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  1. Fellangel
    IDK what made me make it, but I am a game freak. So lets get started shall we?

    Prologue: There was seperate worlds, each one representing one game (ex: Kingdom World = Kingdom Hearts.) Until all of the worlds crashed into each other, making one whole world. And the characters now fight over it to gain control.

    Keep it PG-13
    OCs are acceptable
    No Yao/yuri
    Romance is allowed
    Remember, you can't make allies from other video games, unless they are OCs
    You can have as much characters you want
    When I mean every video game, I MEAN EVERY SINGLE VIDEO GAME YOU EVER SAW!!
    No God-Modding
    No Power-Playing
    HAVE FUN!!!

    Character Creation~ Here is the simple rules to making a character

    For Video game characters...

    Played by:
    Which Video Game:

    For OCs...

    Played by:
    Allies to which Video game character (optional):

    Played by: Me
    Name: Sora
    Which Video Game: Kingdom Hearts

    Played by: Me
    Name: Kirby
    Which Video Game: Kirby Squeak Squad

    Played by: Me
    Name: Yoshi
    Which Video Game: Yoshi's Island

    Played by: Me
    Name: Itachi
    Which Video Game: Naruto Ultimate Ninja

    Played by: Me
    Name: Nova
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): A sword and a multi-changing gun
    History: His family died from the war caused by the world clashing
    Allies to which Video game character (optional): Sora

    Played by: BlackKeyblade704
    Name: older Sasuke ( the one that's just left the village, not yet to the Sound Village)
    Which Video Game: Narutimate Hero 3

    Played by: BlackKeyblade706
    Name: Sasori
    Which Video Game: (a game I saw that some people made a long time ago. He's awesome in that game.)
    Thread by: Fellangel, Dec 11, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Fellangel
    I like the word Renaissance for some reason. Never mind! Here's how it goes...

    Prologue: A army was created to protect civilization and humans. Bu8t the army found out their terrible past. So they injected themselves with syringes to make them fast, powerful, and deadly. They survivors called this attack "The Renaissance." One my one, people and cities fall. Not until, the rest created their own army to fight them off. And now the war begins...

    No intense gore, blood, or violence.
    Keep it PG-13
    I'll accept Romance
    No God-modding
    No Power-Playing
    No Yao/Yuri
    Only 3 is the maximum OCs
    Try to post at least once per 2 days
    No killing without my permission (by PM)
    HAVE FUN!!!!!!

    Characters: Here are simple rules to your character

    Played by:
    Age: (At least 14 or higher)
    "Renaissance" army or other army:

    Played by: Me
    Name: Nova
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): A few firearms
    Class: Support Gunner
    "Renaissance" army or other army: Other Army
    History: His family was killed by the attack of the army, left alone until he joined the army to fight backk.
    Other: Varr's younger brother

    Played by: Me
    Name: Varr
    Age: (At least 14 or higher): 22
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): Many heavy weapons
    Class: Heavy gunner
    "Renaissance" army or other army: Renaissance army
    History: He left his family and killed his family,
    Other: Nova's older brother

    Played by: hidden_light
    Name: Rhianna
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): sword in pic
    Class: depends on situation..
    "Renaissance" army or other army: other...
    History: her whole world was destroyed by the Renaissance army and now she seeks revenge....
    Other: carries a locket...

    Played by: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Anna
    Age: (At least 14 or higher) 14
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): bow and arow and ninja stars
    Class: (what are the classes?)
    "Renaissance" army or other army: other army
    History: she is an orphan that ran away from the orphaneg and joined the army
    Other: she has a wolf named Luna

    Played by: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Erin
    Age: (At least 14 or higher) 16
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): sword and gun
    "Renaissance" army or other army: other
    History: he was in the Renaissance but he ran away and joined the others
    Other: he has known Anna 4 a long time and treats her like a lil sister

    Played by: No Heart-X

    Name: Xane

    Age: 19


    Gender: Male

    Weapon(s): Giant two-handed sword named Durandal, Twin-edged Sword named Xephyr

    Class: Swordmaster

    "Renaissance" army or other army: Other

    History: Looking to free his people, he trained hard in the way of the warrior. He has fought many a battle and hasn't looked back to see if there was anything else he could have done. He destroyed his village on accident when he got pissed off after he lost a battle. Now wandering around, he searches for a new place he can call a home.

