Well, the wireless on my PS3 cannot connect cause of an IP Adress failure. So i write the address manualy and now it says DSL Error. Can anyone help me out?
The new Square-Enix game looks intresting. Main Site: http://www.niergame.com/ Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCbzHktwTaQ Comments or thoughts about this?
If we fail, we try again If we don't like our choice, we choose again If we don't like our path, we take another one If we imagine, we can do anything If we die, we revive with extra lives But this is the real world We cant redo fails We can't choose another if we don't like it We can't take another path in life if we started on one We can do everything we think of And when we die, we die We only have one life and choice And we must make the most of it My first poem. Hope u enjoyed it. ^_^
And I lost the game as well (If you don't know "The Game" then don't post here =D)
MAG (Massive Action Game) is a PS3 exclusive shooter game. Holds up to 256 players in one match (!!!) Watch the trailer and tell me what you think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMNfiQPQ7jI
First, I'm not Prince_of_Hearts, I'm Xephos (KH-V username), Prince's older brother, and here to say that POH won't be back for a while. He is on a school trip for the week and will be back at Friday night or Sat morning. He left yesterday at 7:00 PM at Pacific time. He'll be back at that time too next week or later. I believe he forgot to post this thread up but I don't think he'll mind. If you want to say something to him, just leave a reply here and I'll go call him telling you're message if you want. It's okay if you PM it to my account too if you want because I won't be on this account everyday doing my lil bro's work. -_- That is all.
I've heard about the new Call of Duty game coming out. Any comments about it?
Was bored. Prologue~ The year 2051 when it changed the lives of 500 people. MECH corp, a private securaty army performed a test on 500 people with a white and black angel cell. He was trying to make a black and white winged angel. 495 of the subjects failed and had a white or black wings. 5 perfects subjects were created. 200 of the subjects who tried to escape were killed. The MECH corp will stop at nothing to kill all the remaining test subjects. It's only a matter of time before they are all wiped out. Rules Keep everything in the PG-13 zone (romance, voilence, ect.) No God-modding No Power-playing No Yao/yuri Please try to stay on this RP at least twice a week No killing OCs without owner's permission HAVE FUN!!! Factions~ Angels- Known as the failures. Possess the ability to fly, use elements, and use weapons, but don't fight back unless in a life-or-death situation or a MECH solider. Some joined the MECH as mercenaries. Perfects- 5 of the subjects are perfects. The have the same ability as angels, but are twice as strong as them (can be on either Angel or MECH) MECH- The private army that hunts down the failed subjects and betrayed perfects. They may not have the ability to fly or have elements, but can fire and kill without order. Humans- Ordinary citizens. Some hate MECH and others hate the angels. Have the ability to use weapons, but MECH holds laws around them (can be either angel or MECH) OC Form (Max is 4) Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): Elements (angels and perfects only): Weapon(s): Bio: Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Nova Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): Angel Elements (angels and perfects only): Light and Thunder Weapon(s): Sword and 2 SMGs Bio: At age 14, was used in the test. Failed and escaped. The MECH hunt him as first priority because he's the only failed subject to know what happened in the test. Other: Quiet and a nice person. Known for his cool head in a fight Name: Xaviar Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): Perfect Elements (angels and perfects only): Twilight and Earth Weapon(s): Sword and AR Bio: Knows nothing about his past after the test. Appointed Nova as right hand man for his intellegence of MECH Other: Ordering, but calm person. Known for his great leadership Name: Leordan Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): Perfect Elements (angels and perfects only): Darkness and Fire Weapon(s): Sniper and SR Bio: Recruited in MECH as Co-Commander. They know he has a bad history, but they don't tell him because of his strict personality Other: Ordering and strict. Detests humans Name: Jordav Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): MECH Elements (angels and perfects only): N/A Weapon(s): Pistol Bio: Killed his family for some unknown reason and discovered MECH. Created an army and started the test of angel combining which he called "Project 4nge1." Other: Quiet and ordering leader Name: Grey Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: (Will post picture later since my internet is dying) Faction: Perfect Elements: Wind and Telekenesis Weapons: A sniper rifle and a shortsword Bio: He doesn't remember when exactly he was test but remembers nearly everything else about his past. He doesn't like talking about it but will explain if anyone's curious enough to ask. Other: His wing color changes at almost random moments from white to black. Name: Kazuki Steel Age: 22 Gender: male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects): Angel Elements (angels and perfects only): Fire and Water/Ice Weapon(s): a broadsword Bio: A failed experiment that escaped, he sought his wife and baby daughter only to find they where murdered. He swore revenge on MECH. Other: he hides his wings underneath his clothing but he usually makes them rip through the back of his clothes them to come out. Name:Haru Francis Age:12 Gender:Male Appearance: Faction (only 5 avalible for perfects):Perfects Elements (angels and perfects only): Dark Weapon(s): Bio: Haru barely made it as he was made a perfect but he survived by sheer luck. Other:
I'm having problems at home. I'm becoming more irritable and I argue with may parents and they threaten to ground me. My stress levels are off the charts and I'm so irritable, I can't sleep properly. What should I do?
