1. Valor Form 2. Master Form 3. Wisdom Form 4. Final Form 5. Anti-Form
im gonnna dress up as the killa off scream lol
its kinda boring... but its ok
umm... hard to say lol... i think the guy off smallville clark sorta
KHII was better for me
how can i get to it?
OMG you rock i just beet him!btw 100th post
yeh i like it too its fun
like i seid watch episode 9 its the best
because you can use gameshark codes with emulators
one of my favourite games, but i like kh better and kh2. in this game u get really cool cars and can customize them ( really fun ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AasGCU5zEis
yeh for sure
there are 10 episodes
Bye Bye arc you deserve it
haha they are hilerious
i need help defeating seporioth or how ever you spell it, he is to hard, wwhat lvl should i b before i fight him?
are you using a emulator? or a real GBA?
go on youtube and search crummy hearts, its sooo funny, episode 9 is my favorite
do these work on pAL Version?
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