    Other: He isn't particularly nice, or merciful for that matter. He's also a half breed

    Played by: BlackKeyblade706
    Name: Balmung (I'm in the mood of .Hack today)
    Age: (At least 14 or higher) 18
    Appearance: [​IMG] (SEE, SEE!)
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): that sword and a katana
    Class: fastblade
    "Renaissance" army or other army: Renaissance
    History: He was a regular guy until what happened happened...... Now he fights for other reasons........
    Other: Has a form where his hands become blades and his eyes go pure white.

    Played by: cloud's buddy
    Name: xonny
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: male of course
    Weapon(s): 2 blades and 2 guns
    Class: guns man and swords man
    "Renaissance" army or other army: Renaissance
    History: has been an exellent swords man until a guy named irvin went and beat his a**
    Other: has a dog named vincent

    Played by: No Heart-X
    Name: Nero
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): Evilly Forged Blade, Dark Durandal, Dark Twin Blade Gale
    Class: Trueblade
    "Renaissance" army or other army: Renaissance
    History: He's Xane a long time, though they were both born with different names
    Other: Nero isn't his real name, like Xane, he is a halfbreed
    Thread by: Fellangel, Nov 27, 2007, 529 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Fellangel

    The Crash

    I just felt like making this. So this is how it goes...

    Prologue: After the fight of Xemnas, they recieved a letter to Mickey's castle. But somehow, the ship fails to fly there and smashes into a world with 2% land and 97% water. The 1%? Caves. Luckly, they crash onto a shoreline on a small island. And they discover the terrible secret on the world.

    No Yao/Yuri
    Keep it PG-13
    Romance is perfectly fine
    You can have up to 3 characters either KH, FF, or OCs
    Try to keep spam levels at low
    No strong language. Mild is fine
    Try to post once joined in it
    Don't make fun of people or their characters
    Have Fun!!!

    Character List
    Sora: Me
    Kari: hidden_light
    Namine: #1 DinestyX

    I will accept Org XIII and FF characters. Just tell me which one.
    If OC, then follow the rules on making one:

    Played by:
    Elements (Up to 2):

    Played by: Me!
    Name: Nova
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): A sword and a longsword
    History: He was found on the island of Destiny Islands until Sora finds him.
    Elements (Up to 2): Fire and Light
    Other: He's Sora's friend.

    Played by: Me!
    Name: Ammy
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Long, yellow hair and amber eyes. Wears a t-shirt and jeans.
    Weapon(s): None
    History: She lost her family and ran away to Destiny Islands and finds Sora and Nova.
    Elements (Up to 2): Healing
    Other: Both Nova's and Sora's friends. Has a crush on Nova

    Played by: JedininjaZC
    Name: ZC
    Age: believed to be 15
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): orange lightsaber(s)
    History: He thinks a lot, he often speaks words of wisdom dispite his age. He is somewhat an elfen creature(no he is not santa's helper and he is not short).
    There is no trace of his parents at all, how he lived remains a mystery.
    He is also a Jedi, and a expert engineer(and he has healing skills).
    His best friend is a robot named back-pack which he made
    Elements (Up to 2): The Force
    Other: he can fall in love, so don't be shy lol

    Name: Xert
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: male
    Appearance: he wheres a black and white cloack keeps his hood up.
    Weapon(s): He has a warhouse in anouther world full of them
    History: Use to lead the Organization found Xemnas and was betrayed
    Elements/powers: Portal use like Xigbar, bends people's mind to his will and uses various magic spells
    Other: He leads a specila kind of Nobody called Tropers there light green with machine guns and roket lunchers. You can find out more about Xert by visting other post. Color of type white

    Played by: hidden_light
    Name: Rosalie
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): daggers
    History: her memory was erased so she's still struggling to uncover it
    Elements (Up to 2): water and earth
    Other: she carries a locket with her

    Played by: TDGW
    Name: Des
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): Axe (guitar only)
    History: amesia since he could remeber
    Elements: wind , lighning
    Other: has a dark secret that he hopes noone will find out. If they do, horrible things will happen.

