no banana?
Oh yeah i know that Italian, French or Spanish guy. Found it on wikipedia. Hes some random writer
AHHHH Pic quoting!
I would like to say that there are many forums which are dead. eg. the Music Forum It would make the forum better if they could be locked until someone wants them open again. Anyone?
Then i was wrong wasnt I?:stupid:
Whatever And Latur is spelled Later k? Oh you're just asking me to flame you aren't you?
Don't worry, I wont
Ok thanks =]
I forgot to say this earlier, but tommorow im going on a 2 month holiday, so I wont be on. EDIT-I will leave with this final pic And i wont have your animation orders finished for a while, but ill take a laptop and try to finish them k? This is no way related to the Sora 13 thingy so if you say anything about it, i'm gonna be pissed k?
I can't. I just can't now. I'm so sorry, if i've caused anyone problems. I have Major Personality problems. There, I said it. Ban me if you will, but whatever. I still hate him though. I seriously have problems, I really do
Wait a sec, There is a thread about you in the spam zone but anyway HI!
for The Last Time I Am Going To Clear This Up To Everyone One Of The Reasons Why I'm Pissed Is Because I Have A Major Headache And No Sleep Wouldnt You Be Pissed Of You Were Like This? I Feel Like Total Crap!
100% chance of feeling like **** right now. So hungover from last night uhhhhhh EDIt- AND A MAJOR HEADACHE
Whatever, it was getting boring anyway
I just don't like him, that is all. His posts are pretty stupid, and unfunny, most of the time
On the right of your window there is a blue bar. Use it, and you will find the answer :)
Of course! How silly of me! Your never get derepped becuase you're such a goody goody and everyone loves you, and you get repped for Spamming in the Spam Zone! Stupid me! EDIT-Wait till your 2nd rep gets deleted. EDIT-Heres your first derep!