Dx idk how I'm being adorable so how can I stop? Dx
Yeah it is lol I was just scrolling through and I was like OMG MUST WATCH THE REST NAO! lol
It's just like being stranded on an island alone and talking to object because you are that lonely. It's like in I am Legend how Will Smith's character starts talking to the mannequin in the one store after his dog died. It's equally un-healthy and all leads to being alone and looking for anything.
Also the fact that it's an attachment and it most likely isn't healthy at all.
*explodes* Dx I have no clue how Dx
I'm sorry this is so random but you're the reason why I finished up to the latest Ao No Exorcist episode about 2 days ago <.<' lol
I'm not being cruel in any way if it WAS real then why wasn't it shown for thousands of years? gays have been around for thousands and everyone knows that even though they weren't accepted it has been known about how come not even 5 years ago did this appear into light? It makes NO sense to me at all. If it were real and legitimate there would have been at least a few sightings over the years. I blame how humans are now super possessive of items like Celestia stated it's a type of hoarding or wrongful attachment if you guys fail to see how they are similar you should really think more similarities than just for the sake of human rights. Not to offend you but seriously you're getting so worked up about me trying to figure things out scientifically and mentally. I didn't at any moment say I was against it or disliked it I was just confused at how it's even physically or mentally possible and me and celestia are using our Knowledge from other symptoms of mental problems that can be really serious and dangerous to someones health.
Okies :D lol :P I'll make sure to do that some time soon e.e
A good example of bad attention that the person enjoys is bullying. Bullies enjoy the bad attention they get so it might be the same case where they just want attention period whether it is bad or not. I just don't see a relationship with an object like a true boyfriend/girlfriend, girlfriend/girlfriend, or boyfriend/boyfriend relationship with an object or place is possible at all... There was no such thing recorded about it for years so why would it appear out of nowhere and be fact? Most people nowadays value objects and money more so probably that's where it all started. It could all me a mental confusion depending what environment you live in. Unlike this homosexuality and transsexuals have been around since humans began roaming the earth.
I don't mean to offend you or anyone but you can't deny that I have pretty good facts... and Scientist have PROVEN that being gay is a certain part of your brain and in genetics so I believe in it. Until they say that they found something actually in the brain with objects then i'm sorry but I don't believe it and think it's all just for attention. Like Celestia said I honestly think it's just attachments to objects but they have no idea what REAL love feels like. Such as maybe form being picked on as a child and not having felt love or heart break before so they THINK it is love... How can you know it's love unless you feel the heart break...? They say that they feel upset when something happens to the object but that's just being ATTACHED to an object such as a stuffed animal or a blanket that you've had all of your life or a place that you used to pass by as a kid and you feel sad that it isn't there anymore like your favorite park... I'm not really judging i'm just using logical sense. We ALL know inanimate objects are inanimate for a reason... They can't move, speak, feel, hear,or have any organs so how can they possibly speak?
Demyx because who could go against his adorable cuteness with his guitar and such ;-; I luffdeded him! T.T
I guess? O.o' lol
I know they exist.... I myself have noticed them... Me and my mother aren't attached but I every day am fine with it and I live with my dad and we ignore each other. I'd go into detail but I'd rather not bore you with the story. She just down right is Female dog that rhymes with witch. She kicked me and my sis out of the house to "live her life." that should be enough. Up until maybe 2 months ago it never got to me I was like w/e I'm living my life happily :D and then one random day I just thought and realized stuff and just broke down one day. It was terrible especially since it was in school and because no one has ever seen me cry because i'm the tough girl that hates crying so it was really embarrassing and it was terrible... :[ so yeah. It really is possible and true...
I really don't believe that it is possible to feel that way with something that doesn't move, can't move and we KNOW doesn't have life or a soul or can speak... I think it's all just for attention... People when they put something into their head they believe it is real and start believing it just as an actor and his or her role in whatever play or movie. Sometimes even at their own homes with family members good actors stay in role even after the film is done producing. It's just like in the crucible.... The group of girls all were all pretending to have seen the spirits of people in their dreams to not be punished or hung and one of them fainted while in the group. But as she was in court testifying the judge asked for her to faint at that time but said she simply couldn't because she wasn't in character or the situation to faint. She had also said that she thought she saw spirits and the devil but it was all imagination and fear put all together. I went too much into it but I seriously think it's a hoax to get attention. Like I said though, once you are acting through it it becomes a reality in your head and you believe it is true and in the end it's all a mind game.
I honestly my self don't really approve of it because in my opinion i'm not sure if I can say this but I will anyways since it's scientific terms >.<' the Penis is meant to go in a vagina. Is that too much Forum? ._.'' not sure! again if anything feel free to delete my posts mods! I don't want any trouble ._.' Also, if you really are homosexual go ahead and have your girlfriend/boyfriend and keep me out of your business. Also for the love of god please don't kiss in public places... I don't like when heterosexual people do it so why do it in public.... now THAT is when I become a homophobe... It's just too much for my poor innocent eyes even for different sex couples! >.<'' I myself have a lot of homosexual friends and I love them they are amazing people! :D But we never talk about things that happen behind closed doors and I like it that way lol. One thing I really don't like though is the homosexual people that get mad and very defensive over little things like sometimes I call people "******s" playing around with straight people and then I don't even know them and they start yelling and me like they want to kill me and start bringing up people that committed suicide from being called gay... now that's a bit too much... Most get too overly defensive about it but I guess it is their own opinion and it's something that stays with them from past bullying.
Can someone please Draw a really cute Rainbow Dash picture of her either sleeping on a cloud or flying? >.<' if not get a gif of her fly >.<' Please and thank you very much! I'm not too great with drawing nor creating gifs :[
When a team is better than you in a game and they just mess with you and use you as "practice" and then score the Mercy rule on you the last 5 min into the game... I really hate that so much... It's like we understand you're good just win and don't torture us -.-'
Hai there fellow noobie! :D With our noobie powers combined we shall defeat all who are against us!! First we must defeat a few Heartless and Nobodies to level up though...
The thing is though that Utada Hikaru already said that if there WAS a third game that she wouldn't be singing the song or creating it for that matter. Strange I know... I remember this soon after KH2 came out so i'm not sure if my information is still correct or not... So no one freak out! >.<'' She could have changed her mind! But yeah Simple and Clean and Sanctuary are pretty old and over-used if you asked me -.-' even though they ARE AMAZING songs they're just too over used... :[
In my opinion you said it yourself. You have to meet each other and talk and create a friendship before anything. Sure you could have a physical attraction but I don't believe that one day you will meet someone and you both will fall in love with each other by just eye sight...