    Played by: Sora n roxas rock
    Name: Rixa
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Appearance: Rixa
    Weapon(s): Heartblade
    History: She once was part of org 13 but quit, Now she wonders around looking for her somebody which is actuly her but she dose not know. She is a long lost twin sister of riku but she went missing at birth
    Elements: Fire and electricity

    Played by: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Anna
    Age: 13
    Gender: femal
    Weapon(s): bow and arrow and ninja stars
    History: ran away from home and somhow ended up on the island
    Elements (Up to 2): water
    Other: has a pupy named Bud

    Played by: Trace000222
    Name: Kent
    Age: 14
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): gun of the gods,keyblade,gun lets him clone
    History: traveler,seeks to destroy the evil that destroyed his family
    Elements (Up to 2): Time,earth
    Other: shy at times and is nice to certain people
    Thread by: Fellangel, Nov 21, 2007, 193 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Fellangel
    Hey, how do you make one of those sigs you can make out of renders? I ordered some, but they all make it wrong. Can anyone help me to which site to go to?
    Thread by: Fellangel, Nov 20, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Help
  5. Fellangel
    I just felt like making this RP. So this is how it goes.

    Prologue: After Sora and his friends defeat Xemnas, they recieve the letter from King Mickey. They were invited to his special hidden castle. On their journey, the Gummi ship engine broke down and they crash landed on an unknown world. They found a sighn which said "Unknown Land." And they weren't alone. The land was swarming with Heartlesses, Nobodies, and other creatures. They also find some surviving group called "UL Survivors" who are the usual citizens that lived on the planet. They said they escaped from the clutches of Varr, the evil ruler of the world. And this is how it starts.

    No Yao/Yuri
    Keep this PG-13
    Romace is OK
    You can have up to 3 characters
    No God-modding
    No Power-playing
    HAVE FUN!!!

    Sora: Me
    Kari: AngelsNeedFlight
    Riku: Gatekeeper
    Namine: hidden_light
    Roxas: the darkness grows within
    King Mickey:
    Yuna: Nymph of Destiny
    Cloud: the darkness grows within
    Tifa: #1 DynastyX
    Aerith/Aeris: Twilight---XIII

    FF characters are ok. Just tell me which one. No ORG XIII characters.

    If you choose to be an OC, then here's how.

    Played by:
    Elements(up to 2):
    Varr's Army or UL Survivor:

    Here are mine

    Played by: Me
    Name: Nova
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): A sword and a bow
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements: Light and Thunder
    Varr's Army or UL Survivor: UL Survivor
    History: His family was killed by Varr.
    Other: He is Varr's younger brother.

    Played by: Me
    Name: Varr
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): Many types of blades and weapons
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(up to 2): Fire and Darkness
    Varr's Army or UL Survivor: Varr's army
    History: He was overwhelmed by darkness and destroyed everything he saw.
    Other: He is Nova's older brother.

    Played by: hidden_light
    Name: Kaya
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): a black broadsword
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(up to 2): sound and metal
    Varr's Army or UL Survivor: UL survivor
    History: her whole life was shattered by Varr and his rule. now she seeks revenge
    Other: she carries a locket

    Name: Xert
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Black and white robe
    Elements(up to 2): Darkness and light uses portals like Xigbar
    Varr's Army or UL Survivor: nether mercnary
    History: origonal Leader of organization 13 (befor the 13)
    Other: to find out more vist other post
    Thread by: Fellangel, Nov 7, 2007, 307 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Fellangel
    I like the future. So this is why I made this.

    Prologue: in the year 3125, the future is improved, but so as the enemy. The company called The Cipher Crystal installed a Cipher data in a orb to be shipped, but it was destroyed by the enemies. Later, a person named Nova finds this data on the beach. What he doesn't know is that the enemies will kill to retrieve that orb.

    No Yao/Yuri
    Keep this PG-13
    Romance is fine
    Be as fancy as you want to be. This is 3125
    Up to 3 OCs are allowed
    No God-modding
    No Power-playing
    I'll accept mild language only
    Don't join if you're not going to bother posting in it.
    Have fun!!!!!

