Spoiler I have no problem with this... Yugi... I've set it up... kindly knock them down...
Spoiler Yes, I'm negating... Discarding: ...and since you played Raigeki, of all things, I think I'll chain this to my second effect... Targetting: Letting me draw 2 cards! *Hand 3* *OOC: You mad? lol*
Things so far look good for geargias, *my new deck for a while now lol*
No response to the soul release, as that was the last play I saw...[DOUBLEPOST=1346540448][/DOUBLEPOST] Correction. He is a lucksack, also bad, which surprises me as to how he got to that table...
*looks at table list* Funny thing is, a couple of the guys at those tables go to my locals... The guy at table 1 with Synchrocentric is a massive lucksack, though I haven't been able to prove he stacks...
Spoiler Your field is one face-down and Invader of Darkness in attack mode. We share fields in this game with our partners, so Yugi will be playing with my field as a start.
All right... so your hand is at 5, and you have one face-down... are you playing anything else?
Spoiler I could, but at that point, the game would be completely unfair, what with Yugi getting four face-downs and a blade blaster with 5 cards in hand against 1 face-down... Continue.
I'm going to make three points here... 1) The rules did say anime exclusives allowed. 2) It's not exactly an exclusive effect: 3) YOU are the one that gave me +4 cards to hand with your spells...
Spoiler You're getting ahead of yourself... I activate the effect of Tech Genus Blade Gunner! Discarding: To negate both of your Miracle Contact spells! You were saying?
Spoiler Indeed I do. Discard: Giving me two more cards, in addition to the one I drew! *Hand 5*
Spoiler When you activate convert contact, I activate the effect of my Wonder Magician! Tuning it with my level 5 Hyper Librarian! Clear Mind! Limiter Removal Level 10! Main Bass Booster Control! All Clear! Infinite Power, unleashed here and now, break through this very dimension and beyond! Go! Accel Synchro! Come on, Tech Genus Blade Gunner! 1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters You can Synchro Summon this card during your opponent's turn. You can discard 1 card to negate the activation of an opponent's Spell/Trap Card, and destroy it. During your opponent's turn, you can remove this face-up card from play. If this card is removed from play this way, it is returned to your side of the field during the End Phase. When a Spell/Trap Card you control targets this card, you can halve this card's original ATK and DEF. When this card is destroyed, you can draw 1 card and Special Summon the monsters used in its Synchro Summon if they are in your Graveyard. I discard: Allowing me another 2 cards! *Hand 3*
No. It must be each of ours based on where we are... it says where I live on mine...
Spoiler Not yet. Continue.
Spoiler All right then... I shall do what I must... I activate the effect of Glow-Up Bulb! Milling: To special summon it from my graveyard! Now, I tune my level 1 Glow-Up Bulb to my level 3 Card Trooper and level 1 Fluff Token! Limit release, Level 5! Booster launch, OK! In-creation, OK! Ground support, all clear! Go! Synchro Summon! Come on! Tech Genus Wonder Magician! Now, by the effect of my librarian, I too get to draw a card! *Hand 5* I'll set four cards face-down... *End Phase* That's all for my turn... *Hand 1* Field: *OOC: See? This is exactly why such a card is stupid... once played, you either continue and give them plusses you can never come back from, or you just waste your field position and lose anyways...*
Spoiler All right then... I'll activate the effect of the spore in my graveyard! Banishing: To special summon it as a level 4 monster! Now, I tune my level 4 Spore to my level 1 Fluff Token! Limiter Removal, Level Five! Regulator Open! Thruster Warm up, OK! Up Link All Clear! Go! Synchro Summon! Come on! Tech Genus Hyper Librarian! Any response?
All right, now I'll summon Card Trooper! And I shall activate it's effect! Milling for cost: Response? *OOC: This is also why I hate hand-traps, have to ask even with no back-row...*
Spoiler All right... I'll activate the spell card Charge of the Light Brigade! Milling: To search: Because I milled Dandylion, I special summon 2 fluff tokens in defence mode! Then I activate Graceful Charity! Drawing 3, then discarding: Anything in response?
Spoiler *Standby Phase* Well, you get your other four cards... *Main Phase 1* I think I'll start this off by playing the spell card Night Beam! Targeting one of your face-downs! Chain? *OOC: Yes, it's a useful defence, but at three it shuts down the deck for three turns... and in an arena like this, that means death...*
Spoiler All right, I guess it's my turn then... I draw! *Hand 6* *Standby Phase* Anything to play? *OOC: Might I ask you hit Maxx C or something? In an arena like this, it's so broken as to make Synchro decks completely unplayable...*