I would not say that they r GAY persay but maybe just really close friends. There is no solid evidence that they r gay and I just do not think it is going to happen. I dont think SQUARE ENIX/SQUARESOFT has ever made a gay character in their games.
This should have been posted in the KH2 part. No he was not Ansem's nobody. The Ansem from the original KH is the heartless of Xehanort. And Xemnas is the nobody of Xehanort. Hope that helps
.........So what is the pooint of having Demyx in my party :( But Yuffie she would fight......right??? So i take there is no code for Mickey to wield anuva blade?? Oh summit else I bin meaning to ask.... Will Mickey fight if he is in ur party? Also if you choose to play as him can he kill bosses yet or is that still a no go cause of the combo thing (gosh I hate that I have not been on 4 so long)
I can think of a few interesting uses for bananas...... *thinks*.............*drools*
So I would be able to wield Way To Dawn now then?? So what happens with other chars? Such as Demyx??
Well if you tried medicine, then well there is nothing else to do except rest Try sleeping or summit :)
Umm If i was too have a character in my party who does not fight i.g Kairi would she fight??? Or just stand there like a plank???
Am i wat??? I take it U r talking to me And I am a guy......how could u not know that lol
Yea they are for ARMAX. 99% of the codes here are
Lol I have two Mastercodes for PAL I take it u mean the Codejunkies mastercode?
I guessed she was a girl straight away. You can usually tell by reading the way someone writes in their posts Dont ask me how I am just good at doing that
Yar I know its easy lol but I have not done it in a very long time lol Thanks Ill check it out. Also wat mastercode do I use with those codes?? And do I get Yuffie everywhere???
I would really love Yuffie in my party that would be awsome stuff! Apart from that though I'm puzzled in whom ta ask to convert all these codes??? Evilman a gud choice???? Oh thankies too Mikael, But i first need ta get those codes converted, its a pain that ive lost touch in converting :( Im gonna have ta ask someone
What the hell are u on lmao!
Aww good for u...... Did you just escape???
Okies thanx AntiWeapon. I am open for some random codes to try out on my game ta have a laugh so if anyone can post some :) Thatll be great
I stay up till 3 in the morning all the time, everyday.....maybe even later. Then I have ta get up for work lol
ThanX for those, they are PAL right and are they ARMAX?? Cause they r looking a lot more XPLODER/GAMESHARK.... Also wat PAL mastercode am I using with these???
Me? I have a plushie of Mickey Mouse He sleeps with me every night and keeps me warm....... *HICK*
HAHA yar soz. I havnt been around for agesssssssssssssss My internet kinda flunked it, but im all good and back now :) (see I was a once known member *NER*)