... And they started making fun of What? for being afraid of the dark.
75 BUCKS!?
Or does Zexion.. like.. look really emo? (Please tell me if this is considered spam.)
(Please lock if this is a bad idea) WeLcOmE tO tHe YaOi FaNcLuB! I am Your Host, Kannira! Here Is Some Stuff You Should Know Before You Join: Yaoi is the japanese term for male-male relationships in anime. Here are some examples: Satoshi x Daisuke-DN. Angel Ginji x Ban-Get Backers Kairi x Toji-Peach Girl And many more. In this club, you can talk about your favorite yaoi couples, your favorite things about yaoi, ect. without others telling you it's not cool! Rules: 1. DO NOT FLAME YAOI! Why the hell did you join the fanclub if you hate it? 2. Keep swearing and cussing to a minimum. 3. All KHV rules apply here. 4. Please do not post any sexual content. 5. Please follow the rules. If it is neccesary, I will post new rules, but let's try not to let that happen. SIGN UP! Username: Age: (Like I care -_-) Gender: Favorite anime: Favorite Yaoi couple(s): Why do you like yaoi?:
Well, this fanfic came out very well in the other forums, so I wanted to bring it here. This fanfic is about Sora. He is being abused by his mother, but his life will be changed forever by his best friend, Kairi. A day in the life of Sora."Boy? BOY! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Cried an evil voice of a woman. She stood there, a glass of wine in her left hand, and she was red with fury. A spiky haired boy got up and dressed, brushed his teeth, took a shower, got his backpack, and walked downstairs to the source of the yelling. The woman grabbed him by his ear, leaned her face close to his, and said to him in her evil tone, "What the hell took you so long to get you down here, Sora? You come when your called, not when you feel like it. What took you so long!?" Sora just stood there. He was opening his mouth to speak, when his mom used her free hand, and slapped his across his face. "DID I TELL YOU TO SPEAK!?" She moved her hand to his hair, and yanked it. "Hurry up, and get to school! You have chores to do!" Great, school. The only time I can get away from my mom Sora thought. His mom slammed oped the door, and threw him by his hair, and on the stepping stones. Sora fell, face first, and on the hard pavement. This was nothing new for him, though. This relationship has been going on with his mother for 4 years now. Kids pointed and laughed when he fell. He got up, and looked at the beautiful face of a red haired girl. Her face was smiling, which made him happy. She extended her hand, and helped Sora up. "Are you OK, Sora?" "Yeah, I'm fine, Kairi. Wheres Roxas and Riku?" "No time for that now. We need to get to get to the school bus." Sora nodded his head, and followed her to the school bus. He met up with his best (and only) friends, Riku, Roxas, and Kairi. He blushed as he stood by her side. He sat by her in the bus. Sora and Kairi have been best buds, ever since Sora's freshman year in middle school. This was the time his mom started drinking, and his dad died in the military. Kairi wanted to be Sora's friend, and they became best friends ever since. But lately, He had a strange feeling around her, but he couldn't tell if he had a crush on her, or he was thinking about what his evil mom planned on doing to him next. The school bus finally parked, and Kairi, Riku, Roxas, and Sora hopped out, and headed towards the building. "See you in class, Sora." "Alright, Kairi. See ya! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, how was that for a chapter? It is a bit short, I know, but I will make this alot longer.
My heart longs for the man of my dreams, But I know deep down I may not get my wish... Bruises cover my arms.... An emotional storm breaks my heart's charms.... I feel the rain pour down upon my head... My once cheerful spirits are long dead.... All I want is one guy to see threw my hard core.... Someone who will not see me as another one to ignore.... Someone who stands out.... Cruelty is something he can be without..... One guy, I know for sure..... Will be different from the rest... And love me for who I am..... And will genuinely care for me..... -KTW There are hearts that once they break they can easily be fixed, and hearts that once they break, they can never be mended.
FERE M3!!!!1!1!One
Words fail me.
Please comment and give constructive critism! Song- Ready Steady go Anime-Tokyo Mew Mew
So yeah someone post a funny thread already.
... If we gave Edward Elric CHOCOLATE milk?
Someone PLEASE tell me how many times they said "blood".