This phrase may be over used but be yourself. As for your friend's party, ask them why you didn't get invited. There may have been a problem and they were not able to invite you. So instead of saying something to you about it and telling you they can't come may be because they didn't want to feel left out. (but i guess in the end you actually do) True friends will with you no matter who you are... I hope this helps.
what made you think of a name call bedip?
What other cherry flavored thing are there that are actually good?
Why you sorry?
Goods How are you
I'm not able to PM you...
I don't want to be perverted! :cryinganime:
It's only because its a game. I don't like it when it's real life. (sorry if your gay)
My pic are of KH! I feel sorry for larxene.
NO!! I'm just a fan girl!
it feels so wrong!
kay how's this?
Like this?
What is it from? Also is there a way for the site to tell me when you post something new in the group?
Thanks, but what about the top? Is it solid blue?
Wow! I secretly like Yaoi. I don't tell my friends though.
What all yoai couples are there? I know Axel and Roxas but who else? Demyx seems to belong to everybody.
Me and my friends are going to cosplay the organization and we need weapons. I was wondering what does the back of Demyx's sitar look like. Some people leave it blue, others put a crown thing on the back. Is there any proof that that is right?
I'll have to try it someday
Is Diet cherry coke good? I haven't tried it because its diet and cherry.