これは楽しいです [This is fun]
I've been really busy with school and have not been able to work on the book... I'm sorry.
I'm working on Flash CS4 and was wondering what sites are good for flash game development. I use both AS2 and AS3. I was using Flash Game Tuts, but none of their tutorials seem to work for me.
Im going to metro-con? are you?
little by little, you should tell people. Your friends would help you if you would just tell them. They are your friends after all and if they helped you through so much already then they could help you know. As for your parents... There is not much advice I can give you. If you tell your teachers that you have slight family problems they might help you. Tell them the whole story... You just need to tell people. And know that you have friends and other people that are there for you.
So.... we're not going to delete the group?
Do you know how many cards Luxord has... I think five but i'm not sure.
I'm board now... Do you know what symbol is on Zexion's book... Can't find a good picture for cosplaying
Hello. Hope we can be good friends!
so when is this going to get deleted? cause if we keep talking i have a feeling it won't.
k, it was fun while it lasted
but why delete the group? can't you delete the threads and start new ones with out deleting the group?
kay. so why delete the group?
I can tell.. maybe you should create another group.. You two are my friends so I'll join just because of that.
kay that makes since, but what about the others? and can't we do other things that aren't gay?
Why? do the people not like it?
That don't bother me. I just don't like it when people think im perverted.
so your name is marissa?
Why are you sorry about them?