I'm listening to Creepypasta's (ToT)
I certainly hope you have some left for me KHV
With no summons, not even from online. Beat that casuals.
If you play Kingdom Hearts backwards it's about a boy who revives a madman working with him to cause chaos to various Disney worlds while slowly gaining his personal paradise on a island? Also if you watch Willy Wonka backwards it's about three guys in a UFO landing in a chocolate factory and rescuing innocent children who go back to their rotten ways while one of the guys has to give up his factory to a crazy man and live with his poor family. Lastly if you watch Code Geass backwards it's about a boy who comes back to life with a magical sword while giving birth to a corrupt government and setting controlled people back to their free will while watching his sister go blind again until they are forced to go to school and live in peace as the government grows a heart and gives everyone back their land.
New American Horror Story.
Can you guess why KHV? Spoiler
If a girl says that she gets tired of a guys whining about being friend-zoned and than a guy such as myself says that its different for guys and it would be hard for girls to understand. Does this deserve a "you're just butt hurt" from that girl? Someone you've called a friend for 5 years deserves to say that? You yourself have not said anything rude during the discussion to this person. Is that right?
I would like to give out my review of Halo 4 if you don't mind
No no no not me, YOU!
So I just got Disgaea 4 and I've been wondering. Is there any certain endings I have to get to unlock the psot game? I spent some extra money for some DLC and found out that its only unlocked at post game?
I'm starting to play Persona music in my everday life: What do? It won't escape from my mind?
SMT fans always bash Persona? I understand that Persona is the casualized version of SMT games but I never understood why they hate Persona so much, to me its the most fun in the entire series, also it got me into other SMT games so I think they should at least consider that it'll help make the series more popular.
Thoughts on this amazing show Spoiler that is ten times better than Doctor Who?
And I found out why Gabe isn't doing Episode 3 Spoiler They increased his hours
I'm excited. Fell in love with the show over Christmas, watched every episode of Season 1 and Asylum :3 Please tell me someone on KHV likes this show also.
So recently I looked back at all of the movies I've seen in 2012, here's my top 10: 10. Skyfall 9. Rise of the Guardians 8. The Life of Pi 7. The Avengers 6. Looper 5. The Cabin in the Woods 4. Wreck it Ralph 3. Lincoln 2. Argo 1. Django Unchained