Naw just kidding I don't hate anything or anyone, you guys are cool. Love ya honey.
Quick! Try and think of something to talk about!
My Shrek blog is gone and than these blogs start showing up.
Who are you and how are you?
Is it an addiction to basically grow your iTunes library? Because whenever I see mine I just think: "More more more!" just have one question Jayn edit because you can see the spoiler when you hover over the thread title. x x x x x Spoiler Did the world really come to an end? Is the ending one of those "they want you to guess what happened next". I'm guess the world didn't end because one Junko AKA Monokuma has told countless lies just to get the students in despair two than how does Dangan Ronpa 2 happen? I mean I can't say anything since I haven't even played it yet, the english translation is not even ready but still, if the world ended there would be no possible way for Dangan Ronpa 2 to happen. It can only happen if the world survived and that the next person in the "Super Duper High School Dispair" would be up next in controlling Monokuma, which means if there are still members out there than we could have ourselves a third game :D Spoilers aside I thought that the game was FANTASTIC! Here's the best thing Dangan Ronpa gets right, you cannot hate one character, each character is unique and great in their own ways, knowing more about them in your free time Spoiler Oh wait, you knew them before but than your memory was erased (ok that's the last time for spoilers, I swear) it was sad to see some characters I liked die, and just finding out the truth is even more sad. The Class Trials where probably the best part, I have to say I enjoyed them more than Ace Attorney (sorry're still one of my faves'll have to accept this) not only for its unique gameplay but for how more simple it is than Ace Attorney, now I love myself a challenge but there's one thing I couldn't stand about AA:Justice for All and AA: Trials and Tribulations, this whole "thinking outside the box" crap, Ace Attorney 1 and Apollo Justice got it right by giving you what you know to present, only the testimonies would lead you off track, actually thinking logically, but we're talking about Dangan Ronpa *ahem* so Dangan Ronpa takes logic, stuff you know, stuff you've seen and what you have do is present what seems the most logical. So I'm going to say if for this right now, PLAY THIS GAME! Screw the anime, it goes to fast and you know less about the characters, play the game, experience it, actually figure it out. tl;dr: Play the game, get the ISO and the translation pack and dust off your PSP.
And prepare to become a man.
If you enjoyed the American McGee's Alice games, there is now an official kickstarter to help with the third game of the series! The game sounds interesting, seeing famous people's visions within Alice sounds awesome!
I managed to stay up all night and finish my first video for my videography business. Was it worth it? Well we'll see once I have the money now shall we?
Hi there! I'm making this here new signature and would love it if I can get some help! Please feel free to save the pic and add what needs to be added to make it better :D But specifically I would like help with the middle piece, I need to make the line between Naigi and Apollo more "better looking I guess we could say". Other than that like I said before please feel free to add anything you think will make this pic better, I shall give you credit for when I make this my sig :3
So I want to get something out strait because this has just been on my chest. I don't understand myself, at all. What I mean by this is that I think I'm socially awkward, now I have a lot of friends that support me and I love them to death, hell I'm living with one currently. But lets say one day I go out with a group of friends, lets just say when they joke around and say something sarcastic, nothing to take offensively, I usually start getting confused and think they're serious, they than say that they where joking and we laugh it off at the end, repeat. Its odd, you think I would get use to this but I don't, I have no clue why. And than there's times online, lets say Facebook or hell even on here, now I know its stupid "what, its the internet! Why are you offended?" well let me tell you once again, I don't know. I know I shouldn't freak out because everyone its not a big deal but I get really paranoid easily. I don't like being told things like "oh you spelled something wrong" or "you mean nothing to this site", no I don't freak out about it and keep it as a grudge, but I seriously don't understand why it feels like I get all the hate. And than we get to an even more odd part, my personality consists of sarcasm, I think its odd that I have a personality of sarcasm and yet when someone else is being sarcastic, I just....don't get it and my mind starts to get worried or I start getting angry for no reason. Is there anyway I can change this? Is there anyway I can know "oh don't take it seriously" because honestly I don't know if there is, I think I just get too emotional.
What are some good PSP games I can I've been playing Dangan Ronpa, Birth by Sleep Final Mix and Dissidia 012. Games I'm specifically looking for Japanese games, anythings acceptable as long as its been translated to English.
1. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. 2. Green Catastrophe: If you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot turns to green. 3. Reality Shatter: Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, many if not all of the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you may only see a green dot rotating.
So I never understood the hate for Apollo, I think he's an awesome character so I made this just to show my love for him <3. I loved Apollo so much I would go as far as to say I enjoyed playing as him more than Phoenix. I'm excited to play as him again in Ace Attorney 5! Oh and the text is lyrics to Apollo's objection theme: Subscribe to this women, she is amazing
Here comes Justice!
I got bored one day and decided to draw this. Still think I suck at drawing but yeah...
Its Ms.Frizzle!
