lol thanks thats cool mate, yea your fun to talk to, just don't try to get inside my head okay lol
yea I have, It was good but haven't played that for a long time, I once tried to get a 100% completion save in it and failed lol got 99% or 98% if...
yea I'm stickin' with this avatar. Cool studies mate forensic interesting u gonna solve crimes like in tv shows one day lol and psychology, I like...
cheers on mate
lol okay, btw what are you studying? Of course I'm fine, new arc starting soon after Army arc I have called this one "One Problem Settled" arc......
so hows college mate and what about pubs you've conquered them all?
yeah I'm really enjoying it, IV is great, and I'm liking IV The After Years too, I like the story and characters, there's lotsa to do and I...
'Limit Break' ███████████████ : .ılı.——Volume——.ılı. : ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ : Min- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -●Max : ► Play ▌▌ Pause ■ Stop
lol yea^^ Do you have IV Complete Collection?
Cloud KH Costume on psn store! wohoo!
yeah they would make airships and bombard the whole world and then fly away
yea that would be funny i'm getting some pictures to my head.
yea I haven't played XIII all the way through 'cause haven't buyed ps3 yet, XIII-2 comes out in December in Japan so no rush. I have bad feeling...
that would be a lot of Cids :) no cosmos or chaos side but Cid side! here is the trailer if you haven't seen it.
who would you want to see? I would liked to see Vivi, Edge, Rydia, Red XIII, Zack Fair, Auron, Rikku, Rinoa, Seifer, Snow & Sazh and as for KH...
Are you excited about XIII-2?
I would say no first until they make character announcement and other info and then I would be like FUC!@ing#$!#$ Yea!
yea 012 story could have been better, and I would have wanted more cutscenes between characters. Adding 013 was not so great idea. 012 is still...
'kay enough with throwin' moogles, what would you say about dissidia 014?