Hey, everybody! Did anyone order pizza from Domino's? We did and we requested that our pizza box should have a unicorn and a rainbow on it... But it doesn't. Did anyone get that pizza?
You started the group and your second in command so its your job
thats your job
wesa gonnas make cokkies toomarrows
I'LL HELP YOU! (I feel the same way)
How will we get more memberies
kassa isa wannas cookie
Floccinaucinihilipilification...You just got nined
whattas btw
kaysa wattas we gonnas do tomorrows
Yousa gonna bringsa seea salt eyequeam?
Isa cannanots waits tills tomarrowesa!
We need more people in our group...
Hello!!!! PUPPY!!!
Puppy!!!! I'm bored!!!-DEMYX
I kind of felt that way about birth by sleep. It seemed like I just went through the worlds and the only storyline was in between worlds...But now that I think about it, the worlds in birth by sleep are actually important.
Thanks! I'm planing to go to Metro-con and cosplaying as Demyx.
Are yous my Puppy? - Demyx
I know a little! But I can't really read it yet.