1. Back in the day, bought a Starter Deck: Yugi, only played a couple times with a couple people I knew 2. Morphtronics. A friend gave me a bunch of the monsters (unwanted commons into win deck), and I just built it from there into a synchro deck. 3. Jack Atlas, need I say more? 4. Red Dragon Archfiend. I don't know why, but every time I manage to summon this card, I end up winning the duel with it, regardless of what happened. Also win monster is win. 5. Aggro. Regardless of the original purpose of the deck, I build it to swarm the field and overwhelm an opponent before they're ready. 6. Anime: Antinomy / Pro: How should I know? Never been to a YCS/Nats though I wish I could...
I am requesting a chance to test principles in data manipulation and confirm combat data in a simulation... (For those of you who cannot speak Yuki: She's asking for a duel...)
Randomness: I actually thought up a conversion list for a Haruhi/5Ds crossover: Yusei: Kyon Jack: Haruhi Aki: Mikuru Leo: Tsuruya Luna: Kimidori Crow: Itsuki Bruno/Antinomy: Yuki Primo: Ryoko *All I've got so far*
I have read the rules of the primitive data transmission combat simulation known as "Duel Monsters", and I am prepared to accept a challenge if given...[DOUBLEPOST=1347139523][/DOUBLEPOST] The duels we had. If you were bad at the game (trust me, I've seen them) Then you would be making misplays left and right, which I haven't seen from you in actual duels.
Yeah, that's part of it. But also because I've seen that you are quite capable of playing the decks you've been using...
You force me to use this again... Your words, they contradict what I've seen.
While it's true that heros get smashed if their spells get shut down, they're not completely doomed immediately. Most hero decks I've seen run a lot of backrow, meaning trap-heavy as well, so it's all really what you get that duel. Overall, I'd say mask change would be more of an add-on to bubble beat than it's own deck, at least to be run consistently, as long as you have extra deck space for the Acids, as they're easily the most useful of them.
*sighs at both sides of this debate* Silence all of you... @Fred/Brook You're not going to convince him by continuing this debate, so just let it drop... @Jaden I think you're looking for trolling where there is none... they're trying to tell you their opinions/ideas on a deck type, not just trying to piss you off...
However, that would simply be busted in Malefics, so they didn't do that.
Oh, you mean Superancient into three others and fishborg?
Not guaranteed for mine. Have to hit scopen, scopen, lantron off the three effects, unless you refer to in-arena...
lol depends what cards they are. Mine involves Morphtronic Celfon and Machine Duplication, but I have to get lucky on the effects.[DOUBLEPOST=1346966267][/DOUBLEPOST] If he's not up for it, I'll duel you random here...
Spoiler Simple. I like the pic toss-ins lol *Re-reads* Oh, that... Well, it seems to me that I always draw alot worse whenever I duel on DN, and can't top-deck to save my life most games. *Not saying I stack, just I usually draw better with my own deck*
Personally, I'd like to random duel someone on here: Get to use my own deck, and without DN crappy draw system... Besides, I get to use these with it:
Yeah, that's kind of an awesome team-up lol
This is why all my custom cards are either monsters or rather generic spell/traps with easy to understand effects... don't believe me? http://s4.zetaboards.com/Yu_Gi_Oh_HQ/topic/9477718/1/
Spoiler Two things... 1: I don't think you understood my concern. When I said a card, no matter what the effect, should NEVER be allowed to activate from deck, I meant that... 2: Also, it's over. Even if you had those, you nerfed them to the point where you couldn't use them... You didn't have 2 dark monsters to tribute when he activated debunk. Then you would have 0 cards in hand, so you couldn't play it or pay the other card's cost. Even if you could have, you wouldn't have 5 attack position monsters to meet the other card's activation conditions...
Spoiler It was certainly an interesting duel, Yugi. I hope we have the chance to duel in the future, but for now, I cannot... *OOC: Personally though, I'd have revived the Disk Commander to tribute, giving 2 extra cards. Also, @Lyris: Those customs you were making up on the spot were just silly, with conditions that were only for the immediate situation... No card should be able to activate from the deck, especially a trap card...*
0. After you put your hand up to five, you played soul release *4* Then vortex, discarding a card *2* Then Raigeki *1* Then hummingbird *0* Your hand is now at 1. *Fred's wrong.*