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  1. Dredica
    Has it occured to you guys it looks kinda like muscles? It does to me, but thats just my opion, sorry, I didn't know how to word that right, but you probably get my idea :D His dark suit lol
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 28, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Dredica


    Well, I though of doing this, and decided to do it is...

    Khkid1212, Antiweapon, Erkz, and Evilman are trying to get jobs at the same mall. They all go to gamestop, and fill out the aplications. The question, "What are your hobbies?" They all put down hacking. "What made you intersted in getting this job?" They put down, 'I want to get half priced games for employee discount.' "What gaming tool should be sold in this store?" Swapmagic, even though its illegal. "Whats the game you might play the most?" Kingdom Hearts II. "What website(s) do you go on?" Youtube, and kh-vids, (some codemasters...) They all walk out. They ask eachother about the aplications, and they all replyed the, bordom...
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 28, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Dredica
    The only time I know of a curse word in kingdom hearts is when Axel said, "Give me one hell of a show!" In chain of memories.
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 27, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Dredica
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 25, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Dredica
    Can somebody give me a link to download Deep Dive? I'm making a video, and I need it, I couldn't find it in the Cutscene Archive, so yeah, help please. Sorry if I put this in the wrong section.
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 24, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Dredica
    Don't know what section to put this in, so sorry lol.

    Here's the recipe for sea-salt ice cream:
    2 eggs
    2 cups milk
    1/3 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 cup heavy whipping cream
    sea salt (be careful with this)
    blue food coloring (looks better with it) (optional)
    green food coloring (looks better with it) (optional)

    Separate the eggs into two good sized bowls.
    Beat the egg whites until stiff.
    Mix the egg yolks and sugar until thick.
    Slowly bring the milk to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
    Pour the hot milk into yolk/sugar mixture and mix well.
    Pour milk/yolk/sugar mixture back into pot and heat on medium until thicker to make a custard (DON'T LET IT BOIL! also, if you can't get it to a custard thickness,just get it as thick as you can).
    Pour custard in with beaten egg whites and mix well.
    Add sea salt (keep adding salt until it tastes salty sweet, but be careful not to add to much).
    Put mixture in fridge to cool.
    Once cool, add cream and vanilla .
    (Optional) Add 12 drops of blue coloring, and 3 drops of green coloring.
    Freeze, following your ice cream maker’s instructions.
    If you don't have an ice cream maker pour mixture into 1 or 2 metal cake pans and set in freezer. Let sit until edges become firm, then remove and mix. Repeat until uniformly frozen.
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 19, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Dredica
    Okay, post your own kingdom hearts parody (Funny stuff) here, let's see what I have:

    1.Riku and Sora are trying to shut kingdom hearts from kh1, Riku slams Sora's fingers in the door

    2.Xemnas, "Heroes...from...the...realm-" Riku, "You know, can you just shut up? You take for ever to talk, let's just fight."

    3.Riku on top of memory skyscrapper, "Wee!" jumps off.

    4.Roxas walks into the room where Sora was sleeping, "WTF, is this a gas chamber?!"

    5.Sora turns dark instead of Riku, and Riku gets the keyblade, "Wtf is this? I want the papou fruit to share with Kairi, not some big key."

    6.Sora finds out about gameshark, "I could have had infinite drive and max strength this whole time?!"

    7.Sora goes to where Terra is in final mix. Terra says, "Wow, that was a nasty fart." When he got up.

    8.Sora sees Donald and Goofy for the first time, "WTF are you things?!"

    9.Riku meets Mickey, Mickey says, "Welp, Riku I guess we'd better find Sora." Riku looks at him, "Okay you over-grown mouse, if you want to hang with me, loose your ******ed vocabulary."

    10.Riku has the log at destiny islands. Kairi asks Riku, "What do you have there Riku?" Riku looks at her, "Wood..." Kairi laughs.

    Those arn't that great. But post your parody of kingdom hearts here. Please make a list, you can make videos too, but I'd prefer list of words. But seriously please post your own kingdom hearts jokes lol, I'm getting sick of not seeing other people's jokes about kingdom hearts.
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 18, 2008, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Dredica
    Okay I have wondered why the hell Sora wasn't scared when he saw Goofy (a talking cartoon dog) and Donald (A ******ed duck)? I bet Riku crapped himself when he first saw them...explain why you think Sora didn't piss himself throughout the whole entire game...I know I would have...
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 17, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Dredica
    I found this on my old computer, I must have written it along time ago, cause it's not that great, it takes place when Sora is dreaming (Sleeping) after chain of memories. I might write more... I hope you enjoy:

    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories 2

    As Sora was sleeping he was regaining his memories…

    It all started from when he was chasing after Pluto…then it hit him he was still dreaming but he rembered what else he could have done. He said “Guys! Come with me!” They didn’t pay any attention to Pluto. “Gwarsh Sora, umm where are we goin’?” Sora started to open his mouth like he knew the awnsers. Then he put his finger on his lips. “Well Goofy I really don’t know”, then it hit Sora. “ I know let’s go back to the door, to make sure that Riku and Mickey ‘didn’t’ make it out.”They walked until they found the place they left behind, the door to all the hearts, “Kingdom Hearts!” Donald said. “Hey, look the door is opened!” Then they saw footsteps. “Riku!” Sora said then Donald and Goofy interrupted, “Or king Mickey!”
    They followed the foot steps for hours until the saw a place where Riku went, and that Mickey followed. They got until they saw a white abyss, there was a card lying on the ground. Sora picked it up. “Hey? Isn’t this king Mickey?” Sora looked at Donald and Goofy for advice. They looked at the card and found that it was the king. Then they walked down a hall-way until they saw a man in a black robe. “Well if it isn’t…. Oh wait your not Ri-.” The man looked at a sheet of paper. “ Who are you? Well your not that strong looking, you aren’t in any way cool looking like Riku is supposed to be-opps I sort of let that out.” The man took down his hood, “My name is Roxas and apparently your not Ri-…. Your that kid that’s in my dreams!” Roxas took out two keyblades familiar to Sora. “ Hey that’s the key chain that Kairi gave me!, that’s the one I got in Hollow Bastion!” Sora said. Roxas started to get mad. Roxas charged at Sora, the foot-steps echoed throughout the hallway. Roxas struck Sora on the head. Sora looked up, and then he said, “You can’t beat me!” Sora put out his right hand, and then the kingdom key appeared. Sora struck Roxas on the spine, sending him flying, breaking the columns. “Hmph, I’ll get Axel to help me, we’ll destroy you…Sora!”
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 17, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Dredica
    Dude, my kh2 disc is pretty messed up, like scratched and stuff, and one freeze is that whenever I die, it freezes, therfore, I cannot never die, or I could just buy another disc.
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 13, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Dredica
  12. Dredica

    Namine? WTF!

    Kitty: ummmmm, no!
    Thread by: Dredica, Jan 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Dredica
  14. Dredica
    Okay, do you think it would be a good idea to have Vincent Valentine in kingdom hearts? I think it would be awesome. I think he would be cool to be an evil character, really to me he looks evil. I think it would give kingdom hearts more of a mature feeling to it, seeming as though he's like the most adult character in dirge of cerberus. I know just one character wouldn't make that much of a differance, but still Vence? He would probably help out Cloud alot, which might completely change the olympus coliseum in kh1, and he might help out in the show down of fate, since he owes Cloud. So, please tell why you would think its a good idea to have in kingdom hearts, or a bad idea.
    Thread by: Dredica, Dec 22, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Dredica
    Okay, I personally think that Riku does. I mean, all that stuff he did to save her, in kingdom hearts. Plus, he saved her again in kingdom hearts II, then gave her her own freaking keyblade!!! And what did Sora really do? Just used Riku's keyblade to let her heart out of his body. So what? Just one thing, Riku did alot of stuff to save her.
    Thread by: Dredica, Dec 21, 2007, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dredica
    Okay, which game had a better story line to you? Kingdom hearts one was better to me.
    Thread by: Dredica, Dec 21, 2007, 43 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Dredica
  18. Dredica


    I have pawndered memories. Now memories is my favorite word. I have to ask one question, what are memories? Reincarnation is a religon that makes a whole lot of sense. I have been thinking, if we are reincarnated, then do you think we could remember memories from our past lives? It's very incredible. Seriously, have you never saw somebody, and you thought that you knew them? Like you've seen them in your life before, you have met them in your life before? I really suggest people to look into reincarnation and memories. So, what do you think on this topic?
    Thread by: Dredica, Dec 14, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Dredica

    Punk Bands

    Okay, I'm sharing my opions with everyone. People say that new punk bands are emo, but if you listen to them, their nothing like them. These are some of my favorite punk songs: Sydny, by Halifax. All the rage, by Funeral for a freind. Hey italy, by Halifax. And machine, by funeral for a freind. They both are two of my favorites bands. Look up Sydny by Halifax on youtube, and tell me what you think.
    Thread by: Dredica, Dec 12, 2007, 38 replies, in forum: Music
  20. Dredica
    The future, year 2559, ruin and chaos is let out. Earth's population is getting over crowded, and the only place to go is the new planet, Drinoa. The ships are loaded, and the journy begins. The ships have almost enetered the planet, when suddenly, there is a storm. The lightning destroys the ship's electic tools. The only thing left is... %50 of Eart's people, on an unknown planet. All of the men and young gentlemen get off the ships, hoping to find shelter. There is a palace, one man discovers. "Hey, guys, look at this!" About 20 men walk into the palace doors. "What in god's name is this place?" The palace had a fountain in the middle. Everything is golden. "Opps." A man stepped into a room, before knowing it, when he opened the door, he opened a deep terrible monster. A voice echoed through out the palace, " I am finally free." A black figure is standing in the middle of the room, it came out of the fountain, "How dare you disgusting humans enter my palace?!"

    Okay, a new type of RP, yes, you can have God Given powers, you can be A God.
    Weapons include: Swords, guns, magic ect. For names think of something that you would just make up in like 5 seconds, it has to be literally out of this world.

    Name: Zythu
    Age:Can change age (God given powers :) )
    Weapon:Golden Trident
    Element: Water and Darkness
    Thread by: Dredica, Nov 24, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home