Are you ready for the big 4?
An army of loli's
Tyrant Valvatorez, I like it, now the quest for sardines continues
Lets make a change to that.
My girlfriend is watching My Little Pony She's now going to bug me with endless pony references I could have prevented this.
Why are you not playing Tera? Or should I say lolicon the MMO? It went Free to play, get it now!
My heart belongs to these guys <3:
A-a-are you staring at me?
The sardines are gone. Who is responsible?
Its my first time, seriously nervous/scared. Yay?
*Heart I hope it touches yours
I-i-i-if we sit....WE'RE KILLING OURSELVES!
So I'm going to cosplay for the next anime convention I'm going to, I need some suggestions, I have 3 choices but first here's a pic of me (I'm on the right, derp): Spoiler What would I look best it? Minato (Persona 3): Spoiler Joshua (TWEWY): Spoiler Or the Engineer (TF2): Spoiler
So I might be getting a job and this just came to my mind, lets say I have something going on in March, late March mind you is it possible that I can take a day off on a Saturday in the late of March, a rare thing to happen since I rarely miss any days, is it possible for me? Would they not freak out? Or would they? Could I say to them that its my first and only personal day of the year?
The truth is that I face out, I hold out and I reach out to the truth of my life seeking to seize on the whole moment.
That's the end of American Horror Story Asylum. What did I think? We had some crazy moments without a doubt and than when we got to the last episodes, I thought it was a little rushed, but that's just me. Some of the characters endings where great I can understand why people prefer season 1 but to me, both seasons are equal to each other, I can't wait for season 3, a hint was already given out (either a circus or the Salem Witch Trials). If you've never watched any seasons, watch season 1 on Netflix, its great and either pray or wait until you find the first episode of Asylum. You won't regret it.
My Steam is drunk
Oh wait...I mean Photograph....oh well same thing.... Watch the whole vid....