No one said they were EMO. Im not emo..... They r just so cool and depressing haha
Ya coolio ill be ya buddy. Ya lets all get depressed haha
An annoying person!!
oh Nightwish are so kool. Ur my new best frend hehe
3174 - Dya mind going with a mouse???
Oh my im very sorry hehe. But i spose there is a first time for everything hehe watever LOVE! Annoying now i think....
3172, god sake what am i spose ta write. OMGOSH
We dont know that, we cant see beyond the internet!! Enough said
FINE! Stroppy pants!! Someone who gets the hump quik!!
Na ya dont suk, just wen u battle him just relax and fight, dont say ta yaself oh im gna lose or dont say oh im gna win. Keep urs ears peeld for his Hp to 1 attack cant menba its name. And make sure ur stocked with elixirs and have cure on the quick keys :) Although im presuming ur on about KH1 cause this is the kh1 section.... If not then sepphy in KH2 takes a lot more stradegy hehe
I gt mine before then, i lvled all my forms up to max at diff worlds then ya get it that way too :)
Yea i agree with that totally, she was too happy (a bit high maybe lol). I think they based her on Yuffie sorta cause Yuffie was mostly happy, but they went over the top. Cause Yuffie reminds me a lot of rikku in advent children and Dirge of Cerberus
Oh darkandroid thats such a sad story :( But least its gt a happy ending :) Most friends we have as we grow up are not true friends, u start finding ur "TRUE" friends at about the age of 17 n upwards :)
You obviously was not EMO then. Cause EMO's aint EMO's without a bit of blood or scars. In england (where i live) there is this place in surrey where loadsa EMOs hang and my cousin goes there with her EMO bf. And they are all covered in scars its rediculous!! Most of the time i swear its attention seeking!!
I love to write. When i wake up its the first thing i think of(after i need a pee). And if i had enough time i would spend all day writing, but well i dont c it becomeing anything such as a career maybe just a hobby.
Well EMO which stands for emotional. They r the sad ones the depressed ones, they slit there wrists and apparently no one gets them. Goths have common sense basically and dont slash their selves and they r much cooler :). It mostly centers around the music they listen to anyway. EMO rock and Rock My cousin is EMO and she slashes her wrists all the time she has a massive scar saying WORTHLESS up her arm and she is just disturbed! And my m8 used to b goth and his a cool guy.
I think rikku is the most beautiful. And she rules over the other girls hahaha And also Aerith is correct. They changed her name and if u look at the credits on Advent children it says Aerith.
No Doubt - Don't speak
Did i say it was? er no! thats just wat popped into my head love. Anyhoo some guy called GARETH
I only use Cure magic, i use magnet sumtimes but i mostly use cure. The magic in KH2 is quite s***