    Character Creation
    Here's how you do it.

    Played by:
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):

    Here are my 3

    Played by: Me
    Weapon(s):3 types of weapon changing systems.
    History:His family died by Varr, and his army.
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):Good
    Other:He's Varr's litttle brother.

    Played by:Me
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s):Almost every weapon you can imagine
    History:After he got jealus of his family, he killed his family except Nova.
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):Evil
    Other:The leader of the evil army and is Nova's evil brother.

    Played by:Me
    Gender: Female
    History:He family was filled by a terrible disease. She then met Nova and became friends with him
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):None really, but most in the good area.
    Other:She has a crush on Nova

    Played by:naminestwinsister
    Weapon(s):two katanas
    History:is a robot made for evil but refused to do anything evil so was ditched on a beach and met nova
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):good

    Played by: BlackKeyblade706
    Name: Van
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): a special magic and knives
    History: after half-dieing once, he was chosen to come back. His job was to stop the Cipher Crystal from falling into the wrong hands.
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data): Crystal Company
    Other: reborn so technically he should be older than 18.

    Played by: BlackKeyblade706
    Name: Mark
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): his custom guns
    History: Evil because he was shunned from society. He doesn't know what friendship means, really.
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data): EVIL!
    Other: never truly had any relatives.

    Played by: hitna
    Name: Reuka
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): like in pic(also it can be used as a gun)
    Appearance: [​IMG]History: she lost her parents at birth and then grew up in the streets where she became one of the best thieves alive because she had to if she wanted to live, now she is a wanted crimal on the run when she learns about the Cipher Data
    Good or Evil: evil
    Other: unsure of her future, loves stealing, super smart but wont be able to tell cause she is hyper active and has a black cat aa a friend who offten comes to her

    Played by: hidden_light
    Name: Lily
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): broadsword and a staff
    History: She's been mistreated for most of her life while being raised up to be an assasin. She's now been hired by someone to get the cipher data.
    Good or Evil (Good is the Crystal company. Evil is trying to get the Cipher Data):evil
    Other: she carries a special locket
    Thread by: Fellangel, Nov 3, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Fellangel
    I've been wondering, how come Riku doesn't have a Nobody since he became a Heartless?
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 28, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Fellangel
    I don't know how I got this, but i'll keep talking

    Prologue: In 2070, The huge empire had a top secret squad that was loyal to them until a meteor crashes a few miles off thecity boundary. This crash caused a strange reaction to the soliders which caused them to kill and destroy anything they saw. The named themselves the R.A.O (Rebel against Others) squad. When this news spreded, the other empires made a small rebeling force to fight them back. And this is how it starts...

    Keep this PG-13
    Mild language is accepted. Nothing over the B word
    No Yao/Yuri
    Up to 3 OCs are available
    You cannot kill other players without their permission
    Romance is perfectly fine. But it has to fall in those rules.
    No God-Modding
    No Power Playing
    Don't join if you don't even bother posting in it.
    Please color code the words if you have more that 1 OC so I can know what is which.
    Don't make fun of other people's OCs. This can cause you to be kicked out.
    Have fun!!!

    Character Creation~ Here's how you make the character.

    Played by:
    Elements(Up to 2):
    R.A.O. Squad or Empire Army:
    History (please don't put in "unknown):

    Here are my 3 examples.

    Played by: Me
    Name: Nova
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): 2 light machine guns, a rifle, a sniper, and a shotgun
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements: Lightning and Light
    Personality: Quiet
    R.A.Y. Squad or Empire Army: Empire Army
    History (please don't put in "unknown): His family died from the R.A.Y squad and joined the army for revenge.
    Other: A Corperal rank in the army

    Played by: Me
    Name: Varr
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(Up to 2): Darkness and Fire
    Personality: Evil and Serious
    R.A.Y. Squad or Empire Army: R.A.Y. squad
    History (please don't put in "unknown): He commanded the squad to kill Nova's family.
    Other: He is Nova's older evil brother and is the commander of the squad.

