It's not really something that you explain. It's a clothes line called Lolita. The most popular one is Gothic Lolita. Gothic Lolita is basically really rocker like clothes but in dress form with a lot of frills. It's supposed to be cute too... It's difficult to explain or talk about D:
I personally met my boyfriend on PS3 and we've been happily going out for almost 3 years now... So I know for a fact that it DOES work out. Sure you can have some trust issues here and there but that's every relationship out there. I personally really enjoy it. I guess it depends on the person that has the relationship though. Some people might not enjoy it but I really do.
Yeah. I really despise when people do these kinds of things... It really bothers me... I also hate when people are like I can speak Japanese look!! " Insert steriotypical rant that isn't even close to how beautiful the language really is."
*Hails down to* Awww :( Really!?!? I love going fast though ;-;
*Is adorable* .__.' lol
Thankies! :) Don't worry i'm good with following rules... lol and being eaten sounds painful so i'll avoid it! ;) Thank you I will enjoy it! :)
That's what i'm told o.o I don't believe it either <.<' lol
I don't know the exact details but I know my Great Grandpa was a Navy S.E.A.L Commander... like he commanded his own ship...
Don't worry it's fine i'm with you 100% it's just that most people don't know or care about manga... <.<' and i'm the same way if someone says like an anime name wrong or they say that Chinese people and Japanese people are the same... -.-'
It just proves more of PS3's Awesomeness and superiority to the 360! >=O lol :P well yeah... I'm still surprised xbox still needs extra downloads....
Something similar happened behind my house when I was in 6th grade I think... we all heard a gun shot and we ran down the block and saw an old man that had killed himself because of an argument with his son...
I really... REALLY Despise when people walk slowly in front of you in a big group down stairs of between classes and it's impossible to get past them without shoving them out of the way which i'm too nice to do that in the first place. Plus, i'm scared of getting stabbed by someone ._. lol The thing is though that the drawing style is the same :o that's why most people just say anime lol...
I personally would LOVE to wear Lolita every day. BUUUUT it's super expensive ._.' BUUUUUUUT So adorable! ^.^ I hope you can pull through with the whole wardrobe.
Aww thank you! :) Don't worry about me breaking rules. It's all very simple rules to follow.
I already explained most in class but let me do it again 1. Even if Kairi wasn't in the story Sora and Riku were still Keyblade wielders therefore they WOULD want to save worlds n discover them! x.x 2. Malificent and all the other people on the dark side would have split up Sora and Riku either way and Riku would have been convinced to go against Sora either way. 3. Sora has too many damn Heart within him so either way they'd be born they'd just look different lol 4.They woulda found someone else to mess up his memory e.e I personally think Kairi is important but it's just something to think about... How would the story change if Kairi wasn't there o.o' and would people act differently? Would Sora be the one to be consumed by the darkness? o.o Because isn't Riku the original Kingdom Key wielder? =o lol let me stop i'm confusing myself e.e' lol
I can't wait for BF3! I have to start saving a couple $ even though it comes out tomorrow e.e' lol I'll be playing it for PS3 =o
x.x lol.... I can't put it... I have no clue... I'm such a noob to this site... xD
Aww thanks you guys! :D I really hope to get to know a lot of you! You guys really seem cool :P I normally would respond individually but there are so many replies already that it's become a hassle... e.e' I wish I would have been online to respond to each once they were posted xD Everyone thinks of me as adorable... e.e just ask Cat yourself... So your presumption was correct :) lol
That was a biiiiiiiiiit creepy... e.e lol
Soo......... What's up Bronies? [This is Cat<3 Sora trolling her (we're on two adjacent computers now X3) and I brought her in. Treat her nice now OR I KEELZ CHU!~] Back to me.... Keel Hauling is a bit too much but okay Cat lol... I know I be a noob right now I really don't mind the noob callingness lol. Well yeah Hai guys =o Just call me May. I'm a pretty cool girl unless you piss me off to the point of no return e.e' lol but that's really rare so yeah xP