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  1. NemesisOmega

    No chain. You just used Halberd Cannon's effect for me.

    Feel free to continue.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. NemesisOmega
    All right, now I tune my level 1 Bulb to my level 1 Fluff Token! Limiter Removal Level Two! Regulator open! Navigation, All Clear! Go! Synchro Summon! Come on, Recipro Dragonfly!

    Now, neither you or I draws from the summon. I had planned to wait before this step, but now... here we go...

    I tune my level 5 Wonder Magician to my level 5 Hyper Librarian and level 2 Recipro Dragonfly! Limiter Removal Level MAX! Regulator open! All Clear! Infinite Power! Piercing through Time and Space, open to a World Unknown! Go! Delta Accel! Come on, Tech Genus Halberd Cannon!

    Now, I set 4 cards face-down!

    -End Phase-
    Turn end.

    *Hand 1 "Ryko from Charge"*

    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. NemesisOmega

    Ah, yes, but remember, Droll and Lock Bird only takes effect AFTER I draw, so I still get my card. *Hand 5* Also, Maxx "C" no longer gives you extra cards.

    Now, I activate the effect of Glow-Up Bulb in my graveyard!


    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. NemesisOmega

    All right then, I now tune my level 2 Plaguespreader to my level 3 Warwolf! Limit release, Level 5! Booster launch, OK! In-creation, OK! Ground support, all clear! Go! Synchro Summon! Come on! Tech Genus Wonder Magician!

    This activates the effect of my T.G. Hyper Librarian, which also allows me to draw a card!

    *OOC: This is the other thing I hate about hand-traps. As long as they have cards in hand, I have to ask after every. single. play.*[DOUBLEPOST=1401755925][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Not really what I meant. It's pretty symbolic of all the things I hate about this game: slow, defensive play that punishes initiative and fast play.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. NemesisOmega

    Challenge accepted! And with me, that's a challenge you'd rather not make!

    Now, I tune my level 3 Junk Synchron to my level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog! Limiter Removal, Level Five! Regulator Open! Thruster Warm up, OK! Up Link All Clear! Go! Synchro Summon! Come on! Tech Genus Hyper Librarian!

    I now return a card to the top of my deck, activating the effect of Plaguespreader Zombie!


    *OOC: You're making me have to do this, just so you know lol. I HATE Maxx "C" unquestioningly and deeply, especially in this kind of arena, as it's taken an advantage play that I would have ended on, and now makes me want to kill you with your own card...*
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. NemesisOmega

    We'll see, we'll see.

    Now, I activate the spell card Charge of the Light Brigade!

    Milling for Cost:
    [​IMG] View attachment 38650 [​IMG]

    to search out Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter!

    This activates the effect of Dandylion, special summoning 2 tokens to my side of the field!

    Once these tokens are summoned, I activate the effect of T.G. Warwolf in my hand!

    Special summoning it to my side of the field!

    After this, I activate the effect of Quillbolt Hedgehog in my graveyard! Since I control a tuner, I can special summon it!
    View attachment 38651

    any chain to the effect?
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. NemesisOmega

    All right then, let's get started!

    I activate the spell card Tuning!

    Allowing me to search my deck for Junk Synchron!

    Causing me to also have to mill 1 card:

    Now, I activate the spell card Graceful Charity!
    View attachment 38645

    By which I draw 3 cards, then discard:
    View attachment 38646 [​IMG]

    By the effect of which, I draw 2 further cards! *Hand 6*

    Now, I Normal Summon Junk Synchron!

    and activate its effect, targeting T.G. Striker in my graveyard!

    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. NemesisOmega

    Not bad, not bad... but we'll see how it goes...

    I activate my next card, Mystical Space Typhoon! Targeting your last face-down! *Hand now 4*

    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. NemesisOmega

    Really? If you think that affects me right now, then you clearly haven't duelled me before...

    *Main Phase 1*
    All right, I'll start things off with the Spell Card Night Beam!

    Targeting one of your face-downs!

    Any response?
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. NemesisOmega


    All right then, my turn! I draw! *Hand 6*

    *Standby Phase*
    Anything to activate?
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. NemesisOmega
    All right then, I shall accept this. Let's see what you can do, take your turn.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. NemesisOmega
    Anyone up for a game? Let me know, I'll be on either DN or Dev, whichever is better for you
    Post by: NemesisOmega, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. NemesisOmega
    Well now, this is certainly an interesting development...
    Post by: NemesisOmega, May 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. NemesisOmega
    I'm bored. Who's up for a duel? Name your terms and your method *here, devpro, DN, etc.*
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Mar 27, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. NemesisOmega
    It seems that you don't get what I was saying... the stats of 3200/2800 are OP on a single-tribute, since even double-tributes have negative side-effects to compensate for it. Also, it's the game mechanics that make it broken, since it specifically mentions that it negates the traps in hand when it's special summoned (not hard with call of the haunted x3), you have to check their hand to see what traps get hit, as well as checking every card in their backrow to see what's a trap and what isn't.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. NemesisOmega
    The first one is completely overpowered. A lvl 6 with 3200/2800 is completely overpowered statwise, since usually not even level 8s have stats that high, along with an effect to support, that's just overpowered, especially since negating all face-down and hand traps would require checking hand and face-downs to see what are traps and what aren't...

    Second one is the other extreme. A level 4 900/0 is pretty much useless, especially as a normal monster. Also, having two types would be an effect, not a second keyword.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jan 6, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. NemesisOmega
    Well, I don't know about that myself, as far as I see, light types are the best monsters in the game (Lightsworns, Hieratics, Agents, HONEST by itself)
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. NemesisOmega
    Random tidbit: This is my cosplay I'm working on at the moment:
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Dec 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. NemesisOmega
    Yeah, I went looking for a Yusei for a pic when I went, sadly I never found one.
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. NemesisOmega

    Sorry about being away a while, got myself a job and I've been rather busy. *Above is the costume I wore to Fan Expo in August, rather appropriate, don't you think?*
    Post by: NemesisOmega, Dec 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground