It does in Australia... A place where people understand other's opinions. You Americans got damn Nazi George W Bush
And I'm guessing that Donkey Kong is some kind of Electrical Appliance?
How was I not expecting that? One more thing. DW, If you read, I said "No Offence". And you took offence? Wow.
XD.................................. Not only do i get the girls i get the guys as well! I knew he was a guy o.0
Would you like Pictures of yourself in a Child Pornography website?
Wait, the first post is DW! Oh **** he totally looks Emo. I thought the guy in the picture was a girl! Oh ****! No Offence DW and/or Muffin :) EDIT- You look like Riku though :)
I don't even know it, so how the hell am I supposed to remember it? Cool pic though :roll:
I suppose you've seen him?
LMAO! Sarcasm?
*Eats Popcorn*
*Steals Tummer's Popcorn*
It should be: Your Mamma's so stupid, she washes Paper Plates. That would work!
No posting Pics of Myself on the Interwebz. There's a certain amount of Trust I can have in the Internet. People can rip it and post in anywhere, you realise. Why dont you go to My MySpace instead? I gots a Pic there, I think...
Your Mamma's so stupid, that she tripped over a Cordless Phone!
Heard that
I've heard something like that...
You are a funny guy Godzilla
Nup, not really I think Firefox automattically deletes them o.0 EDIT- I fixed the Cookie Problem. Now they delete when they expire
LMAO! those are Funny!
OMG WTF I'm not ugly!