    Played by: Me!
    Name: Ammy
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): None
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(Up to 2): Healing
    Personality: Usually happy.
    R.A.Y. Squad or Empire Army: I should say neither, but a little in the Empire Army.
    History (please don't put in "unknown): Her family was killed in the attack. She then was forced to join to be a medic.
    Other: Was forced to be a medic and has a crush on Nova.

    Played by: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Anna
    Age: 13
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): bow adn arows
    Appearance: my avatar
    Elements(Up to 2): water anad light
    Personality: kinde and reliable
    R.A.O. Squad or Empire Army: Empire Army
    History (please don't put in "unknown): her parents where killed so her and her twin brother ran away together
    Other: she and Erin r Twins and has a kitten named sassy

    Played by: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Erin
    Age: 13
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): sword
    Elements(Up to 2): fire and water
    Personality: brave and reliable...he is also a bit protective
    R.A.O. Squad or Empire Army: Empire Army
    History (please don't put in "unknown): same as Anna
    Other: Anna's twin and he has a pup named Bud

    Played by: orginizationXIII
    Name: Yiian
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): In the appearance
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(Up to 2): Ice
    Personality: Kinda dark yet friendly
    R.A.O. Squad or Empire Army: R.A.O. Squad
    History (please don't put in "unknown): He was another soldier until the meteor hit. When it did he immediately went to kill his family
    Other: He's just another normal soldier in the squad

    Played by: hidden_light
    Name: Sanctuary
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): the bird in the pic(it can turn into a sword since its made of metal)
    Elements(Up to 2): metal and ice
    Personality: hard working, loyal, kind
    R.A.O. Squad or Empire Army: Empire Army
    History : Her whole life was shattered by the R.A.O squad. Now she seeks revenge.
    Other: she tends to be a little pessimistic and mean sometimes
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 27, 2007, 199 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Fellangel
    I'd choose Sora!!! He rocks!
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 20, 2007, 82 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Fellangel
    What inspired me to make this RP is the story of the games "The Darkness" and "Bioshock" (No. I never played these games) but, not actually same as these. So onward!

    Prologue~ In the year 3000, the world fell into the hands of evil presence and the only way to defeat them is to destroy Earth itself. After the explosion, the survivors are 500 citizens (and us) to examine the planet we are on. The problem is that we aren't alone. These unidentified creatures swarm these planets and are wanting to kill us because these creatures destroyed Earth.

    Keep it PG-13
    No Yao/Yuri
    Romance is perfectly acceptable, only it has to fall in PG-13 catigory
    Don't join if you're not planning to post here
    No Power-Playing
    No God-Modding
    Don't kill a player without their permission
    You can have up to 3 characters
    I can kick you out so don't even think I won't
    Have Fun!!!

    Character Creating

    Elements(up to 2 elements):
    Good or Evil:
    History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"):

    This is only OCs. No other character from other games. Don't even persusde.
    You can also have a pet with you.

    Here's mine:
    Name: Nova
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): An arsonal of guns.
    Elements: Light and lightning
    Good or Evil: Good
    History: His family was killed in the explosion and joined some risistance force to fight back.
    Pet: A hawk named Skye.

    Name: Varr
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapons: 2 submachine guns, a pistol, and a shotgun.
    Elements: Shadow and Darkness
    Good or Evil: Evil
    History: He destroyed Earth and is the commander of all shadow and darkness,
    Pet: A black wolf with blood-red eyes.

    Name: Annie
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female(Yes I can be a girl if I want to so keep your comments to yourself!!!
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapons: She doesn't have any weapons at all. (Yes this can also be an answer.)
    Elements: Healing and Shield
    Good or Evil: Good
    History: She lost her family in the explosion and she found out that her friend, Nova survived.
    Pet: None
    Other: She has a crush on Nova and thinks of him as "Half brother"


    Name: Sonora
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Elements: Sound and Metal
    Good or Evil: good
    History: She lost everyone and evereything in the explosion. Or at least, that's what she thinks....

    Name: Dragon
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): the one in the pic plus
    Elements: fire and earth
    Good or Evil: evil
    History: he used to be Sonora's older brother until he decided he didn't want to be part of the family before. he killed their parents, tried to kill Sonora, and fled to a life of crime.After the explosion he found out his sister was still alive and is looking to kill her.