So yea. My dad grounded me for having a B on my test and I don't know how long he's doing it. Maybe a month, maybe a year, maybe forever. So yea. Just saying I won't be on for a while.
There was this saying by a famous painter (I think Da Vinci) that said that to love the beautiful, you must love the ugly. I agree. What do you all say about this?
I was fighting Yunalisca and her 3rd form always uses Mega-Death and I keep dying. Is there a way to avoid this or something else?
As you all heard, FF XIII is coming out for Microsoft. Got any suggestions why didn't Sony only got that game. May reasons were that Sony spend too much time on Killzone 2. But that's my opinion. Yours?
........... Just read the prologue. Prologue~For many years, thousands are slaughered. Those who escape are weighed down of the truths they saw. The people who are responsible for this action is the Meta Uprise Corp that says they give the best human properties. Behind that lie, they do the opposite. The one who escaped started making a secret resistance group against it to stop its madness. The problem is that he doesn't know why they do it. Rules Keep it all PG-13 Keep romance under control No Yao/Yuri Curse with * higher than the B word No God-Modding Try not to spam too much No Power-Playing Have Fun!!! OC Registeration~ Name: Age: Appearance: Gender: Weapon(s): Bio: Other (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Nova Age: 17 Appearance: Gender: Male Weapon(s): A sword and Bow Bio: Lived in a small town until MUC slaughtered everyone. His brother dissapeared before that day and his parents died from the attack. Other (optional): One of the survivors of the MUC. Name: Varr Age: 25 Appearance: Gender: Male Weapon(s): 2 Longblades and 3 knives. Bio: Left and became the head of MUC and slaughtered the townspeople. Other (optional): Nova's older brother and head of MUC. Name: Alex Age: 17 Appearance: my avatar Gender: female Weapon(s): sword Bio: N/A Other (optional): N/A Name: Lynn Age: 16 Appearance: Gender: Female Weapon(s): Anything and everything Bio: After her family were killed she lost her reason to live and became an assassin and a difter. She'll do almost anything just to have something to keep her going Other (optional): Name: Matt Age: 17 Appearance: Gender: Male Weapon: Any kind of swords Bio: Never belonged to a village or really had a home. Never knew his family but he's always happy and outgoing. Other: Name: Ty Age: 19 Appearance: Gender: Male Weapon: Wires Bio: Learn along way Other: Most people think he's evil after talking to him for a while and he's kinda is by his actions but he says he is netural
Hope you enjoy this RP. Prologue~For many years, the high priest chooses one person with companions to go on a journey. The reason for this is that a huge dark sky called Hronox is spreading. Oncve it goes over an area, it turns into a dark wasteland. So far, all the chosens (the person who the priest chose) have failed to fend off the Hronox. They only have one more chance before they become engulfed into the darkness the Hronox brings. That means one more journey for one more chosen. Rules Keep it PG-13 Romance is ok No Yao/yuri No God-Modding No Killing without my and his/her permission Keep it clean and HAVE FUN! Character Basics~ Only 3 Ocs please Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(s): Element(s): Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: Bio: Other (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Nova Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): A sword and a bow Element(s): Twilight, earth, and thunder Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: He is the Chosen (durr) Bio: His family died by a deadly disease exept him, his brother, and his sister. His sister was killed by his brother and fled off. Other (optional): He's the Chosen for the journey and is Brendan's brother Name: Brendan Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): 2 swords and a javllin Element(s): Darkness, fire, and wind Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: Hronox minion Bio: He was jealous when his sister fell in love with Nova. he killed her and fled to become Hronox's minion. Other (optional): Nova's brother. Name: Saxen Age: 18 Gender: male Appearance: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l3...tainedmoon.jpg Weapon(s): Chains and daggers Element(s): fire and steel Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: minion Bio: Always a follower of darkness, he looks for ways