Sleep is for the weak:
What is your first response? And what do you do?
Has anyone else played this amazing mod? If you don't know, Black Mesa Source is a remake of the original Half Life to run on the current running Source engine. The games, graphics, music, and enemies have all been remastered to fit a more modern way of Half Life. If you don't have it, get it, its free, all you require is Source SDK 2007 which is also free.
What did you guys think of it? Did you pick yours truly as a fighter?
My PS2 is ruining my disks, its scratched a big ring around Persona 4, not a big one so it'll maybe work but it looks like I'm gonna have to get rid of it for another slim, yay, see Sony, this is why you shouldn't have removed backwards capability for the PS3, that way I don't have to buy another PS2 just to play Persona 4, or you should at least put P3 FES and P4 on the PSN so then buying another PS2 would be obsolete, but nope, you just had to do this, and I was waiting for P4 to arrive in the mail for so long, and just to have this happen. I guess this is just another excuse on why I kind of prefer PC's right now.
Have you boys and gals been good when I was gone? Well, I doubt it but I'm back and I doubt anyone missed me. :)
Lets have a discussion about Deus Ex KHV, don't know why I'm calling these threads "mega threads" when they only get 2 or 3 replies but whatever. Lets talk about what is currently one of my favorite franchises this generation of gaming, Deus Ex. What's your favorite Deus Ex game? Who's your favorite Deus Ex protagonist If you have only played Human Revolution and have completed it, do you plan on playing the original Deus Ex now? Thoughts on Invisible War? Did you hate it (like the majority of the community) or did you like it? (like a small percentage of the community)
I just noticed a cycle in society KHV: Child is born Parents give child everything when he is young Child is used to being spoiled Child gets older Still thinks he can get whatever he wants Parents say "no" to everything, now comes the part were they try to make a clone, what is this clone you ask? Try to raise the child to be like them, to act like them, to have nothing unique in their personality. Why do I say this? Well lets think about it, grandparents teach parents, parents teach the child through the way they were taught by their parents, ergo meaning that parents developed an unoriginal and boring personality. When the child gets older, he/she learns to depend on themselves, that's good, that's what makes them a unique person, being different from everyone else. Child falls in love, next thing he knows, he's marrying the person, for the first couple of years the couple accepts the way they act, that is one of the reasons they fell in love right? They like each others personality's, how do you think they fell in love in the first place? Suddenly before they know it 2 or 3 years later, the wife's pregnant, original child begins to worry, he or she thinks that their personality was never accepted in society, they're starting to think like their parents, remembering what they told them. Next child is born, original child gives up personality and acts like a bland normal member of society, exactly like their parents, the cycle is complete for them. The cycle repeats for the next child. Please tell me KHV, am I the only one who's noticed this?
I'm not going to post in the spamzone for a while. I need to let my mind off on things, as so do some other people, I'll still be posting around other places around the forum, but I feel like I start drama where ever I go. This isn't goodbye, this is more like see ya, not anyone's gonna miss me, but I don't care, I'll be back once I feel like it. See ya.
Ok KHV, I'm getting tired of drama everywhere I go, I'm getting drama from: 1. My friends 2. My parents 3. School 4. Every word I let out on here Seriously does this ever end? Can my life and people I know just get along? "This is how the world works" my parents say to me. Can I get by one fucking day without any goddamn drama? Seriously, I'm getting tired of it guys, the reason why I've been arguing here also is due to drama being passed from my life to here. Why can't people just shut up? Why can't people get along? Why can't I go though a single day without an argument? Why do people claim to be "mature" and "responsible" when they can't accept other people's opinions? Humanity makes me sick, I wish I had enough money to buy a car and just get out of my goddamn house, because this drivers license I just got is proving so far not very helpful. Uug, please even playing games or watching anime won't help me with this.
Hey guys, remember this? I'm sure you don't, but after almost a year of a successful thread, I decided to start this again, so without a further ado, lets begin, KHV's second annual Who's Line is It Anyway? Rules are simple, I'm going to name out a type of person or situation and your guys jobs are to act it out the best ways you can, I will search for the one I think is the funniest and pick them, once I do, than its their turn to pick out a type of person or situation and than once again, you guys act it out the best ways you can, than that person picks out what they think is the funniest and so on and so forth, its like tag only opinion based. So lets get started, shall we? Alright guys, our first topic is: The Sonic fan on Deviantart
Hopefully I did this right:
Wait.....what? [video=youtube;qr4TgU4SKLc][/video]
While I was gone from you guys I thought I should join another forum but after seeing Burnt Face Man 9 I realize that you guys are really the only people who would not kick me off in 1 hour, even though we may disagree a lot, I have to admit, I just love talking to you guys, areguing is one of my strong points in life, no matter if I win or lose, I still will bring up a reason to argue. So thank David Firth for bringing me back here, and thank Misty and yourselves for making me find out your secret message which is: If I do ever go guys, if I ever do break this rule, I want you to do me one favor, I want you to put this pic on the sign up page. But that's probably going to be a while, so for now, I will just like to say the new KHV motto: You're here, forever!
This is the last straw, if Justin Bieber ever crosses my path, which I doubt will ever happen, I'm going to stab him once in the chest, not kill him, but he's reached a new ranking for people I want to beat up.
Lets play! Come on, don't ya wanna play with me?
I'm turning into a PC gamer, right now I plan on keeping my Wii due to the option that I can upgrade it to the Wii U. My PS2 I will keep because I have yet to dive into the games I've never looked at. But my Xbox, oh boy my Xbox, I only have 5 games on my Xbox, 3 of them are all 3 Mass Effects, 1 is Skyrim, but wait, I can sell Skyrim and get that for the PC version with mods and other cool crap and I have Batman. But than again, in the future, there might be more games that are only console exclusive. Please guys, I need your help with this big decision. Have fun KHV, show me your masterpieces Already did mine:
Onii-Chan! You're home!
Just watching these again to remember the good old days [video=youtube;r_1G0iWgGis][/video]