    Name: Dragon
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): the one in the pic plus
    Elements: fire and earth
    Good or Evil: evil
    History: he used to be Sonora's older brother until he decided he didn't want to be part of the family before. he killed their parents, tried to kill Sonora, and fled to a life of crime.After the explosion he found out his sister was still alive and is looking to kill her.

    Name: Anna
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Appearance: my avatar
    Weapon(s): hand gun dager and sword
    Elements(up to 2 elements): fire
    Good or Evil: good
    History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"): orphan
    Pet(optional): a wolf pup and a grown wight waolf

    Name: Korima

    Age: 15

    Gender: Girl

    Appearance: 2Fp279%2FTerra_chan_sees_white_people%2Fblack%2520 haired%2520girls%2F1341203586_l.jpg&searchterm=bla ck%20haired%20girl

    Weapon(s): A large sword carried on her back and a few knives.

    Elements(up to 2 elements): Fire and Air

    Good or Evil: She's sort of neutral, but leaning more towards Evil.

    History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"): On Earth, she lived on a small Island with a few other people, and wentt to an Elemental School where she lived with the other kids on the Island, mastering the elements Fire and Air. She was learning other elements, but the land was destroyed before she mastered them. (So she knows a little Water, Earth, and Darkness, but doesn't use them much.)

    Pet(optional): A dark grey wolf with black on it's legs and back. Although Korima doesn't care if herself dies, the wolf does, and keeps her from doing anything... Stupid. He seems to be able to understand anything she says, and some citizens who have seen it say they see some sort of black aura around it.

    Text Color

    Details. xP

    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Elements(up to 2 elements): Dark and fire
    Good or Evil: Evil
    History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"): he was a little boy, but for some reason the creatures didn't kill him. Instead, they took him in.... Now he serves his masters no matter what.

    Name: Lynn
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): powers
    Elements(up to 2 elements):Transformtion and mimic
    Good or Evil: evil
    History: Her mother died giving brith to her causing her father to hate her so he gave her to a foster home hoping to never to see her again all she knows is that he is somewhere in the world with her older sister that is if they are still alive
    Pet(optional):the one in her pic

    Name:Kelvin(goes by Strider)
    Elements(up to 2 elements):elven magic and foresight
    Good or Evil:he hasn't decided yet
    History(please don't put "unknown" or "???"):None of his family made it through the blast and now he searches for something
    Pet(optional): (not really a pet, more like a friend) a horse named Shadowflax (here is his pic:
    the white one)

    Name: Axle
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Elements(up to 2 elements): Fire and Lightning
    Good or Evil: Good
    History: His parents died a few months before his 13th birthday because of an explosion, he was there, the explosion caused his left eye to become blind

    Can I join
    Elements:Darkness and fire
    Good or evil: not known for sure but almost evil
    History:His planet was destroyd in a huge war in which he lost all his family. He lived alone on a baron planet for many years improving his powers, and letting hate grow in his heart for those that killed his parents.
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 20, 2007, 139 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Fellangel
    Ok. I've seen so many End-Of-The-World movies which inspired me to make this RP.

    Prologue: The year 2050 when all was fine. Until the people and nations began to fall apart. Later then, the cities are nothing more than rubble and battlefields. Many goverments tries to stop them, but they overthrow them. This is where we start.

    OC Character: These are the procedures of making an OC

    Element: (Up to 3 elements)
    History: (Try not to put "unknown")
    City: (Where is your character at right now.)

    Don't even ask me about FF or Kingdom Hearts Characters. -_-

    Keep it PG-13
    Mild cursing is ok. Nothing over the B word.
    No Yao/Yuri
    Romance is acceptable, but on PG-13
    No Killing without permission from other player.
    No Power-playing
    Don't join if you're not planning posting on this.
    Have fun!!!

    Here's my guy.