to help its spread even giving himself up to make it spread. Other (optional): N/A Name: Raxira Age: 15 Gender: female Appearance: http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...kthechains.jpg Weapon(s): chains, sword Element(s): twilight, metal Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion Bio: She's just a good kid looking for ways to help in any way she can before she dies. She was bron with a disease that slowly kills her off and doesn't have much time left. Other (optional): N/A Name: Zarach Age: 19 Gender: male Appearance: ( he's blind in his left eye.) Weapon(s): he has a hand-and-a-half sword in addition to an arsenal of knives Element(s): water and ice Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion Bio: he was fighting the Hronox by himself but he lost his eye and people convinced him to find others to fight with Other (optional): Name: Blaine Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: (without the wings of course) Weapon(s): a long double edged spear with two sharp ax sized blades at both ends. Element(s): Dark Toxin (not exsactly an element, but it is just listing the form of darkness that it is) Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: chosen's companion Bio: He is known as a town show off. He likes to be flashy, showing himself off, saving dansels in destress, beggers from corrupt officers,traders from robbery's, and little kittens stuck in a tree. Why? Well, he usually does it for attention from the feminen members of the side of town, always making sure to show his signature, a perfect white smile. Ladies love him, people respect him, and yet he can always find a way into trouble. Though, it partially might have something to do with a large hidden tattoo made of an unknown ink that is upon his back. Other (optional): N/A
Just felt like making this. Prologue~ "This is to all citizens. We are the Marcria army. We serve our leader. His order was to overrun what he says. We will crush those who oppose us. There will be no such thing as mercy. Your future is futile. Bow before us. You either surrender or die." That was in 2600. The marcria army overran many empires one by one. Their warning was true. All they left were war-torn cities and the dead who opposed them. We were next. We were the only ones that can stop them. But how can you defeat the army who took over the biggist empires? What mattered now was we either fight and die. Or we can surrender and die. They left no survivors. And it was a matter of time before we lived or die. Rules Keep it PG-13 Romance is fine (if there is any) No God-Modding No Yao/Yuri No power-Playing Keep cussing at minimal Don't kill unless you have their's and my permission. Try to post at least 5 times a week. I will sent notices to those who aren't posting HAVE FUN!!!!!!! OC form~ up to 3 only (The * means you must fill it out) *Name: *Age: *Gender: *Appearance: *Weapon(s): Element(s): *Marcria Army or defending army: Bio: Other: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Nova Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapons: A sword, a knife, and a rifle. Elements: Twilight, wind, and fire. Marcria Army or defending army: Defending Army Bio: He lost his parents and sister. His brother betrayed his family and left for the Marcria Army. He became the general of it. Other: Varr's younger brother. Name: Varr AgeL 27 Appearance: Gender: Male Weapons: a blade and a heavy machine gun Elements: Darkness, thunder, and earth Marcria army or defending army: Marcria Army Bio: He left Nova's family after they died and became general a year afterwards. Other: Nova's older brother. Name: Anna Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: http://s241.photobucket.com/albums/f...20of20Blue.jpg Weapon(s): bow and arows dager and hand gun Element(s): water and light Marcria Army or defending army: Defending army Bio: she was orphand when she was 10, and then she ran away from the orphanige she lived in Other: she has a pupy named bud Name: Zahara Age: 20 Gender: female Appearance: http://s241.photobucket.com/albums/f...nt=tsurugi.jpg Weapon(s): sword (see pic) hand gun dagers, and poison needals Element(s): fire and darkness Marcria Army or defending army: Marcria army Bio: she grew up on her own and that made her heart colde. she loves causing others pain. Other: none *Name: Alex *Age: 16 *Gender: femlae *Appearance: *Weapon(s): sword Element(s): earth, fire *Marcria Army or defending army: defending army *Name: Carden *Age: 20 *Gender: Male *Appearance: *Weapon(s): a katana and two pistols. Element(s): fire and wind *Marcria Army or defending army: defending Bio: his family was lost and he long ago decided to help anyone in need. he just had to wait for the right time to actually do anything. Other: *Name: Sharix *Age: 14 *Gender: female *Appearance: *Weapon(s): a scythe that can transform to either two katanas or a big shuriken Element(s): darkness *Marcria Army or defending army: defending army Bio: she lost her family in a very young age- her brother protected her for the past years but now he's gone missing and Sharix thinks he's dead. Other: - *Name: Naia *Age: 15 *Gender: female *Appearance: *Weapon(s): daggers and a staff Element(s): sound, darkness... *Marcria Army or defending army: defending... Bio: a rebel to the end, Naia left her family because they were part of the Marcria army. She decided to instead, fight against them in hopes that she'll turn out differently from them. Other: carries a locket around.... *Name: Phillip *Age: 16 *Gender: male *Appearance: *Weapon(s): katana and daggers Element(s): shadow and ice *Marcria Army or defending army: Marcria Bio: he's always trusted everyone he's met and somehow got pulled in the Marcria army. He still fights with all his strength for them though... Other: n/a Name: Rella Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon(s): A Metal Staff Element(s): Poison Marcria Army or defending army: Marcria Army Bio: There's hardly any information about her other then her fighting records and idenity. she always has a craving for trouble. Name: Sonia Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon(s): None Element(s): She has psychic abilities Marcria Army or defending army: Defending Army Bio: She grew up on her own teaching herself how to use her powers. Name:Kasha Dwyre Age:13 Gender:Female Personality: Quiet, Brave, Sarcastic, Trustworthy, she is known to put up with pain very well Weapon(s)Weakness(s):Kasha has a Daemon to accompany her in fights when something happens, but mostly uses fire. She wears a glove that can cause from sparks to forest fires at her will. Kasha will die if her Daemon, Ulysses dies, she feels any pain he gets, and will feel major pain if he is too far from her, or possibly die. If Kasha's glove gets wet she cannot use it, water is after all an enemy of fire. Image/Description: Kasha has short brown hair with dark brown eyes. She wears thick rimmed, black glasses. Kasha wears a black shirt with a white, animated looking, cat on the front. She has regular blue jeans, with a black and pink belt, and gray and red converse Defender or in Marcria Army: Army but travels on her own. She is part of the army, but is also neutral. Name:Ulysses Age:13 Gender:Male Breed:Daemon Personality:Talkative, Brave but Cowardly, trustworthy, Protective Weapon(s)weakness(s):Ulysses is capable of changing into any animal out of the whim, or depending on Kasha's attitude this helps him defend Kasha or fight. He, unlike Kasha, is unable to use fire, and will die if separated to far from Kasha. Image/Description:Undecided, but is mostly a gray and black main coon cat. Defender or in Marcira Army: Army(with Kasha) Extra:Ulysses is part of Kasha's soul, and is in fact her soul, but has the opposite gender and personality of her. Name:Roy Nizira Age:28 Gender:Male Personality:Sarcastic, Quiet, Leader Appearance: (Art(c.)Rightful owner(s)) Weapon(s)/Weakness(s): He, like Kasha, has the same powers. He uses fire and alchemy to fight. He cannot fight if gloves are wet, or if it is raining outside. Rank:Colonel-Steadily trying to earn his way as leader(Fureh) Defending or Marcria: Marcria Army
Well, title says all. If not clearly, take a look at the prologue. Prologue~There was a one huge nation which was controlled by one huge empire. They realized that it was too big for one to control. So they seperated it into 6 at first. That only caused a war. So they made 4 empires. Even though there is still a war, the 4 nations agreed on this term. This could be their worst mistake. The 4 Nations *Friex~ Known as the traitor of the 4 nations. After the agreement, Varr, the leader of Friex, betrayed all of the 3 nations and started war. His nation is full of craggy rocks, barren wastelands, volcanoes, and rivers of lava. No man dared to step foot on this land. *Jayex~ Not as torturer as Friex, but a hostile nation. The lush, green meadows and mountains are guarded by millions of soliders. They are the arch enemy of Friex. Jax, the leader