yeah pretty much they were harder in kh but in kh the keyblades seem stronger
The game looks good and the song went with the trailer =P
woops didnt see it there :D yeah but when roxas goes sych blade his blades are oblivion and oathkeeper right? or do they change
uhmm i know its for both games so i dont know where to put it but which one do you think its harder i think its Kh
pickahu has the advantage but pac man is classic tough choice
wait wasnt marluxias wepaon called graceful dahlia(something like that)
It would be a good idea sometime i get tired of playing a sora and have to use codes to play riku
random poke* o_o
yeah why? how bout u?
Tried it was kinda fun but id rather stick to Guitar hero :D
i really wnat them to switch the story line i mean they introduce roxas at the beginning of kh2 i was really excited to play as him but then they switch it back to sora i mean.... i thought it was gonna be bout roxas
Yea...the ending was sad shed a few tears
I would mostly choose the samurai nobody(i think he cool) Axel fav orgXII member and sephiroth Nuff said
Real quick if it wasnt kh world Sephiroth would murder xemnas cause he has more power and has heartless wangel and super nova stuff like that
No uh Xemnas cant over power sora and riku they beat him in the end
Yeah gilgamesh is pretty cool and kinda hard...(well for me)
uhmm tried inseting on again maybe.. or you have more files
lol i know it isnt Axel
umm not only axel is cool cause of his chakrams i mean he sacrificed himself but killed loads of nobodys thats strong
Auron because even though he weilds a gigantic katana he moves swiftly and delivers killing blows