding their motor cycles, the ones that looked like Clouds, then I awoke. Remeber, not a theroey, just a dream I had, post your own dreams if you want.