Haha what dya mean I came back?
AHHHHH This is the CAKE he was talking about ^_^ *HICK*
Sum RANDOM subject Its feasible that this guy is buzzing hehe Just joking
Oh haha well thats good then I wouldnt mind Demyx in my partay lol Dya know the universal character modifier PAL code???
ANYTHING? By that I take it you mean ANYTHING? lol Damn I should find out that code then lol Replacing em with bosses! So I could like have Demyx with me?????? Or play as Demyx???????? And where would I find these neat lil extra codes?
OMG I am stunned! This has got to be the best thing discovered yet! Which brings me to my question who discovered it or made it? And how do I use it? haha
Umm actually the thing Mickey (the overgrown mouse grrrr) wants to tell sora is something about, Sora, Kairi and Riku i read this somewhere the other day but cant actually remember the site cause it was through loadsa links hehe
Who Do You Think You Are By: Spice Girls (They are back.....Woop Woop)
I would use: Demyx(Becuz he RULEZ!) Axel and i spose.......Larxene maybe I only really like Demyx and Axel
Oh right :( Well thats good then haha..... Glad everyone likes ya so much
Hey im back after such a very long time! It is nice to c my thread has become so well used hehe Umm so did we find any Riku in party codes that didnt make the screen freeze? Its probably a no but maybe a code for mickey combos?
I dont know u persay! But I always see u around.....And judging by ur posts im sure alot of people know u lol. What's with the wacky name ?
Umm yea u may have lol. It dont help if u think u remember me though :(. Maybe I shouldnt have stayed away so long.....But my internet messed up 4 a few months *sniff*
awww man that sucks.....how could everyone 4get me :( Sorry Jade Rhade i dont know u but hey u may know me lol.
Heya everyone I am back again..... Just wondered has everyone forgotten me or is there still some people who remember me *sniff*
Haha yar thats true, Yuffie was a pest in 7. I loved her though. She was really annoying when she took all ya materia wen u first meet her in the forest ya know if ya say the wrong things grrr....
Lulu with out a doubt is the best ffx char. Rikku second :)
3237 - Hey im back again :)
Well that sucks. Lol i never been grounded before, especialy for getting crap grades!!!
I dont wanna go but only one side was listened to and well i been a memeber longer and ive never been horrible to no one untill tonight, he has prevoked me all night saying stuff in PMs and i just had enough. I admit i was rong to retaliate but he was annoying me. Fine ill stay but the next time he or Anniexo be mean to me im gone cause its just plain out of order