of Jayex, has no mery to those who oppose him. The battle between Varrx and Jayex has lasted for 2 years so far. Sharret (sorry, no one can put Sharret on their "Nation" on the OC section.) This isn't you faithful snowing vacation. Sharret is covered in deep snow and thick ice. It constantly sends snow, hail, and blizzards 24/7. Many snow wolves and hawks look for an unsuspecting prey. In this harsh and bitter enviorment, many shelters and camps are pitched to the weary and tired. Gensallex This could be your little slice of Heaven. This land is full of life, green meadows, lush mountains, blue rivers, and majestic lakes. No wonder there are 4 capitols setted in Gensallex. Nearly 1 billion people live at Gensallex. It's known for its wonderful sites and live markets. No leader lives there, but order is known to all citizens. The * means to add it to your "Nation" part of your OC form only if you're planning to be evil or something like that. Rules keep it PG-13 Romance is fine No God-Modding No Power-Playing No killing without their and my permission Keep cussing at minimal. Anything higher that the B word, star it This is around the 15th century. NO GUNS OR ANY TYPE OF FUTURE WEAPON!!!! HAVE FUN!!! OC Form~ Only up to 5 Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(s): Element(s): Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Bio: Other (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Played by: Prince_of_Lights Name: Nova Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): A lance, a sword, and a bow Element(s): Twilight, Water, and Fire Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Gensallex Bio: His family died by a deadly disease. his brother Varr killed Nova's sister and became Varrx's leader. They died when he was 14. He spent the last 2 years of his life alone. Other (optional): A master marksman and Varr's younger brother. Played by: Prince_of_Hearts Name: Varr Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): A longsword and a greatlance Element(s): Darkness, thunder, and fire. Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Varrx Bio: He Killed Nova's sister after the disease. He then left to Friex where he became leader. Other (optional): Nova's older brother Played by: Prince_of_Hearts Name: Jax Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): A tomahawk and a longbow Element(s): None Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Jayex Bio: One of the leaders before they seperated the nation. He became Jayex's leader after the seperation. Other (optional): None Played by: Luna561 Name: Alex Age: 16 Gender: female Appearance: Weapon(s): sword Element(s): earth and light Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Gensallex Bio: she is a master at using a sword. Played by: hidden_light Name: Noelle Age: 15 Gender: female Appearance: Weapon(s): daggers Element(s): sound and darkness Nation : Gensallex Bio: An orphan, she was always looking for adventure. Played by: Nny Name: Nny Age: 14 Gender: male Appearance: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a1...69253696_l.gif Weapon(s): in pic Element(s): Forsight, Fire and Air Nation: Friex Bio: N/A Other (optional): N/A Played by: No Heart-X Name: Creed Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/f...k_knight-1.jpg Weapon(s): Sword in Pic, Alondite, and Javelin Element(s): Dark, Light, Wind Nation (where do they start of. Remember, no Sharret allowed here!): Gensallex Bio: A warrior devoted to serving the one he was hired by, he is a plain mercenary that gets the job done. He has no friends and never plans too. He dwells alone at night, wondering if he is doing the right thing Name: Aaron Skye Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l2...0055841497.jpg Weapon(s): Sword Red Queen and Double barrel Revolver Blue Rose Element(s): Electricity Marcria Army or defending army: Defending army Bio: He grew up without parents, only a brother the same age as him. They had different views of the war so they split up and went on opposite sides. Other: He can transform into a different form. Name: Landon Skye Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/a...ay_cry_4_1.jpg Weapon(s): Sword Rebellion, Gauntlets and Boots Gilgamesh, Back Lucifer, Gun Pandora Element(s): Fire Marcria Army or defending army: Marcria Army Bio: He grew up without parents, only a brother the same age as him. They had different views of the war so they split up and went on opposite sides. Other: He can transform into a different form.