How are you doing? It appears to me that you are, in fact, kind of displeased with the current situation. What is it, that makes your life hard currently? Is it maybe because of the recent roasting of your jeromes that suddenly happened? I really have to say that this roasting was, without any doubt, the strongest since the year 2000 hoax. Do you may have an idea why this waddling of your walters was so powerful? No? Well well well... I can for sure tell you the truth about this important event. It was ME who tricked you into this displeasement. I can hear your brain trying to comprend who this is even possible. But, and I'm sure about this, you cannot comprehend of what happened to you because it is too complex. Even Zeus and Thor were struggling finding the right way in this gigantic and evil maze of rickery. It took me 1000 years tu fully write my plan down, and another 1000 to understand it. The complexity is higher than that of a 14.dimensional dodecahedron. It all starts out with the day of this legendary ruse. The day of rusement was carefully planned and calculated on this exact day. The day where an astronomical constellation appears, that will never occur again in the next 3 googolpex years. A constellation that generates an antimatter black hole. This sort of black hole doesn't suck matter. Antimatter black holes the "well being" out of everyone. But did you see someone feeling bad today? Yes, my little fellow. I created a lens that focus the power of the antimatter black hole directly on you. It took 300 years to create this extremely complex lens and I had to combine the power of God and Satan to create it. But not enough with the rusement. As I'm not some ****** ruseman, I have planned even more trickery tricks to lead you into this discomfort. When you were mindlessy surfing on this forum I made a post that I was sure will put you in the mood of rage. This post was sprinked with lies and intentional logical fallacies and a good portion of something you dislike seeing in your surroundings. With my ruseman instincts I already knew you were typing your response to the displeasing content you just saw. At the exact moment of sending your respone you have started up the machine of displeasement and "not well being". A machine that one started cannot be stopped. Not by God, not by Satan and not even by Cthulhu himself. While your comment was traveilng through the cyberspace you started feeling bad. Something in you brain was screaming but you just didn't know why. It was destiny that you fall for my trickery. With this message you are currently reading I am telling you something you should have tought before you were sending your pathetic comment to me. I am, in fact, A MASTER RUSEMAN GRADE 3. I was part of the ancient circle of master ruseman. I can see on your face, that you already kew this. A ruse this fantastic and gigantic cannot be done by some low grade rusenoob. Yes you have been RUSEDI by me. There were only one RUSEDI knowen to mankind until now. Can you imagine of how hard it is to do? Only two RUSEDIS were executed in the past... 3... Trillion... years! Now you finally know about this unbearable discomfort you started feeling right when you got my response. The response, this message, reveals of what has been done. You... yeah YOU... have been rused. You are powerless, you want to scream but you can't. You just sit there in a mix of rage and helplessness. You want to find this guy, this MASTER RUSEMAN GRAFE 3, and you want to kill him. But at the exact moment of thinking, you also realize that you will never be able to even come near such a powerfull being like me. This ruse has set me into a position higher than Hades thus making me a God. Well well well... You seem even smaller now. Compare your pathetic life to me and you will realize that you are nothing. You think now you might come over this rumbling of your jordans. You think you can bear it, but my devilish plan goes far deeper. Now after you've already been rused to infinity this letter discomforts you to a new level of discomfort. In the moment you are reading what I wrote you realize how pathetic you are, How useless you are. With every single word of you, your very SOUL gets crushed. Your soul is now demolished. God can't take you o heaven, and Saan does not want demolished slaves. Your sous is permanently banished from a real afterlife. Your soul already tryed to escape your body. But your soul cannot escape into the eternal spheres thus it will be stuck in a permanent sate of dying. Every day you will suffer thinking of a way to escape this almost deadly RUSEDI, but it is too late, You are RUSED FOREVER! Yes by dear fellow, I know you want to know who is responsible for this. I will tell you my story now. I don't know where I'm from, but I know I was the firs to exist. I was alone but soon a few people followed. We made a circle called MASTER RUSEMAN. Only real MASTER RUSERS were allowed to join this exquisite circle. We agreed that we will never decide who is the best MASTER RUSEMAN. But after some time I found a way to lead my fellow comrades into a tricky situation. I claimed that I'm the best MASTER RUSEMAN in the circle. It didn' take long till everyones jacobs were rommled. After they found out what exquisite trickery was played on them, they agreed to give the one who caused this discomfort the title GOD OF RUSE. Now you finally realize what huge impact this ruse had. You never tought that you will be, in fact, rused by a godness. Somehow you feel honored. Honored to get your gustavsons jingled by the god of all MASTER RUSEMAN. The life of what you called your life. The rusement was too strong. Not even time itself could recover from the wounds this monumental trickery caused you. Iam, for my part, pretty proud of myself. Even I had my doubts if I could make a contrivance this huge and tricky. But I did it. I managed to create the most thoroughgoing RUSEDI. You have been rused by me, the ONE AND ONLY! Even after 100 years you will remember this day. The day of THE ruse. The day the GOD OF RUSE personally made a statement, to intentionally discomfort YOU. Songs will be written on his masterful ruse. And I hold no remorse or regret because for I am and always shall be THE GOD OF RUSE.