    Name: Nova
    Age: 16
    Personality: Quiet, nice person. Well act serious on some occations
    Weapons: Some guns, a sword, and a bow. (I know. Lame)
    Element: Light, Thunder, and Water
    History: His whole family dies from the war. Nova ran away to Las Vegas. His whole life turned to a nightmare since the war started.
    City: Las Vegas
    Name: Anna
    Age: 16
    Personality: kind but brave
    Appearance: my avatar
    Weapons: bow in arow, dager, and sword
    Element: (Up to 3 elements) fire ice air
    History: (Try not to put "unknown") lived with abusive step dad so she ran away with her best friend but her best friend died in the war
    City: (Wgere is your character at right now.) new mexico?

    Weapons:sword and 2 machine guns
    Element:Water,Lightning,and Earth
    Bio:A battle hardened warrior,can be cold and cruel,but war did it to him
    Born in:???no one knows,last seen in Las Vegas

    Name: Lynn
    Age: 16
    Personality: shy and never trusts anyone
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapons: her own powers
    Element: Transformation, Mimic, Twilight
    History: been kidnaped at a young age and her head was filled with lies till the point where she called herself a demon but the person who kidnaped her and made her work for died and now she is looking for a reason to live
    City: NYC

    Name: Renae
    Age: 15
    Personality: Very kind and outgoing. She tends to space out a lot and likes to be a folllower instead of a leader.
    Weapons: chains, 2 rifles, and 2 black knives all made by her
    Element: metal, darkness, sound
    History: An orphan living on her own in the streets. Everyone she had ever known and loved was killed in the war. Her memories of them have faded and now she seeks her fate.
    City: Queens

    Name: Chase
    Age: 19
    Personality: quite, likes leading, a type of guy who only does it if he's told to.......
    ( he's the guy in front....)
    (when he's in civilian clothes: )
    (these are all different views)
    Element: (Up to 3 elements): ice, water, dark
    History: (Try not to put "unknown"): he's one of the survivors and has put together a team of three to fight off enemies there.....
    City: (Where is your character at right now.): Colorado mountains

    Name: Axle

    Age: 18

    Personality: Perceptive, cold, harsh at times

    Appearance: Except with silver hair


    Element: Fire, Ice, Lightning

    History: Orphaned when his parent died in an explosion that happened right in front of him, causing his left eye to be blind

    City: Mexico
    Thread by: Fellangel, Oct 15, 2007, 355 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Fellangel
    Hey guys. I figured out Kari doesn't have a Heartless even though she has a Nobody. Does anybody know why?
    Thread by: Fellangel, Sep 11, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Fellangel
    YAY! My 1st RP! So this is called The Light World. Here's the Prologue.
    Prologue: When the world turned into a dark world, a resistance force tried to fight it off, but the evil forces were too strong. So the sages created a light world to fight off the dark forces. And this is where we begin...


    1:This is PG-13 violence only!
    2:Romance only in PG.
    3:Killing must be accepted by me (by PM or posting).
    4:No God-Modding
    5:No Power-Playing
    6:Have Fun!
    How To Make Your Character:

    Note: I can only take 35 characters In this RP.











    11: Sean

    12: Joufu

    13: Kain























    Discription: My avatar.
    History:When the world turn dark, Nova tried to fight it off, but his brother protected him and died from the attack. Nova only wanted revenge on the dark forces for taking his brother's life. Nova has died before, but kept reborning for some reason.
    Weapons: A sword forged by light sages and a bow created by angels.
    Thread by: Fellangel, Aug 4, 2007, 2,615 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Fellangel
    What types of Halo 2 weapons are your favorite(no vehicle weapons included)either spartin or covanent weapons?:D
    Thread by: Fellangel, May 19, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Fellangel
    Who is your FFVII character? Chose the following:

    Red XIII
    Cat Sith
    Vincint (Im sure I spelled wrong)
    Thread by: Fellangel, May 2, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Fellangel
    Why does Roxas hold the Oathkeeper and the Oblivian instead of the Ultima Weapon and the Fenrir. Anybody know?:confused: :confused:
    Thread by: Fellangel, May 2, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Fellangel
    Does anyone know when KH2 Final Mix is being released in America and if it will be translated in English?:confused:
    Thread by: Fellangel, May 2, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Fellangel
    When I was getting Orachalem+, the resepie saids 13 Oracalem+s. But there are only 7 orachalem+s. Can anyone explain this situation?
    Thread by: Fellangel, May 1, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help