same real bored
hey was up
you know what i dont care and i act my age you act like your 5
that you think your mature no goodbye
really????? i dont care
and if your calling me a troll are call you a fat boar
wow i made it as clear as i wanted its english ok!
are dis who i want im sticking up for myself
15 ok ..............
meant heck and why
you dont know me i know more than you so shut the hell up
it is racist end of story just because your a member of the site and staff doenst mean you cant get a warning or banned and if i get banned i dont...
if you sat the lords name in nave thats racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
discrimating others and there beliefs obivouly you dont know u fell out of a tree
its racist to christians hard to believe u couldnt figure that out
well figure it out
you know what i don tgive a flying thing so back off its racist so give your self a freaking warning goodbye unfair greedy person
i just sent a message to the owner of the site a message saying that you quoted "god did not create the universe' which is offending and racist