Spoiler Well, now you know better... See, parking in my space, that's like calling 1-800-COLLECT-AN-ASS-WHUPPIN, and no, that ain't no toll-free call, PAHT-NUH! *Props to anyone who knows what that's actually from*
*rolls up to the room* What in the hell happened here? I'm not here for, what, two days, maybe three, and ten kinds of drama and crap go down... *sigh* Well, at least it somewhat resolved itself. *Smashes into a parking space with Delta Eagle, knocking Yusei Go out of it as he didn't see it* Who in the hell parked in my space!?
http://i.imgur.com/2QpYf.png All right then, Jaden, I'll show you... This is the build of E-Heroes that I like. It's a slower, defensive deck, and wins because it keeps your card advantage and field presence as effective as possible. A friend of mine plays the build I based it on (mostly the same), and he topped a regional (got his WCQ invite with it) Also the sort of build most players at my locals use if they're playing HEROs (Bubble deck's good, but easier to get past because it's less defensive) (Before you ask, the Exterio + Dragon knight are there because I couldn't remember what else went in extra, plus you can super poly out of opponent Beast - Barkion lock *Derp Sams* as well as fuse with stardust + 1 Hero or one of their warriors for Dragon Knight)
*Sigh* That's it? You give up? Rather defeatist. As you said, you need to get back into it... Two or three misplays don't mean the end, they just mean you need to work on your play style. For example: When you dropped the E-Call, you should have searched Stratos, which would give you an extra 1800 monster + the same monster to hand... It doesn't mean give up, it means you have things to work on, as everyone who plays this game does. The day there is a perfect player against every deck imaginable is the day I give up on this game, because there's no one PERFECT at this game, though there are very, very good people...
That's right as well, though it's Karakuri Geargia, awesome deck is awesome.[DOUBLEPOST=1349662584][/DOUBLEPOST] Would you like me to help you? I've played meta heroes often enough to know how they work...
Yes. Wind-up XYZ spam is championship level deck, and Chaos Dragons are still doing well in tournaments despite getting hit.
Well, my experience in the meta shows me that these are the current meta decks: Chaos Dragons HEROs Wind-Ups Karakuri Geargias A bit late I know, but I just looked over the stuff, cut me a break... I've played against all of them *especially HEROs*, and I run two of these decks, *Take a guess as to which ones*
All in all, those are some pretty situational cards you're playing in that deck... LP: 0 Simulation complete. Result: Failure Requirements: Further research and design modifications
That's what I was about to ask. My plays were actually purely random... though either he sacked absurdly hard or isn't actually playing random...
Spoiler I run neither of the cards designated as "Hand Traps" Feel free to conduct your turn.
Spoiler LP: 5700 *End Phase* That ends my turn. *Hand 4* Field: Empty
I activate the effect of my Arcanite, removing a counter: ATK: 2400, to destroy your Utopia. Chain?
I banish: To fusion summon: When he's summoned, he gets 2 spell counters: ATK 3400 Chain to the summon?
The effect of my Overseer activates, chained by my Spirit-Shaper, which allows me to draw 3 cards, two for the overseer, one for the spirit-shaper when used as synchro-material for an "Archmage" Synchro monster. *Hand 5* Now, I activate the spell card Miracle Synchro Fusion. Chain?
Spoiler I will now tune my level 3 Spirit-Shaper to my level 2 Mind-Sifter... Connection level 5 confirmed... Data merge commencing... Synchro Summon... Archmage Overseer! Chain?
No. I searched the spell turn 1. Anyways. I special summon Archmage Mind-Sifter in defence mode. Now, I tune my level 4 Archmage Mind-Shaper to my level 1 Archmage summoner. Connection level 5 active, data merge commencing... Synchro summon, Tech Genus Hyper Librarian... Chain to summon?
More specific: Effect: Discarding the spell card for cost, targeting the other monster.
Spoiler I'll activate the effect of my spirit-shaper now, discarding: Targeting: Chain?
The effect special summons Archmage Spirit-Shaper in attack mode. Now, I summon Archmage Mind-Shaper. Activating it's effect... Chain?
I special summon monster unit Archmage Summoner. Which activates the monster effect of Archmage Summoner. Chain?