When Sora and his friends beated Xemnas, they thought it was all over. They were wrong. The Nobodies swarmed all over the planets. The Organization XII has rose again. And if this continues, they're next... Rules No Yao/yuri Keep it PG-13 Romance is fine Keep cussing at minimum No intense violence/gore No God-Modding No Power-Playing HAVE FUN!!! Characters and OCs~ Sora: Prince_of_Hearts Kairi: lanihead7 Riku: hidden_light Roxas: BlackKeyblade706 Namine: naminestwinsister Any FF or ORG XII characters are ok. Just tell me which one. For OCs... Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapon(s): Elements: Bio: Other: Mine... Played by: Prince_of_Hearts Name: Nova Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapon(s): A sword and a bow. Elements: Twilight and thunder Bio: His family died after he was born. His sister and brother took care of him. At 14, his brother and sister died of an accident. He was escorted to Destiny Islands and meeted Sora. Other: One of Sora's best friend. Played by: princess_of_hearts Name: Tana Age: 15 Gender: female Appearance: http://s57.photobucket.com/albums/g...tion=view¤t=1127076647_tureswitch-1.jpg Weapon(s): 2 dagger like blades Elements: wind Bio: ran from home when she was a kid and has been traveling around since. She found Destiny Islands and decided to stay while Other: Played by: hidden_light Name: Naomi Swan Age: 15 Gender: female Appearance: http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x.../AnimeGirl.jpg Weapon(s): katana Elements: earth Bio: Naomi is from a high class family hung up on society and class. She was raised very strictly and punsihed severly if she made a mistake. With the help of her best friend she managed to escape to the one place her parents would never think to look for her: Destiny Islands. Naomi was thrilled to finally escape, but her friend was dragged back home along the way. She's lived on Destiny Islands ever since although not many know her. Other: She carries a special locket with her. Played by: No Heart-X Name: Nero Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p...ack_knight.png Weapon(s): Javelin, sword in pic called Alondite Elements: Dark Bio: He was born into a family of high power, he ran away from his home though because he couldn't stand living life with people who served, never being allowed outside. To keep his mind away from home, he took up the art of the sword and spear. When he was 18, he went back to his old home and took the family heirloom Alondite, the sword forged of evil. He took it and used it in his battles that came later. He never once regret taking the sword or running away Other: Nero prefers to call himself "Black Knight. He also uses a fake name instead of his birth name Played by: sorafangirl Name: Misaki Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l2...gBlackHair.jpg Weapon(s): sword and bow and arrows Elements: none Bio: Misaki grew up in an orphanage, then was adopted at the age of 14, she trained the art of fighting for one year and now is ready to start her adventure. She hopes to meet friends along the way! Other: Has no clue where she came from. All the clues that she has is a ring with a green stone in it. Played by: Roxas24Sora Name: Xelan Age:16 Gender:Male Appearance:has Chaser armor with helmet off, has black Roxas style hair Weapon(s):Circle of Life and Follow the Wind Elements: none Bio: nothing is known about him Other:none
The title says all. I personally think that the All-American Rejects are the best.
Just got this idea from many war movies and the game "Endwar." Let's get started. Prologue: Planet Earth was overcome many wars. But not so. In the year 3000, many citizen's found weird capsules. Not even the smartest scientists figured out this mystery. But the next day, the capsules opened and released the unexplainable. What came out were war machines and the surpreme commander of these machines. When the scientists figured out, they were killed right after they reported. The military threw everything at it, but they still fought back. Another group came to the planet and reported that they were enemies of the war machines. Then, both sides started fighting each other. What the others could think of is that this world will be torn apart of this war. Rules Keep it PG-13 Up to 3 OCs are allowed No strong language. Keep swearing above B starred Romace is allowed No Yao/Yuri No God-Modding No Power-Playing HAVE FUN!!! OC Creation: Here is how you do it Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Weapons: War Machine or Opposing Army: Elements (up to 2): Class (Don't answer if you don know what a class is): History: Other: Here are mine Played by: Me Name: Nova Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapons: A multi-morphing gun War Machine or Opposing Army: Opposing Army Elements (up to 2): Thunder and Light Class (Don't answer if you don know what a class is): Support Gunner History: His family was killed by his brother. All he seeks is revenge. Other: Varr's younger brother. Played by: Me Name: Varr Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: Weapons: A heavy sword and many heavy firearms War Machine or Opposing Army: War Machine Army Elements (up to 2): Shadow and Darkness Class (Don't answer if you don know what a class is): Commander History: He murdered Nova's family (or his own) and started conquering countries. Other: Nova's older brother.