whatsup with double posting?! sheesh... did you even go to this thread BEFORE YOU CAME HERE? http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=1746 Please! get a clue. did you try saving with codes on? all the ability code (some lol) work by saving with codes on. like, u use the codes, then save, then try again without codes and use the save data. did you try that out?
ok how bout this... LOOK IT UP DANG IT! by now you should have already gotten a handful of codes from this thread. it takes me like 30 minutes from one end to the other of the thread looking. dang...
òr maybe is one of those items that the game gives you...maps just maps... ama try it after i eat. lol. but in the meantime, enjoy a vid of my ideal cat (yeah i no... its off topic but its freaking silent in here... its like a funeral or some thing [no offense to the ppl who welp, you know...]) http://youtube.com/watch?v=G0tiT7KlACM&mode=related&search= Please, dont discuss it here or else ppl would get mad. it aint code related. lol
no problem, if you need n e thing else, try to look around but if you get tired, then ask... cuz sometimes, ppl post things that ppl may ask its where abouts and they cnt go back a few pages. Off Topic: Code: oh yeah, it looks like you are new here so dont mind ppl who are total mitches (R.s.) and just have fun aight? Peace! yup, he prob'ly is. he should be banned if he continues Thanks to Evilman_89, Xaldin, and all the ppl who found, made codes, i want to post a list of codes that might come in handy instead of looking over 3350+ pages. both ARMAX and RAW Format.
oh yeah, it looks like you are new here so dont mind ppl who are total mitches (R.s.) and just have fun aight? Peace!
Redsonic...there are just cutscenes! there are just video, thats all!!! deal with it! please just stop arguring that D.D. exist as a playable world until you find that mitching code! leave Evilman_89 and Xaldin alone aight homes? i dont want to hear (or read...__-) from you untill you find that code allowing ppl to go to D.D. and dont even think of saying "i found the code but i lost it" or "i found it but i wont give it out" cuz that is B.S. save your Business Skills for some other forums please. Thank you ------ look @ the main page. lol press the button when you are moving to another map. to transform into Roxas R1 For DW Roxas 7MM7-G4GM-7B63D PX5Z-EMWA-RNMJ2 U6EY-BNQQ-9NF0N L2 For Roxas VK0Z-T8RF-W6WHV RAWX-HWQB-XEHMX BV64-GFFY-QT9NB
ARMAX codes, but also like Codebreaker RAW codes. (off topic-nice siggy but its too big and th words are a lil too blurry, nice tho) ------------ AOA kinda has a point. i mean you have to exit the area n e wyz. but its a step up to hakers meaning that if you put in noff effort, you can hack n e thing... and that you have no outside life @ all. lmao! but yeah its a step up n all that crap. lol.
search them over youtube, on in this thread. dont wait till they feed you homes. here. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q34XTKYls_o look @ the descriptions and work it out aight? let the pros work in advance codes whie you do a lil research. lol. you know what it is. Peace! oh and there are only a few discovered. and the Codemasters will make an announcement either on the main page or here when they find a Good Hidden Area code. so be patient, grasshopper.
kool, either i buy a PSP soemtime this week or i'll just buy the codebreaker. i'll letchu know so you can tell m what kind of data do you need. ama clean my room so i can suck up to my parents on buying me both CB and the PSP. (hey dont judge! it works like a charm aight?... sometimes :-(... eventually :'-( ) Peace!
hm, then i should buy the CB, then... ok so iff i buy it, what do i do? like press R2, or pause? and when i dump it, how do i transfere it to my pc, thorugh a thumb drive like with ARMAX?
to be more specific, the codes are for Action Replay Max that cost like 40 bucks. you need to plug in the codes by yourself and those codes are for kh2, not FM+. there are some codes for FM+ but are hidden deep within the thread. if you want codes for FM+. please state what kind of codes you want (Ex: i wan the Roxas as Boss or like Auron as ally) post those ideas here and someone that know those codes would most likely help you. also try to think as many ideas for codes in 1 post to avoid spam. lol EDIT: my bad, a lot of ppl answer youir question :-P hey Evilman, could you give me that code to dump the game?
ok so what does it do excactly? will it mess up my system or my CD? if it doesnt (That much ne wyz) then maybe can i have that code for ARMAX?
ok... but like when Sora is in Valor MAX jumping or when. and how do you dump the game? maybe i could do it...
sorry, the makers fought hard to avoid that hack. or so Evilman said something like that. it would be cool but he said that its almost impossible.
yup... i mean im just telling it how it is... n e whoo, this should be closed. o got more thn enough feedback lol
some freaks made a kingdom hearts vibrator... not only make the franchise looks REALLY bad, but the product in overall make the men feel like crap. i mean its not enough what we give them that they need to get it from somewhere else. ---- yeah i no that you can type n e thing n you get porn but... KINGDOM HEARTS?! ---- and i dont want to post the link in fear of getting some Mod attention.
i was looking for some images of the Kingdom Hearts OST Soundtrack Complete Box Set on Google, but it turns out i found more than i EVER wanted to know. i wont say what it is (i mean... DUDE! :-( it might be against the rules!) but if you look @ the 3th line down and in the cernter.... EEWWW!!! but...WHY!? WHY?! whats wrong with them!? just go to google.com and search for "Kingdom Hearts OST Soundtrack Complete Box Set " EWW....
ok... hope it doesnt interfere with the Code: "Press R2 to teach Mickey Auto-Valor" 8JT2-5DHZ-N92Q8 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 3DZE-KD4K-AT802 code that you gave me. ama try it but after i finish throwing out the trash and watch the Simpsons. lol ------ EDIT: It did interfered. so i save it with codes on but am atry it with the 9-drive, and Mickey, and the one u gave me. ------------ EDIT: Ok i killed the lords but now i'm stuck i nthe white screen after the battle... welp, @ leats it worked. Oh. for some reason, that also brought the REAL Mickey to help me but it kinda messed my game because i couldnt do the limit. and also the drive meter was already full and cuz i kept using Pearl, some of my MP was gone :-(
"Press R2 to teach Mickey Auto-Valor" 8JT2-5DHZ-N92Q8 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT 3DZE-KD4K-AT802
I can even go to the pause menu @ all... yup, i mean the music tunes down and it seems that it will show the scene but it doesnt. and then sometimes, it ill only let me listen to the dound but not the video... yup yup... and the one dude with the full party trouble... you are a freaking code handler... if you cnt use the code, then fix it! and move on. unlike me, you have knowledge of codes much more advanced than me so stop your mitching and get over it. :) (sorry ppl, but i just had to say it, and yeah sorry mods!:D)
welp, in that case.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Homes! i'm 1st! give me a working code cuz the ones you give me make the game freeze when the cutscene is jsut about to come up. the Auto-valor works (havent tried driving tho) the mickey, 9-drive cowrks but dats it. whats up?
I beat the Agrabah bosses and then i went to the Pride Lands. the king stay back because i have kitty Sora... EVILMAN, WHERE ARE YOU? j/k. lol but seriously, i need a working code. and yeah i solved my problems, turns out that my M.C. had a corrupt file and my code were lost. but then i connected it to the internet and i only got the official codes and not the "cool" codes.