Oh god ._.'
Only NATURAL drugs are needed such as pain killing drugs which are all found in plants until they are sent to factories and get a bunch of chemicals put into them so you get addicted to them and so that they are bad for you such as Cigarets Tobacco is fine until a bunch of chemicals are put in the mix...
Yeah I know I was saying that I saw that episode before the show was canceled and I didn't believe a word that came out of that Eiffel lady's mouth. But you don't get it Dx I'm not saying IT IS bad for them; no one really exactly knows yet I'm just saying what I think about it hence the point of this topic and me personally I think it's unhealthy. I'm not being immature at all either. I'm thinking logically to find the answers. If it IS an actually sexuality that is normal and is genetic then okay I really don't care but if it's bad for the person isn't it better to have them healthy than have something actually wrong with them? because then it isn't a sexuality if it's chosen and it shouldn't be something that a civil rights activist gets upset about and instead actually worries about the person.
I believe over time like in other cases the earth tries to rebuild itself by creating a disease or a sickness to kill off people to correct itself. Soon it will happen again. Another Black Plague of the sort will appear and then will disappear out of nowhere. The fact that there are more people on the earth and the more interactive as a whole nowadays, more people will be killed off and it will be difficult to survive. Therefore people DO have to die. It's just nature just as we kill animals such as mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees, alligators, dangerous dogs, etc for our safety the earth will kill us off for its own safety. In the end the Earth is above everyone in power.
Welcome back! :D Even though I don't have a clue who you are but :D lol
I already saw the tyra banks show about 2 years ago before the show ended... the thing with her and the way she ACTS I don't believe anything she says and the way she is she just seems like she IS doing it for publicity... I can tell when someone is a liar or is acting very easily and she gives off strange vibes like she's a computer and studied to have something to reply to the questions so it makes it sound real... ALSO This just adds on to it being a kind of hoarding and kind of attachment as the researcher was saying that it's like a kid with a toy and that leads me back to in this society how people think that objects are more important than family n stuff... <_< ALSO they said they DO NOT know if it is something your born with so even more proof that it happens later on in life.... and I think it's mostly things that you're most comfortable with that give you good memories that people get that whole attachment to... I have that with my own blanket that iv'e had my whole life but I don't think of it as a partner at all I think they are just raising the level a bit much and are just generically confused. Yes people I still have my blanket and have cried over it even till this day when I can't find it and It's an addiction to an object that isn't good at all but it makes me happy and calm so I don't stop the addiction or even attempt to.
Thankyou! :)
omg.... did it send that many times? .___.'''''
;-; okay...
Okay I will! Tell me when the next rainy day is scheduled. e.e
Awww yes! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :) basically what cat said lol. :)
I never said it was a mental ILLNESS just a confusion since in society nowadays objects are more important to most than friendship, family, or a lover... and they haven't tested anything with the brain because then people would just get offended and they wouldn't go along with studies and they would say that they are insulting them. That's why they haven't treated it as anything of the sort since people are more open to human rights in today's age. I haven't seen any post that proves that it is a sexuality at all... I just don't see it... for thousands of years why did this "Sexuality" come out of nowhere and become so well known?
Yeah i'm also fine with holding hands even though it does seem a little odd to my eyes and a pop kiss and cute things like hugging or kissing on the cheek or forehead n cute stuffs like that :3 lol but once it gets to eating of the face or touching any part of the body sexually then that's not okay with me not with gay OR straight people ._.' lol. Also I know it's not only with the gay community but for now we're just talking about them so I just wanted to add that into there :) They are usually really kind though and are super funny so I love them! x3 lol
Not proven a sexuality unless proven to be a sexuality from years of research. <.<' my point is unless someone does a big research and finally concludes something I won't believe it because we honestly don't have enough knowledge to conclude just yet. That's why I'm going towards it probably is unhealthy.
I wonder when they are going to make more episodes! x_x'
I bet I can! D:<
and quote "Stop be adorable." <_<' lol
but... you just finished telling me to stop.... ._.''''